Master of DNTU Gorobets Nickolay

Gorobets Nickolay

Department: Department: Electrotechnical

Chair: Electrical Drive and Automatization of Production Facilities

Subject of master's thesis: Research of moderns servo-motors en base of motor synchronous motor with permanent magnet

Research manager: Tolochko Olga

Technical consultant: Rozkarayka Pavel

About myself

      Sociable, ambitious, purposeful, leader.

      During education the average estimation is 4,65.I speak Russian and Ukrainian languages, fluently for dialogue, readings and correspondences know English and French.

      At present at the same time I study in computer academy " STEP" a specialty « Development of the software », work in research-and-production firm «MIDIEL M.E.» as the engineer - designer.

      I have an experience of work with the following programming languages and software packages:

  • Ñ/Ñ++;
  • Visual C++ è MFC;
  • C#;
  • Java;
  • PHP;
  • SQL;
  • Adobe Photoshop, Image Ready;
  • XHTML;
  • XML;
  • Java Script;
  • Flash;
  • MathCAD;
  • MATLAB, Simulink;
  • AutoCAD;
  • Kompas 3D;
  • MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, Visio;
  • Programming languages of industrial controllers of firms Siemens, ABB, Schneider Electric, Control Technique.


      I was born on February, 22 1986 in the settlement of Donskoye, region of Donetsk

      Family: father - Gorobets Michael Ivanovich, mother - Radchenko Tatyana Nikolaevna, elder brother - Gorobets Andrey Mihajlovich.

      Till 5 years my grandmother was engaged in my education. At five years I began to visit kindergarten where from the first day I have made friends, with the majority of whom now I support friendly relation.

      On September, 1 1993 I went to the secondary school. At school studied well and practically every year finished it with distinction. My favorite’s subjects were physics, chemistry and mathematics on which repeatedly I won the first place at school and regional competition.

      At 1998 the first computer was bought to me and since then I have started to be fond of programming, have independently mastered languages Pascal and Basic.

      In the childhood I began to be fond of modeling. With the consent of parents, I houses have equipped a small workshop and began to make models of automobiles, ships, planes, the last from my models were radio-controlled.

      Attending school, I began to visit children's collective radio station (callsing - UT3IWW and the head of which is my father (callsing - US3IG)). Sometimes it was possible to contact with foreigners.

      I left school in 2004 with a gold medal. I decided to study at technical university. I chose DNTU as one of the most prestigious technical universities on all the postSoviet space. According to results of rating tests I joined to speciality « Electromechanical systems of automation and the electric drive ». I started to study in the French group (by the way, before I had not hear the French word!!!). It was very difficult to learn again foreign language, but I think, I have successfully coped with the task.

      During study I was engaged in public work: was professional organizer of groups, participated in the Club of merry and resourceful, was the member of the french theatrical troupe « Sans Frontieres » (by the way, in 2005 with piece of Jean Anouilh « the Passenger without luggage » acted at the international theatrical festival in Lyons).

      I took part in many students competitions, among which it would be desirable to note the following: I was the fifth among prize-winners in university competition of engineering graphics, became the winner in university competition microprocessor technics, took the second place in Ukraine competition of electromechanics.

      With the purpose of deepening the knowledge in the field of programming in autumn 2007. I joined to Computer Academy "STEP”.

      In 2007 on the basis of chair EDAPF authorized educational center Schneider Electric was opened. The head of the center Korotkov A.V. involved me for development of the equipment situated in laboratories. As a result - I wrote scientific work « Development of the laboratory stand of management mechanism of crane from intellectual relay Zelio Logic » for which was awarded prize of second degree at Ukraine competitions of student’s scientific works in specialty “Electromechanical systems of automation and the electric drive ».

      In summer 2008 I began work in research-and-production firm “MIDIEL M.E.” as a post of the engineer - designer. And present time I am the developer of an electric part of the several projects offered by firm at the market of building of mine.

      The choice of a theme of my project is caused by its urgency and my interest to development in this area. Under the guidance of professor Tolochko O.I. and assistant Rozkarjaka P.I. work at this theme.

      As so my plans for the future, so it first of all is successful defense of my degree work, secondly practically simultaneously with it defense of degree work in Computer Academy " STEP”. After gradution from the education I think to continue the study and/or to continue to work in firm.