Douglas A. Wiegmann, Thomas J. Overbye, Senior Member IEEE,
Stephan M. Hoppe, Gavin R. Essenberg, Yan Sun, Student Member, IEEE
Human Factors Aspects of Three-Dimensional
Visualization of Power System Information
Information source:
This paper presents experimental results associated
with human factors aspects of using three-dimensional (3D)
visualizations to display electric power system generation
information on one-line diagrams. The paper’s results are based
on an experiment performed at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign using electric power system students. The
results indicate that compared to standard 2D one-line displays,
3D visualizations of generator output and reserves can be used
successfully on one-line displays to improve both the speed and
accuracy of certain tasks.
Index Terms—Power System Operations and Planning, Power
System Visualization, 3D, Human Factors.
Power system analysis and operations requires the
consideration of a large amount of multivariate data. For
example, even in a simple power flow application data of
interest includes a potentially large number of independent
and dependent variables, such as transmission lines flows, bus
voltages, generator real/reactive outputs and reserves,
transformer tap positions, flowgate values, and scheduled
versus actual power transactions. With systems containing
tens of thousands of buses, a key challenge is to present this
data in a form so one can assess the state of the system in a
quick and intuitive manner.
The information associated with power systems has
usually been presented using a two-dimensional (2D) display
space, often consisting of either a one-line diagram or tabular
list displays. However, over the last several years this pattern
has begun to change as new visualization techniques are
developed and integrated into both power system analysis
software and utility control centers. One such technique,
made possible by recent increases in computing power, is the
interactive three-dimensional (3D) visualization of power
system information. An early application of 3D for power
system information visualization is [1] in which simple 3D
graphics are used to show power system voltage security. A
few years later the use of 3D is presented for plant and substation operator training in [2], [3], [4]. More recently, [5]
and [6] mention the use of interactive 3D techniques for
power system information visualization in a control center
context, while [7] describes potential applications of 3D in
power system analysis packages.
However, just because interactive 3D visualizations are
now computationally possible does not imply that they are the
best approach. Indeed, reference [8] states, “because it is so
inexpensive to display data in an interactive 3D visual space,
people are doing it – often for the wrong reasons” (p. 259).
Rather, interactive 3D should only be used if it is better, at
least in some way, than the existing 2D approaches at helping
people understand the power system information and/or
perform a desired task. Of course effective visualizations, like
beauty, are to some extent “in the eye of the beholder.”
Nevertheless, empirical research can be helpful in providing
guidance as to what works and what doesn’t. Currently there
are no results in the power system literature evaluating the
effective of 3D visualization of power system information.
The purpose of the present paper is to present the results of
human factor experiments comparing 2D versus 3D power
system one-line visualizations.
Overall, the experiment compared line overload detection
and resolution performance using a 67 bus, 15 generator
system with the three different one-line visualizations shown
in Figs. 1 to 3. Each of the visualizations showed the loading
of the transmission system with pie charts and animated
arrows [9], and the actual MW output of each generator using
yellow text fields. The main differences between the displays
were 1) the visualization of the generator capacity and
reserves, and 2) the use of 3D visualization with Fig 3.
Fig. 1 showed each generator’s MW capacity with a
magenta field immediately below the yellow MW field; the
generator’s MW reserves (capacity minus actual output) were
not shown. Fig. 2 showed the generator capacity and reserves
using a graphical “thermometer” [10], in which the height of
the thermometer was proportional to the generator’s capacity.
With this approach the height of the lower, gray portion of the
thermometer was proportional to the generator’s actual output,
while the height of the top, magenta portion of the
thermometer was proportional to the generator’s reserves.
Figs. 1 and 2 both had a strictly 2D representation.
Figure 1 – 67 bus system using a 2D representation with numeric fields
Figure 2 – 67 bus system using a 2D representation with numeric fields and themometers
Figure 3 – 67 bus system using a 3D one-line representation
In contrast, Fig. 3 showed the one-line using a 3D
perspective view in which objects closer to the display’s
frame of reference appear larger (a display’s frame of
reference refers to the viewpoint from which the graphical
information is shown). The information shown in Fig 3. is
identical to that shown in Fig 2 – what is different is how it is
displayed. The thermometers have been replaced by 3D
cylinders with the height of each cylinder proportional to the
generator’s MW capacity. Shading of the cylinder was
identical to the shading used with the Fig 2 thermometers.
That is, the height of the lower, gray portion was proportional
to the generator’s actual output, while the top, magenta
portion was again proportional to the generator’s reserve.
Note, with the 3D display the numeric generator MW output
fields were sometimes blocked by the generator’s 3D cylinder.
