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Master of DonNTU Svyatetskii Sergey Nikolayevich
Sergey Svyatetskii

Faculty: mechanical

Sub-faculty: metallurgical equipment

Speciality: the metallurgical equipment


Theme of master's work: "Research of an efficient condition of bearing supports in the electric motor of a bottom roll of stand 950 in blooming shop of Joint-Stock Company MMZ                                                    "Istil-Ukraine""

The research supervisor: the senior lecturer, candidate of technical science Sidorov V.

The creative biography

About myself:

      The average score during studying at university is 4,4. I speak Russian, Ukrainian, English (technical terms). I have an operational experience having worked as a mechanic and operation manager, took part in workings out and designing. I am an operator of MS Office, Photoshop, Mathcad, Compas, WinMechine. I have a great interest in sports, reading of the publicity literature and listening to music.

The childhood:

      I was born on March, 8th, 1986 in Gorlovka Donetsk district. My parents, Mother - Lyudmila Svyatetska and father – Nicolay Svyatetskii are pensioners now, sister Inna Boyko has her own family. I got skills of drawing, reading, learned the alphabet and elements of mathematical account in the kindergarten "Dandelion".


      I went to school when I was 7. The FIRST CALL and the FIRST CLASS of comprehensive school of I-III steps ¹42. I studied well at school, but not perfectly. Algebra, geometry, physics, history, biology, the Russian and Ukrainian literature were favorite subjects. I took active participation in a school life: including sports competitions, and contests on mathematics. I finished school and decided to enter higher educational institution, "Gorlovsky machine-building college".

University and plans for the future:

      Having finished machine-building college I entered DonNTU on mechanical faculty on a specialty "Metallurgical equipment" to the 3rd course. All around became new at once. The new groupmates, more professional teachers, post-graduate students, professors. All these people are connected with the industrial enterprises, factories. It’s unreal to describe everything what happened during 3 years at the university. You see, there have been pleasures and disappointments, small and big victories. Studying has taken a special place in my activity. I was very interested in the subject of "Elements of machines", and "the mechanical equipment of metal works" and industrial problems of Ukraine. I started doing master's degree course when I had received bachelor’s degree. A theme of my master work is: "Research of an efficient condition of bearing supports in the electric motor of a bottom roll of stand 950 in blooming shop of Joint-Stock Company MMZ "Istil-Ukraine"", under the guidance of the known and deserved diagnostician of Ukraine, Sidorov V.. A's Cand.Tech.Sci.

      In future I plan to learn English and German. I also want to receing the diploma on a specialty "Economy of the enterprise". But my main purpose is to defend successfully my master's degree work.

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