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Makarov Evgeniy
Theme of master's work:
Improving the dynamics of the chain feeder of coal harvester for increase the loading capacity of electrical drive of cutting
Scientific adviser: Chepak Anatoliy
About author
Summary of research and developments
- 1.Technological process of mine
- 2.The process of lava
- 3.Equipment lava pits "Russia"
- 4.Kinematic design and technical characteristics of coal harvester 2К52МУ
- 5.Profiles of the harvester
- 6.Effect of non-uniformity of feeder on the dynamic load and productivity of the harvester
- 7.Selection criteria for the rational mode of filing
- Increasing the power harvesters by increasing the installed capacity of electric motors with the persistence of their size;
- Increase the time for sustainable and feasible power drive through improved operation of the destruction and the systems for machines.
The main idea
You can find the most appropriate degree of equalization of the instantaneous speed of shearers with a flexible traction body and pulling the most rational means to structure alignment.
You can be achieved along the entire line of slaughtering minute performance cars, close to the technically possible.
1.Technological process of mine.
Coal mining in the shaft [1] consists of several interrelated main and auxiliary processes, a sequence which represents the technological scheme of production of mines. The main processes include the clean-up, transportation of goods within the dobytochnogo of the trunk and through the formulation, as well as their recovery.
By concept design anchorages are divided into individual and mechanized. In
Crossroads series of applied driving individual and mechanical fastening.
For lifting and lowering cargo, material and people lifting shaft is equipped with two
facilities, reception, processing and technology of coal shipment, receiving and unloading coal, lowering and lifting materials equipment and people, ventilate the underground workings, the mining of energy for industrial and domestic service workers.
2.The process of lava
Figure 1 - equipment lava with mechanized complex 1КМ97Д: 1-advanced section mounting; 2-hydraulic control valve; 3-verhnyak; 4-Flexible spring; 5-section contact; 6-harvester; 7-Remedial Section fastening; 8-transporter; 9-coal seam; 10-Drive head of transporter; 11-Transport transporter; 12-fixing intersections
поиск; 13-collapse of the rock; 14-drift; 15-ventilation drift
Combine 6 (see Figure 1) with screw executive bodies on the frame moved downhole conveyor 8, which is the driving head 10 with the asynchronous electric motors. Off cutter executive of coal through the screw is loaded on the conveyor 8, transporting coal to the conveyor 11, set in otkatnom drift 14. Moving to the harvester conveyor is carried out by the ship's kolibrovovochnoy chain extended along the lava. The ends of the chain are fixed with bolts to the head conveyor 8.
3.Equipment lava pits "Russia"
Lava is equipped with mechanized 1KM97D complex, which consists of:
- shearers 2K52 screw with the executive authorities;
- hydraulic metal mounting M97D;
- downhole scraper conveyor SPM-87;
- lighting fixtures with fluorescent lamps RB-15;
- Two electric drills for drilling in the culling.
4.Kinematic design and technical characteristics of coal harvester 2К52МУ
Figure 2 - Kinematic scheme combines 2К52МУ: 1-cutting part; 2-electric motor; 3-delivery of; 4,23-couplings; 5...15,18...22,26...29-gears; 16,17-executive bodies; 24-pump; 25-gidro motor; 30,31-Leading stars; 32,33-chain guides; 34-chain
Management combines being levers hydraulic system, start the motor - a button, acting on a magnetic contactor starters ПМВ.
5.Profiles of the harvester
The emergence and development of speed and load fluctuations contribute:
- negative dependence of friction forces in the bearings combine the speed of filing;
- nonlinearity of the executive bodies of the burden associated with a temporary delay in the formation of the instantaneous depth of cut the cutting tool;
- resonant and random events that caused the unevenness of the coal cutting.
6.Effect of non-uniformity of feeder on the dynamic load and productivity of the harvester
Minute performance combines determined unit costs of energy in the office and discharge of coal (in terms of cutting down) on the one hand, and sustainable point (sales volume), on the other [5,6]. Sustained time depends largely on the low-frequency components of the burden of executive bodies: it decreases, it increases. This allows the same conditions to increase the working speed cutting feed harvester and thereby increase his minute performance.
7.Selection criteria for the rational mode of filing
The current drive of filing - hydraulic system gidrodvigatel - pump.
Improvement drive - adding automatic system for regulating the speed gidro motor from the acceleration sensor to suppress fluctuations in velocity. Schematic diagram of hydraulic sensor
acceleration is shown in Fig.3
Figure 3 - Schematic diagram of hydraulic drive with acceleration sensor: 1-to combine an electric motor; 2- pump; 3,4-regulating hydraulic cylinders; 5-gidro motor of feed; 6-gearbox; 7-leading chain star; 8-safety valves; 9-gidrohighway; 10-slide throttle; 11,20-check valves; 12-electromagnet; 13-thyristor converter; 14,17,18-resistors; 15-switch polarity; 19-acceleration sensor
1. It was found that one of the important gains in productivity mining machines, with a significant effect of national economy, is to develop rational ways and means to combine with a flexible
pulling the body related to a massive pollution control equipment industry.
2. Revealed the dependence of the asymptotic nature of the minute productivity of harvesters
effective speed of equalization, with the silt in which the most significant increase in productivity (up to 80% possible) lies in the relatively small values (up to 3-5) the coefficient of equalization. The new law allows you to limit the reasonable requirements in the design and establishment of alignment, and at the same time realize the useful property of elastic damping traction body residues (deterministic) load drive cutting. It enables a test of rational regime of filing, the most appropriate setting for the achieved effect of reducing the degree of unevenness in the speed of movement and regulates the level of dynamic regime with the values of the coefficient of variation of speed of 0.3 - 0.5 and the frequency of oscillation is not more than 3 - 3.5 Hz.
3. It is shown that of all the possible ways to align the speed of mining machines
established criteria to maximize the way to satisfy the viscous damping of oscillations, an acceptable means of realization of which is controlled hydraulic quick, interacting with a flexible traction body combine to accelerate its movement.
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