Before discussing the experimental results it is useful to
briefly mention some of the expected advantages and
disadvantages of 3D versus 2D visualizations. While
relatively new to the power system arena, interactive 3D
displays have been used and studied in other industries such
as aviation. Certainly the strongest argument for 3D
visualizations is we live in a 3D world and our brains are
designed to recognize and interact with 3D [8].
A great deal of research indicates that performance of tasks
requiring divided attention, information integration, or mental
model development, improve with 3D displays compared to
their 2D counterparts. For example, [13] found that both 3D
line graph and bar chart formats required less time to use
compared to 2D line formats for the estimation of global trends, a task requiring mental integration. Reference [11]
discovered that performance with 3D scatter plot displays
exceeded that with 2D plots for tasks involving information
integration, which was attributed to the 3D plots providing
superior visual depictions of the intricate shapes of the 3D
Of course, there are some potential disadvantages to using
3D visualization, such as perceptual ambiguities of depth,
size, and distance, which inevitably occur when the 3D world
is graphically depicted on a 2D display [12]. Reference [13]
found a performance decrement for participants making
relative magnitude estimations with 3D line graphs compared
to their 2D counterparts. Reference [14] performed
experiments with terrain stimuli and determined that while 3D
perspective views enhanced performance on tasks requiring
shape understanding, 2D views were superior for precise
judgments of angle, distance, and relative position. Research
has also indicated that 3D displays are often ineffective
visualizations for focused attention tasks, such as determining
the precise value of a single variable [13], [15]. In these
cases, depth cues in the 3D displays impeded precise
judgments of size, distance, and other exact measurements.
Overall, however, the potential advantages of 3D graphic
displays over 2D numeric displays are significant. The added
dimension and pictorial enhancements will often increase the
amount of information (e.g., non-distance quantities) that can
be presented on standard display screens, allow for graphic
representations of alphanumerics, increase the operator’s
sense of presence within the display environment, assist in
navigation and search activities, aid in tasks requiring
information integration through the creation of emergent
properties, enable the separation of targets and distractors at varying depths, and facilitate more accurate mental models of
the systems being manipulated.
Although 2D displays supplemented with graphics may
share some of the aforementioned benefits (e.g., graphical
representation of alphanumerics, enhanced information
integration), limiting displays to two dimensions will
eliminate many others (e.g., mental integration and divided
attention) and may increase clutter. Indeed, the abundance
evidence suggests that 3D displays may be an effective
visualization technique in the domain of power systems
monitoring, control, and analysis. The purpose of this paper
is to present quantitative experimental results testing the
applicability of 3D power system one-line visualizations. In
particular, the use of 3D to present generator MW reserves is
Overall the experiment compared line overload detection
and resolution performance using a 67 bus, 15 generator, 103
line system, with generator MW output and capacity
(reserves) indicated on a one-line by either numeric fields, 2D
bars, or 3D cylinders. This experiment might mimic, at least
to some extent, the task a power system operator may need to
perform during an emergency situation of determining the
extent of transmission system overloads, the resources
available to resolve them, and of initiating preventative
Before beginning the experiment our hypothesis was that
solution times would be faster for the 2D bar and 3D cylinder
displays compared to the 2D numeric display because their
graphical depiction would aid mental integration of multiple
information sources, such as present generator MW output,
maximum generator MW output, and available MW reserves.
In addition, the salient illustration of generator reserves in the
2D bar and 3D cylinder displays was expected to expedite
fault resolution by quickly drawing attention to the
generator(s) with the greatest reserves. We further expected
that resolution times would be faster with the 3D cylinder
display than with the 2D bar display because the nature of the
displays allows the 3D cylinders to be sized larger than the 2D
bars, making them easier to find and more noticeably
indicating changes in output levels.
During the experiment, the participants were each
presented with a sequence of 40 trials, with each participant
receiving the same trial sequence. A trial initially started with
no transmission line overloads. Then, following a delay of
between 2 and 12 seconds, a contingency occurred, causing
overloads on one or more of the transmission lines. All
contingencies were either single or multiple line outages.
Following the contingency, overloads were indicated visually
on the one-line using one of the three different display types
shown in Figs 1 to 3. Overloads were also indicated audibly
by a continuous, beeping alarm.
After each contingency, any line overloads were indicated
on all three display types by the pie charts for the overloaded
lines enlarging and their background fill color changing from blue to red with centered gray digits indicating the loading
percentage. Any open transmission line were indicated by
their one-line representation changing from a solid line to a
dashed line, and their pie chart becoming completely empty.
