Ian A. Hiskens, Fellow, IEEE
Load as a Controllable Resource for Dynamic
Security Enhancement
Information source: http://www.pserc.wisc.edu/ecow/get/publicatio/2006public/
The traditional form of load control (shedding)
tends to be quite disruptive to consumers, and so is often avoided.
The paper suggests an alternative strategy that is based on
controlling individual loads, such that interruptions effectively
go unnoticed by consumers. An hierarchical control structure
is required, with lower-level substation-based controllers consoli-
dating information about available controllable load. The higher-
level controller uses that information to formulate strategies to
steer the system through events. Model predictive control is
proposed for the higher-level control.
Index Terms—Load control, voltage collapse, model predictive
Dynamic security enhancement is often associated with
improved performance of generator controls. Network
controls, such as provided by FACTS devices and special
protection schemes, are also becoming more widely accepted
for security enhancement. However the application of load
control to improve system dynamic behaviour has received
little attention. This is understandable, given the extremely
distributed nature of loads, and the variability in load be-
haviour. However, with recent substantial enhancements in
communication and computer technology, coordinated control
of massive numbers of diverse loads is becoming feasible. This
paper explores issues arising with such a control scheme. Of
particular interest in the viability of load control for preventing
voltage collapse, and hence prevention of resultant cascading
system failures.
Concepts of direct load control are not new. Underfrequency
load shedding schemes have been in operation for almost as
long as power systems have existed. More recently, under-
voltage load shedding has become an important strategy for
the prevention of voltage collapse. Demand side management
(DSM) schemes that primarily control water and space heating,
and air conditioning, are also well established. Such schemes
are designed to modify the shape of the load curve, with
resultant economic benefits. They are non-disruptive, but offer
limited controllability.
Underfrequency and undervoltage load shedding are
achieved by disconnecting entire distribution feeders. Imple-
mentation is simple (conceptually at least), requiring only
that a trip signal be sent to the appropriate feeder circuit
breaker. However such load control is clearly disruptive to
consumers on the affected feeders; sensitive loads along the feeder require some form of backup. Restoration of load is
normally undertaken manually, by closing the feeder circuit
breaker. However many loads, in particular motor loads, draw
much higher current on startup than during normal operation.
This cold load pickup phenomenon must be taken into account,
as it is known to cause significant restoration problems [1], [2].
Indirect forms of load control have been used previously
for enhancing dynamic performance. SVCs are often equipped
with a stabilizing circuit for modulating the terminal voltage,
which in turn modulates local voltage-dependent loads. If
tuned correctly, this load variation can damp interarea oscilla-
tions. However SVC control typically do not adapt to changing
system conditions, so controller effectiveness may vary greatly
between peak and light load conditions.
Load control for dynamic security enhancement is quite dif-
ferent to traditional load management. Security enhancement
requires fast response of specific amounts of load at particular
locations. DSM is too slow and too imprecise. Underfrequency
load shedding works well because frequency is effectively a
common, system-wide signal. Undervoltage load shedding, on
the other hand, can lead to incorrect control action because
voltage is a local signal that is used to infer wider system
behaviour. This will be illustrated later using a simple example.
The paper is organized as follows. The concept of non-
disruptive load control is discussed in Section II. A wide-area
control scheme, based on model predictive control concepts,
is outlined in Section III, and an example is presented in
Section IV. Conclusions are provided in Section V.
A. Controllable load
Many consumer installations consist of loads that are at
least partially controllable [3]. Commercial loads typically
involve a high proportion of air conditioning and lighting. The
thermal time-constant of many commercial buildings is usually
quite long. Therefore air conditioning in large multi-storied
buildings can be shed with no appreciable short-term effects on
building climate. Similarly, a short-term reduction in lighting
load is often possible without compromising the building
environment [4]. Partial load control within industrial and
residential installations is also possible. In the residential case
for example, one circuit within a home could be designated
for interruptible supply, with a corresponding lower energy
charge. That circuit could be used for lower priority loads
such as dryers and/or freezers. A similar concept applies for
industrial consumers. In the latter case though, it may also be
possible to use backup generation to displace grid supply.
