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Anna PodobreevaFaculty: Electrotechnical
Speciality: Electrotechnical Systems of Electrical Consumption
Theme of Master's Work: «Working out of increase of networks 380-220V inhabited apartments fire safety recommendations»
Scientific Supervisor: Alexander Kovalev |
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Master's Qualification Work
«Working out of increase of networks 380-220V inhabited apartments fire safety recommendations»
Devices of the protective disconnecting, which react with a differential current, they possess the complex of protective functions and in this sense they does not have analogues. Residual - current device provide high degree of protection of people from defeat by an electric current at a direct and indirect touch, besides residual - current device provides decrease in fire danger of electroinstallations. It is necessary to notice that in case of a deliberate touch to current carrying parts application residual - current device is unique possible way of maintenance of protection, as well as in default protection principal views. They have possibility of the simple control of correct functioning of the device and for nonprofessionals by means of button "TEST" or in new workings out of firm Felten&Guilleaume of button "SERVICE". The work purpose
Scientific value of work
Practical value of work
Condition of a question
The body of the person possesses certain electric resistance which changes largely (from 500 to 100000 Ohm) and depends on many reasons: the general state of health, a thickness and a condition of an integument and its humidity, conditions of environment, duration of passage of a current and some other factors. In calculations under safety precautions resistance of a human body usually is accepted an equal 1000 Ohm. To the person it is dangerous both variable, and the direct current, however the greatest danger are represented by an alternating current of industrial frequency (50 Hz). With increase of frequency of an alternating current danger of defeat decreases. Results of researches
More dangerous touch is bipolar, especially if the person has touched with two hands to a different wires (fig. 1). Thus the current passing through a body of the person, Ih in a three-phase four-wire network can reach value: At a touch to two phases (a case 1)
The circuit 380/220 V
Figure 1 - A touch of the person to wires of a three-phase four-wire network: to two phase wires (1) and to a phase and zero wires (2). (Animation: volume - 55 kB; size - 627 x of 512 pixels; amount of shots - 7; delay between shots - 100 ms; delay between the last and first shot - 200 ms; amount of cycles of reiteration - 15)
At a unipolar touch the person concerns to one of not isolated conductors of an electric part, or to not current carrying metal part of the electric equipment which have appeared energised as a result of damage of isolation. In this case value of the current passing through the person, depends not only on the enclosed pressure, but also from a mode of a neutral of the power supply, active resistance of isolation and capacity of wires in relation to the earth [14]. Conclusions
Weight of an electrical accident depends on value of a current and duration of its passage. It is considered that in most cases the current 0,1 A represents danger of death to the person. At this current which is passing from hand to a hand or from hand to feet during 3 with, there can come a heart paralysis. References
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