After the contingency participants acknowledged each line
overload by clicking on either the appropriate line’s pie chart
or the line itself. After acknowledging the violation(s),
participants solved each violation by adjusting the MW output
of one or more of the generators. This was done by left-
clicking on either the generator symbol, the generator output
numeric field, or the bar/column indicating output and
reserves in the two graphical displays to increase the MW
output or right-clicking to decrease the MW output. The MW
output was changed by 2 MW per click. Each trial continued
until all violations were solved, or it timed out after 120
The experiment had 52 participants, 40 men and 12
women, all with self-reported normal color vision. All
participants either had completed or were currently enrolled in
power system classes taught in the Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the University of Illinois,
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). Participants were randomly
assigned to one of three display groups: 1) 2D Numerical,
whose members used the Fig 1 display, 2) 2D Graphical,
whose members used the Fig 2 display, and 3) 3D whose
members used the Fig 3 display. Hence each group had either
17 or 18 participants. The experiment consisted of 4 practice
trials and 40 experimental trials, which were completed in less
than one hour. After the final trial, the participants completed
a post-experimental questionnaire, which included the NASA-
TLX subjective workload assessment [16]. As an example,
Figs 1 to 3 depict the system after the first practice trial, a
single line outage contingency.
For reporting the results, the trials are sometimes
differentiated based upon whether the contingency caused a
single violation or multiple violations (i.e., problem
complexity). Fig. 4 shows the mean response time per trial by
display type and task. Note, these results are not
differentiated by problem complexity because it did not have a
significant effect on response time. Acknowledgment time
was significantly faster than solution time (p < .001). Display
type did not significantly affect acknowledgment time, but
solution times were significantly faster with the 3D display
than with the two 2D displays (p = .001).
To further investigate this important result, the solution
task times were further differentiated into two categories, 1)
the first adjustment time, defined as the time from the
acknowledgment of all initial violations until the first
generator adjustment, and 2) the adjustment interval, defined
as the mean time between generator adjustments following the
first generator adjustment. Hence the values in the first
category indicate the time it took the participant to figure out
which generator to move first.
Fig. 5 shows the mean first adjustment time by display
type and problem complexity. As was the case with the total
solution time, the first adjustment times were significantly
faster with the 3D display compared to the 2D displays (p = .001). First adjustment times were also significantly faster for
multiple violation trials compared with the single violation
trials (p = .001). In addition, the difference in first adjustment
times between single and multiple violation trials was least for
the 3D display, followed by the 2D graphical display, and
greatest for the 2D numerical display (p = .013).
Figure 4 – Response time in seconds.
Figure 5 – First adjustment time in seconds.
Fig. 6 shows the mean adjustment interval per trial by
display type and problem complexity. The adjustment interval
was significantly shorter in the 2D graphical and 3D displays
than in the 2D numerical display (p = .039). Opposite the
effect for first adjustment time, the adjustment interval was
significantly shorter for single violation trials than for multiple
violation trials (p < .001). Also, the increase in adjustment
interval as problem complexity increased – from single to
multiple – was significantly less with the 3D and 2D graphical
displays than with the 2D numerical display (p = .001).
Fig. 7 shows the mean upper limit of errors per trial, where
an error is defined here as the number of sequences of one or
more generator output increases when a generator was already
operating at its maximum capacity. There were significantly
fewer upper limit errors with the 3D display than with the 2D
displays (p < .001). In addition, the increase in upper limit
errors as problem complexity increased was less with the 3D
display than with the 2D graphical and 2D numerical displays (p = .003). There were no significant differences among the
display types for the number of generator adjustments in the
wrong direction or the number of sequences of one or more
generator decreases when a generator was already operating at
zero output.
Figure 6 – Adjustment interval in seconds.
Figure 7 – Upper limit errors per trial.
At the conclusion of the computer simulations the
participants’ reported mental workload was assessed with the
NASA-TLX [16], with the results shown in Fig. 8. Display
type did not have a significant effect on workload scores.
However, differences among the six dimensions on which
workload was scored indicated that performance, temporal
demand, mental demand, and effort were the most significant
contributors to overall workload, in order of decreasing mean
score (p < .001).
Overall the 3D display supported the fastest solution times,
followed by the 2D graphical display. This is partly because
the 3D and 2D graphical displays integrated output, capacity,
and reserve into a single object for each generator, which
supported the divided attention and parallel mental processing
required for the solution task, as predicted by [13], [17], and
[18] and consistent with the results of [19]. Because precise judgments were not explicitly required to solve the line flow
violations, the 2D numerical display, which would normally
improve performance in this type of task, was of lesser value.
Another advantage of the graphical displays in the solution
task is that generators with large reserves stood out due to the
large magenta portions of their bars or cylinders, making them
much easier to find than in the numerical display, which
required mental subtraction of the output field from the
maximum capacity field, consistent with the results of [20].
Figure 8 – NASA-TLX as a function of workload dimension
The advantage of the 3D display with respect to the 2D
graphical display was likely due to the increased size and
salience of the cylindrical generator representations in the 3D
display compared to the 2D bars in the 2D graphical display,
coupled with a reduced level of clutter in the 3D displays and
the perception that the generator cylinders projected out of the
one-line diagram, rather than being embedded within it. In
addition, the larger size of the generator cylinders in the 3D
group made dynamic changes in power outputs and reserves
easier to see, enabling operators to better see the effects of
individual generator adjustments on the entire system.