Figure 1 – Hierarchical load control structure
B. Load consolidation
The distributed nature of non-disruptive load control implies
a need for a hierarchical control structure, as suggested in
Fig. 1. A lower (substation) level controller is required to
coordinate the many small controllable loads. In standby
mode, this controller would continually poll loads to track
availability of controllable load. Appropriate communications
technology is described in [5]. Information retrieved from
individual loads would include its real and reactive power
demand, and an indicator of its load type. Using this latter
information, the cold pickup behaviour of the load could be
estimated. The lower-level controller would therefore build a
consolidated picture of the load available to be tripped, and
the likely consequences of re-energization.
Load availability information would be passed to the higher-
level controller described in Section III. When a load change
was required, the higher level controller would specify the de-
sired amount. The substation-level controller would implement
that request by signalling the individual loads. The anticipated
and actual load responses may differ. That information would
again be coordinated at the lower level and passed to the higher
level in preparation for further control action.
A. Local undervoltage load control
Load control provides an effective means of alleviating
voltage collapse. For example the cascading failure of the
North American power system in August 2003 could have
been avoided by tripping a relatively small amount of load
in the Cleveland area [6]. The most effective load shedding
strategies are not always so obvious though. Low voltages
often provide a good indication of locations where load
shedding would assist in relieving system stress [7]. However
counter-examples are easy to generate. The simple system of
Fig. 2 provides an illustration.
Consider the situation where the power being exported from
Area 1 to Area 2 overloads the corridor between buses 1
and 2. (This may be a consequence of line tripping between
these buses.) As a result of the overload, lines forming the
corridor will demand high levels of reactive power, causing voltages at both end buses to fall. Undervoltage load shedding
at bus 1, without a matching reduction in Area 1 generation,
would lead to an increase in power flow over the troublesome
corridor. This would exacerbate the line-overload situation.
Undervoltage load shedding at bus 2 would probably achieve
its desired goal. Clearly situations arise where a coordinated
approach to load shedding is required. A range of such load
shedding schemes have been proposed and/or implemented,
see for example [8], [9], [10]. This paper suggests an approach
based on model predictive control.
Figure 2 – Illustration of inappropriate undervoltage load shedding
Figure 3 – MPC response
B. Model predictive control
Model predictive control (MPC) is a discrete-time form of
control, with commands issued at periodic intervals [11], [12].
Fig. 3 illustrates the MPC process. Each control decision is
obtained by first estimating the system state. This provides
the initial condition for prediction (simulation) of subsequent
dynamic behaviour. The prediction stage is traditionally for-
mulated as an open-loop optimal control problem over a finite
horizon. The solution of this optimal control problem provides
an open-loop control sequence. MPC applies the initial control
value from that sequence. The process is repeated periodically,
with the state estimator giving a new initial condition for a new
prediction (optimal control) problem.
The optimization problem underlying MPC involves open-
loop prediction of system behaviour. Actual behaviour invari-
ably deviates from that predicted response though. However
feedback is effectively achieved through the correction applied
when the next MPC control signal is issued. This is illustrated
in Fig. 3.
Power system dynamic behaviour often involves interactions
between continuous dynamics and discrete events, particularly
during voltage collapse when many discrete devices switch.
Formulation of optimal control problems for such hybrid behaviour is fraught with technical difficulties. However it is
shown in [13], [14] that this problem may be approximated,
through the use of trajectory sensitivities, as a linear (time-
varying) discrete-time optimal control problem. Such formu-
lations are explored more thoroughly in [15].
