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Master of DonNTU Svyatetskii Sergey Nikolayevich
Sergey Svyatetskii

Faculty: Mechanikal

Sub-faculty: Metallurgical equipment

Speciality: The Metallurgical equipment


Theme of master's work: "Research of an efficient condition of bearing supports in the electric motor of a bottom roll of stand 950 in blooming shop of Joint-Stock Company MMZ                                                                     "Istil-Ukraine""

The research supervisor:the senior lecturer, candidate of technical science Sidorov V.




      Rolling manufacture is a final stage of metallurgical manufacture. The initial stage of rolling manufacture is done on the stands.
      Rolling is a process of deformation of metal between two or several rotating rollers. Depending on appointment (i.e. from a type of end production) rolling mills can be divided into several groups.
      To rotate the working body, that is rolls, the electric drive of very high power (2.7*2 = 5.4 МВт) or low-speed electric motors of unique manufacturing is used.
      The electric motor is intended to drive the bottom roll of stand 950/900 in blooming shops. It is the main, unique part of the stand. Its uniqueness is in large dimensions of an electric motor, weight, cost, problematical character of spare parts purchase and its installation. If an electric motor breaks down the shop stops working.

Fig. 1

Figure 1 - The Scheme of a drive of the bottom roller 950

      Relevance: the Decision of the problem put in the given paper that is the definition of the reason of failure of an electric motor of rotor of a drive of the bottom roller in cage 950, stand 950/900, is an extremely important industrial problem as the motor itself is unique. Therefore the motor breakage leads to long down time of a shop; large losses and, as a consequence, considerable expenses for restoration of working capacity of the equipment. In this connection it is very important to analyse carefully the given cases of malfunctions to exclude possibility of repetition of such failures on it and other rolling mills.
      Operation of such electric motors should provide long, and what is the most important thing serviceable term of work throughout 30-40 years. To achieve it timely restoration and maintenance of an efficient condition of the equipment is necessary.


      Among industrial machinery there is a separate class - the metallurgical equipment , having the following features: considerable weights, manufacturing errors, the big dynamic loadings and instability of proceeding processes.
      Research of an efficient status of bearing support of the electric motor of a drive in the bottom roll 950 is done on the same principles of construction of a diagnostic model, as the equipment in whole. However the rationing methods of vibration parameters are necessary to select optimising expenses for devices and diagnostics.


      In works [1 - 5] measurement of the general level of vibration, measurement of parameters of a vibrating signal, the spectral analysis of a vibrating signal were investigated most completely.
      Measurement of the general level of vibration [6] allows to define a category of a technical condition of the equipment, using methods of mutual, relative or absolute comparison. Measurement of parameters of a vibrating signal [7] (a shock impulse, the peak-factor, vibration acceleration curve) is used to estimate technical status of bearing units of equipment. The spectral analysis of a vibrating signal helps to reveal, identify the damages and give the possibility to analyses tendencies damage development since the earliest stage. The analysis of time realizations is used rather seldom, allowing to judge stability of proceeding processes in the mechanism [9].


      The purpose of master’s degree paper is the research of an efficient status of bearing support of the electric motor of a drive in the bottom roll in the stand of 950 blooming shops of Joint-Stock Company MMZ "Istil-Ukraine" (a choice of diagnostic parameter, processing of a time signal in diagnosing systems, working out of an analysis algorithm of time charts of a vibrating signal).
      The object in view is reached by the decision of following problems:
1. Object studying.
2. To make the dictionary of malfunctions.
3. A choice of diagnostic parameters.
4. The analysis of vibrating signals arising in system.
5. Definition of a solving rule.
6. A choice of repair influences.


      In this paper the following problems are considered: technology of rolling in stand 950; the rolling shop equipment; a design of the motor drive; vibrating inspections of bearing support in the motor drive of stand 950 are given; methods of diagnosing of a technical status of a engine of a drive of a stand 950 are offered. Calculations are made: pressure arising in a rotor shaft, at the maximum working loading; capacities of the motor; calculation of bearings sliding, chosen bearing material is etc.
      According to charts of vibrating acceleration schedules of dependence of amplitude of fluctuations vibrating acceleration on time in various points electric motor of a stand 950 are constructed.
      The results received during research of an efficient status at present are not enough for statement of the authentic diagnosis about a technical condition of the mechanism. More detailed research and descriptions of charts of vibrating acceleration and dependence schedules will be made in further to master’s work.


      1. Серенсен С. В., Когаев В.П., Шнейдерович Р.М. Несущая способность и расчёт деталей машин на прочность. Руководство и справочное пособие. – М.: Машиностроение, 1975. - 488 с.
      2. Королёв А.А. Конструкция и расчёт машин и механизмов прокатных станов: Учеб. пособие для вузов. - 2-е изд. - М.: Металлургия, 1985. - 376 с.
      3. Гребенник В.М., Цапко В.К. Надёжность металлургического оборудования. Справочник. – М.: Металлургия, 1989. - 520 с.
      4. Когаев В.П., Махутов Н.А., Гусенков А.П. Расчёты деталей машин и конструкций на прочность и долговечность: Справочник. – М.: Машиностроение, 1985. - 224 с.
      5. Техническая диагностика механического оборудования. Сидоров В.А., Кравченко В.М., Седуш В.Я. и др. – Донецк: Новый мир, 2003. – 125 с.
      6. Определение допустимых вибраций редукторов металлургических машин. Седуш В.Я., Сидоров В.А., Ошовская Е.В.
      7. Анализ состояния прокатного оборудования по параметрам вибрации. Сидоров В.А., Крахт В.Б., Сопилкин Г.В.
      8. Сотников А. Л. Обоснование возможностей спектрального анализа вибрации при распознавании технического состояния металлургического оборудования с целью подготовки данных для стандарта для распознавания неисправностей узлов и деталей.
      9. Контроль технического состояния металлургических машин по виброакустическим параметрам. Седуш В.Я., Сидоров В.А., Ошовская Е.В.
      10.Особенности проявления и выявления поломок металлургических машин. Сидоров В.А., Ошовская Е.В.
      11. Определение рационального времени дтагностирования. Сидоров В. А., Ошовская Е.В., Ченцов Н.А., Проскуряков С.В.

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