» Abstract
- Tasks, principles and methods of formation of ecological networks
- Physico-geographical and socio-economic characteristics of the Donetsk region in terms of the formation of national and regional ecological networks on its territory
- The long-term scheme of the regional ecological network of the Donetsk region
- Natural conditions and prerequisites for the formation of local ecological networks in the Donetsk region (example of eight administrative districts)
- -//- Artemovsk district
- -//- Amvrosievsky district
- -//- Shakhtersky district
- -//- Dobropolsky district
- -//- Velikonovoselkovsky district
- -//- Aleksandrоvsky district
- -//- Volodarsky district
- -//- Pershotravnevy district
- Scheme of the spatial and biocentric-networking structure of local ecological networks of studied areas:
- -//- catchment area of r. Bahmutka;
- -//- catchment area and interfluve of rivers Krynka and Mius;
- -//- catchment areas of r. Samara and r. Byk;
- -//- catchment area of r. Kalchik with its confluents;
- -//- catchment area and interfluve of rivers Berda and Karatysh
- -//- catchment area and interfluve of rivers Zelenaya and Mokraya Belosaraika
- Analysis of environmental capacity of the planned local ecological networks of Donetsk region
The list of references
At this stage of its development world community became the face of many problems, feature of which is that they affect the essential part of its existence and are global in nature. This qualitatively new in the historical development phenomenon was due to the fact that in the second half of last century it has created a technological, economic and information field of the Earth. That's why, problems, its degree and increase in the number are naturally result of a world civilization's formation. One of the most substantive issue is the international community's relationship with environment. On the one hand, in environment development it become planetary integrity from a patchwork of ethnic groups, on the other hand - fragmented a holistic nature into isolated parts. Of course, the dismemberment into parts could not have a strong negative in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, climate, and especially the functioning of the biosphere, and first of all its energy balance.
We know about negative impact of the global economy on the environment, and as an answer new strategies for human's survival in these conditions have started to appear.
The most advanced is the strategy of sustainable development, adopted at the UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, june, 1992. The essence of it boils down to the harmonization of economic, environmental and social factors in such a way that meet the needs of the current generation of people are not threatened by any subsequent and do not affect the environment.
At the present stage of civilization, with its global environmental change the mostfertile idea of implementing this strategy is Pan-European strategy for the conservation of biological and landscape diversity (october, 23-25, 1995). It is based on ten principles to be followed by all sectors of the economy, which are
affect on natural resources. Its purposes are: a significant reduction of biological and landscape diversity threating, ensuring of their revival throughout Europe; strengthen the environmental integrity of the whole of Europe, involvement in the implementation strategy of the broadest masses of the public. Achieving the goals of the strategy provides for the creation of Pan-European ecological network.
According to this strategy, by 2015 there should be established European Ecological Network, the main purpose of which - to unite particularly valuable environmental areas with preserved, or close to its natural vegetation by the system of ecological corridors, to ensure the survival and recovery of populations, conservation and protection of their habitats by stimulating conditions for resettlement and migration of species. [1, р. 5-7]
The relevance and novelty
The formation of ecological networks for regional and local levels is particularly pertinent to the industrial and densely populated regions of the country.
For the first time there obtain an assessment and analysis of the possibility of local environmental networks for the Donetsk region, within the territory of some of its administrative regions.
As a core areas there are objects of local eco-nature-reserve fund (PZF), isolated forest areas and garden complexes; and as link between them are environmental (natural) corridors -
river systems of the area.
Purpose of research
A purpose to retrieve comparative description of the possibility of local ecological networks formation in various parts of the Donetsk region.
Tasks of research:
- To learn the general background, objectives and principles of ecological networks formation
- Examine the legal framework and long-term scheme of the formation of a national ecological network of Ukraine
- Rate natural and socio-economic conditions for regional ecological network in the Donetsk region
- Define natural resources of comparing administrative districts of Donetsk region in order of local ecological networks building on their territory
- Analyze the spatial placement of the structural parts of the local ecological and assess their biocentric-networking structure
- Analyze environmental impacts of local network biocentres
- Give the comparative characteristic of future local ecological network's potential in the researched areas of Donetsk Region
Material and Methods of Research
As the object of research was taken Land of Donetsk area, that are potentially suitable for inclusion in regional and local ecological networks. We have grouped them into three classes of objects: objects of NRF, woodland and garden complexes.
SECTION 1. Objectives, principles and methods of formation of ecological networks [Excerpt]
One of the main issues of Ukrainian National Ecological Network is a strong fragmentation of natural areas in the greater part of its territory and a significant spatial non-uniformity of the deployment of specially protected natural territories in different regions of the country. The minimum total area of preserved natural areas and the large number of specially protected areas are in the central, northeastern and eastern regions of Ukraine, where the landscape is more anthropogenically transformed and the greatest population density. These circumstances raise doubts about the ability of these regions to represent enough in size and sozologicali valuable objects. As a basic principle of any level network creation is more or less uniform coverage of all the structural elements (ecoframe: core areas, ecocorridores, buffer zones and restoration areas), regions with a high degree of anthropogenic transformed natural landscapes are necessary to pay special attention. According to Reymers-Shtilmark rule, territorial system of nature protection should correspond to the level of anthropogenic load on the environment.
