Shevtsov Aleksey
Speciality:   Electrical Systems and Networks
Master thesis:   Induction motor impedance vector measuring technique for rotor eccentricity definition in the operation condition
Search report
Personal task
        The average grade point for the period from the 1st to the 4th course is 4.97 (according to the 5-grade scale). Professional skills: fluent Russian and Ukrainian languages; English in volume sufficient for translation of technical texts. The confident user of computer. I have experience with computer appendices: the ÀÑÊÎÍ-ÊÎÌÏÀÑ, AutoCad, MathCad, MS Office; personal skills: sociability, purposefulness, high working capacity, sense of duty, ability to training. Hobbies: sports, tourism. The marital status: single.
        I was born in August, 26th, 1987 in the Donetsk in the family of the engineers. Father Shevtsov Victor Vasilevich is a mechanical engineer; mother Zakoretsky Tamara Andreevna is a leading engineer metallographer, both work in DonFTU NAS name of Galkin.
        In 1994ã. I went to school #17 of Donetsk. Took a great interest in dances and visited a dancing circle. In 1997 joined the club "Young seamen" and went to the musical school ¹2, speciality " Trumpet ". The activity by the club "Young seamen" wasn't accomplished because of disbandment of our educational class on a training last year.I finished the musical school in 2001. In 1998, went to the physics and mathematics class of the school #17 of Donetsk. During my study I took a great interest in physics and mathematics and participated in the competitions. In 2002 I started hiking and sport orienteering. Nowadays I am a member of the club of sports tourism and orienteering "Àðõàð". Since 2002 I have taken part in sports campaigns of a different category and complexity in the mountains of Crimea, Carpathians and Caucasus. The teachers worth to be mentioned are the class teacher Braga A.V. and Evtjuhova N.N.
        After school I entered the Donetsk National Technical University, where I have studied "Electric systems and networks"(ESaN) on the electrotechnical faculty. The choice was affected by my elder brother, who in 2001 graduated from the same university with the speciality power plants. After first course under the insisting of Dean Levshova A. V I joined the English group of the speciality ESaN and became the head of group. In my second year I took part in student's conference on physics of new technologies.
        At the end of a third year I started the research under the direction of the prof. Rogozin G.G. In my fourth year during my practice on Company "Service-invest" I got acquainted with the modern equipment of substations. After the 4th course I got the bachelor's degree and decided to continue preparing for the master's degree program. The greatest advantage was brought by studying the following subjects: higher mathematics, electric systems and networks, bases of designing and transients. Especially it would be desirable to note teachers - Larinu I.I. Dmitrievu E.N., Rogozin G. G.
In future
        In the near future I would like to write and defend master's work in December, receive the diploma of the Master's degree, to find a good and interesting job for applying all the knowledge and abilities that were given by the university and further to define a direction for the most intensive labor activity.