The small system of Fig. 4 is well established as a bench-
mark for exploring voltage stability issues [7], [16], [17]. An
outage of any one of the feeders between buses 5 and 7 results
in voltage collapse behaviour. This is illustrated in Fig. 5 for a
line outage at 10 seconds. In response to the line trip, voltages
across the right-hand network dropped. This caused load tap
changers (LTCs) to respond in an attempt to restore load bus
voltages. However tap changing actually drove voltages lower,
resulting in voltage collapse.
Two situations were considered, 1) no over-excitation lim-
iter (OXL) on generator 3 (solid red curve), and 2) inclusion
of an OXL on generator 3 (dashed blue line.) Both exhibit un-
desirable voltage behaviour, though the OXL clearly induced a
more onerous response. The OXL ensures that reactive demand
does not rise to a damaging level, but in so doing reduces
voltage support.
The studies presented subsequently explore the MPC mode
detail required to achieve adequate control. To enable this
comparison, the system was modelled precisely. A sixth order
model (two axes, with two windings on each axis) [18] was
used for each generator, and IEEE standard models AC4A
and PSS1A for all AVRs and PSSs respectively. The OXL
model was taken from [17]. A standard induction motor mode
[17] was used for the industrial load at bus 8, and a static
voltage dependent representation for the bus 9 load. The AVR
of transformer LTC3 was represented by a model that captured
switching events associated with deadbands and timers [19].
In all cases MPC was set to run every T = 50 seconds, with
an horizon time of 2T = 100 seconds. The control objective
was to restore the voltages of buses 6 and 8 above 0.98pu
by shedding minimum load at buses 8 and 9. (These two
sets of buses were chosen to avoid symmetry between load-
shed buses and voltage-regulated buses.) This objective was
achieved by solving an LP optimization problem for the load
control signals. Full details are provided in [14].
A. Perfect MPC model
This initial investigation considered the ideal (though un-
realistic) situation where the internal MPC model exactly matched the real system. The voltages at the regulated buses
are shown in Fig. 6. It is apparent that in response to the initial
MPC load control command, both voltages rose above their
specified minimum values. The initial MPC command there-
fore over-compensated for the collapsing voltages by shedding
too much load. This was a consequence of approximations
introduced to achieve a tractable LP optimization problem
[14]. The voltage overshoot was corrected with the second
MPC control command though, with the bus 6 voltage falling
to its lower limit of 0.98 pu. At this step all of the bus 9
load was actually restored; see Fig. 7 for the load shedding
commands. Note that negligible MPC action was required
beyond the second control interval.
Figure 4 – Voltage collapse test system
Figure 5 – Voltage behaviour without MPC
B. Realistic implementation
It is unrealistic to expect that the MPC controller could
maintain a complete, accurate system representation. To inves-
tigate this case, the MPC internal model was altered to make
use of a simplified generator representation. Also the OXL
was removed from the MPC model. Furthermore, load uncer-
tainty was incorporated by introducing random discrepancies
between the MPC control signals (desired load change) and
the actual implemented load variation. Voltage response and
load control signals are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 respectively. It
is apparent that model approximation did not adversely affect
the quality of MPC regulation.
These results are encouraging, though certainly not defini-
tive. The degree to which MPC can tolerate model inaccuracy
is core to practical power system implementation. This is the
focus of on-going research.
Many consumer installations include components that can
be tripped with negligible short-term effects. Consolidation of
such load fragments provides a non-disruptive load control
capability that can be used to alleviate voltage collapse. The
paper suggests a hierarchical control structure which consists
of a lower-level controller (consolidator) that communicates
with loads, together with a higher-level controller that formu-
lates coordinated responses to threats of voltage instability.It has been shown in the paper that model predictive control
(MPC) provides a very effective higher-level control strategy.
Figure 6 – Voltage behaviour, perfect MPC model
Figure 7 – Load control signals, perfect MPC model
Figure 8 – Voltage behaviour, approximate MPC model
Figure 9 – Load control signals, approximate MPC model
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