Econetwork - the natural structure, the boundaries of which are due prior to natural factors. Mrthodology of network formation is based on integrity and self-development of nature, which is based on the relationship of all its elements. The formation of econet mainly based on the basin principle. This is due to the conservative morphology of the river basin and the high potential of its certain traits (hydroecological, biogeographic, environmental-management, etc.) recurrence. That is why there is convenient to design the elements of econets, anchoring them to the basins of large rivers and their tributaries [2, pp. 9-10].
The basic elements are the key ecological areas (core areas), linking territory (ecological corridors), buffer zones and restoration areas (Figure 1). In its continuous unity they create ecological networks, which functionally unites the diversity of sites in a spatial system.
Figure 1 - Basic elements of ecological network
1. Key areas (natural nucleus, core areas) maintain securities and typical for the region components of biological and landscape diversity, include the environment of rare and endangered species of plants and animals. Natural nucleus are nodes of econetworks. They are characterized by great diversity of species, forms of landscapes and habitats, and are extremely important for the conservation of endemic, relict and rare species. Their area may be different, depending on the areas which conserve natural diversity of rare species or functional links with other natural areas, but experts estimated that no less than 500 ha for the local natural nuclei.
Core areas include:
- territory with a legal status - the international and national protected areas of various categories; li>
- large unfragmented habitat of spieces; li>
- significant for certain types areas identified as a result of the analysis of species; li>
- valuable landscapes; li>
- territory with certain geomorphological characteristics (in particular, each of the biogeographic subprovince must have at least one representative nucleus). li>
2. Connecting territory (ecological corridors, ecocorridors) link between core areas, provide a migration of animals and the exchange of genetic material. The main functions of ecocorridors:
- species dissamination;
- maintenance of breeding species and the promotion of genetic exchange;
- providing migration of species;
- providing spieces survival in unfavorable conditions;
- maintaining of ecological balance.
Pan-European ecocorridors must connect a natural nucleus of respective rank. They are sending pathways of genes panmixion in the scale of the continent, and migration routes over long distances. It may be, for example, the valleys of large rivers. Their width must be at least 15-20 km. The width of the local ecocorridors, according to experts, should not be less than 500 m. The more narrow is corridor, the worse it performs its function, and vice versa.
3. Buffer area (buffer zones) protect the core and connecting areas of anthropogenic influence. This is a transitional band between natural areas and territorial management. The purpose of buffer zones is to control the economic activities on lands adjacent to core areas, which should be done through quality control on these lands, thereby reducing the negative impact on the core areas and reduce the probability of their isolation.
4. Restoration areas - the territory whith violated nature as a result of human influence; territory with active forms of adverse geodynamic processes (water erosion, a shift), where should be implemented immediate measures to revive environment, where necessary and possible to resume the natural vegetation and the repatriation of plant and animal species [3, pp.57-59].
So, the spatial structure of the Ukrainian National Ecological Network established by the Program for its formation, where the main frame of the core areas are objects of natural reserve fund (NRF) of national importance, and so parts of the land with the largest area of preserved natural environment. As the main environmental corridors there are natural areas with linear configuration - the valleys and water areas of the largest rivers in Ukraine.
The spatial structure of regional ecological networks the country develops and implements legislative and executive bodies at the regional level with the involvement of local scientists and experts, and local governments. In particular, in the Donetsk administration has taken a number of decisions on the organization and developed a concept and a promising scheme of its formation. In its rigid cores taken in the area of all existing facilities NRF, as well as parts of the region with the highest concentration of natural and semi-natural areas. Ecological corridors, linking the nucleus of a frame, is considered the entire river network area. Also in these decisions by the formation of local ecological networks at the level of administrative districts of the Donetsk region, which should fill the entire frame of another regional ecological network.
SECTION 4. Natural conditions and prerequisites for the formation of local ecological networks in the Donetsk region (for example, eight administrative districts) [Excerpt]
To determine the natural capacity to shape local ecological networks were chosen eight administrative districts of the Donetsk region from its various geographic sectors: East - Amvrosievsky and Shakhtersky areas, the north-east - Artemovsky district, south and south-west - Volodarsky and Pershotravnevy areas, north West - Alexandrovsky region and western regions - Velikonovoselkovsky and Dobropolsky areas. With the help of topographic maps (scale 1:200000) and the instrumental method of counting the number and determining the area there was identified the total area and average area for each class of objects in each area. Then they conducted a global assessment and a comprehensive environmental characteristics under consideration taken of their biological diversity (biodiversity), fitocenotical (biocenotical) diversity and edaphic diversity, as well as their surface area (in hectares).
Thus, almost in all areas there completely dominated forest plots. Exception are only two western areas - Velikonovoselkovsky and Dobropolsky, where the number of forests and garden complexes of approximately the same, but the total area is large a twice of the forests. Objects of NRF, on the contrary, are the smallest class, but is dominated by the middle of the area occupied, and thus represent the most significant natural areas in the region (see table 1).
Таble 1 - Number, total area and average area (ha) of the three classes of objects of the administrative districts of Donetsk region p>
Conclusion. In general, a quantitative characterization of all classes of objects and their score has shown a very mixed picture of spatial distribution of the natural potential of the Donetsk region: the greatest potential have eastern, north-eastern and south-western areas, middle potential has north-western area, and very low potential is ih the western regions.
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While writing the abstract diploma was still in the process of writing. Now there completed four sections, and the fifth nearly finished. The final completion of the diploma is planned in December, 2009. Full text and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or scientific leader after named date.