Breaking the solution task into subcomponents of firs
adjustment time and mean adjustment interval revealed tha
the 3D display was advantageous with respect to both th
thinking/searching time before beginning the generato
adjustments and the thinking/searching time while adjusting
Both measures showed reduced effects of complexity for th
3D display with respect to the 2D numerical display, and firs
adjustment time showed a reduced effect with respect to th
2D graphical display, as well. Another interesting effect i
that multiple violation trials had faster first adjustment time
overall but longer adjustment intervals. A possibl
explanation is that as the number of violations increased,
greater proportion of the generators could help solve th
problem, thus requiring less initial search time to find a
appropriate generator to adjust, compared to single violatio
trials. Therefore, although participants acted faster followin
acknowledgment to begin adjusting generators in comple
trials, solution times were still dominated by participant
spending, on average, more time between generato
Reduction of upper limit errors also contributed to faster
solution times in the 3D display. Because the 3D display
clearly showed when a generator reached its capacity, less
time was wasted trying to increase the outputs of generators
already operating at capacity. Note that, due to a problem in
the 2D graphical display, a generator operating at capacity
was still shown with a thin magenta line at the top of its
graphical bar, possibly explaining the lack of a significant
difference in upper limit errors from the 2D numerical display.
The smaller size of the 2D bars compared with the 3D
cylinders probably also significantly contributed to the greater
number of upper limit errors in the 2D graphical display.
The advantages of 3D displays over their 2D counterparts
can be quite significant. As this study has indicated, the
added dimension can allow non-distance information
previously confined to alphanumerics to be presented
graphically on standard display screens, aid in tasks requiring
information integration, facilitate a more accurate mental
model of the system being manipulated, and allow for a better
understanding of the interconnected nature and structure of a
complex system such as an electrical power grid. However,
we cannot conclude that there is an advantage for 3D displays
in terms of accuracy. Although our results indicated an
advantage in reducing upper limit errors for the 3D displays
over both 2D displays, this was the only accuracy
measurement that was significant across display types and is
not a comprehensive measure of solution accuracy. We
predict, though, that 3D displays will improve accuracy in
terms of choosing the best generator(s) to resolve a
contingency, especially in large networks with many
generators, due to their graphical depiction of reserves,
reduced clutter, and the perception of the cylinders as rising
out of the network.
While more studies are certainly needed, the results of this
experiment indicate that 3D displays could be valuable tools
in the power system visualization, particularly with the tasks
of monitoring and controlling sets of interrelated variables.
Specifically, they should improve the speed of high-level
judgments of current operating levels in relation to upper and
lower limits for parameters such as real and reactive
generation, voltage magnitude, and perhaps other reactive
power controls such as switched shunts and LTC
transformers. With the appropriate software environment
power system display designers could use such techniques to
explicitly present information in ways that were previously
impossible with 2D formats.
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Douglas A. Wiegmann received his B.S. degree in psychology from
the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse in 1988 and his Ph.D. in
experimental psychology from Texas Christian University in 1992. He gained post-doctoral training in aviation psychology while
serving as a commissioned officer in the U.S. Navy and has served as
an aviation accident investigator for the National Transportation
Safety Board. He is currently an Associate Professor of Aviation
Human Factors and Associate Head of the Aviation Human Factors
Division within the Institute of Aviation at UIUC. He also holds an
appointment in the Department of Psychology and the Beckman
Institute of Science and Technology. His research interests include
the application of theories of cognition to the development of
technologies for improving human judgment and decision making in
complex systems.
Thomas J. Overbye (S’87, M’92, SM’96) received his B.S., M.S.,
and Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of
Wisconsin-Madison. He was employed with Madison Gas and
Electric Company from 1983 to 1991. Currently he is a Professor of
Electrical and Computer Engineering at UIUC. His main research
interests are power system analysis, markets and visualization.
Stephan M. Hoppe received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Industrial
Engineering from UIUC in 2001 and 2004, respectively. He is
currently pursuing a master of divinty degree at Gordon_Conwell
Theological Seminary.
Gavin R. Essenberg received his B.S. degree in Meteorology from
the University of Oklahoma in 1999 and his M.S. degree in Industrial
Engineering from UIUC in 2003. He is currently a research associate
at the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies at
the University of Oklahoma.
Yan Sun (S’02) received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in electrical
Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, P.R.C. in 1997 and
2000, respectively, and she received her Ph.D. from UIUC in 2004.
She is currently with ESAI. Her main research interests are in power
system visualization and electricity market analysis.