Faculty: Ecology and Chemical Technology
Speciality: Chemical Technology of Fuel


According to the classification of different materials of briquetting ability by L.A. Lur’e, briquetting materials with additive of organic binder (coal, anthracite, coke breeze and some ores) refers to B group, subgroup E – briquetting materials with addition of binders.

Coal is high high-molecular compound; it was created as a result of reactions of condensations of different chemical components of organic plants. The base of coal molecular consists of condensed nucleus, they have side-chains. The condensed level increases with anthragenesis process. Anthracites has the highest level of condensation. Side-chains has main part of nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur, they defines the reaction ability of coals. Their quantity decreasing from brown coals to anthracites.

From the petrography overview – coals it is mixture of different micro-petrography components. They consists of micro-size formations; they arises from plant tissues at anaerobic decomposition in metamorphization processes. Carbonization depends on geological conditions, water quantity, chemical reactions activity, pressure and temperature.

Vitrenitum and fuzenitum has special influence on briquettes structure formation. Amount of vitrinitum in coals is 60-80%, sometimes 90%. It definitely arises from brown coals to anthracites synchronously with main properties changing. Coals with low metamorphization level vitrinitum has volatile up to 40%. Coals with middle metamorphization level has minimal volatile about 1-3%. Mineral content consists of sodium, potassium, calcium and another alkaline-earth metals. Vitrinitum has 5-6% of hydrogen, about 17% of oxygen and more than 78% of carbon.

The amount of fuzenitum in coals is 5-10%, but sometimes it can be 60% and more. Fuzenitum decreases briquetting ability of coals and impairs burning ability of briquettes. They are almost not caking and have low surface activity. It also completely isotropic. Temperature treatment doesn’t change it’s structure. Fuzenitum easy frays into soot powder, what consists of volatile substances (8-12%) and mineral impurities (88-92%). The content of hydrogen, oxygen and carbon is 3, 6 and 90% respectively [1, p. 10].

Coals requirements

Most important physical properties of coals for briquetting process:

  1. Porosity – defines hygroscopicity of coals and character of binder diffusion. Coal pores are divided by average diameter and internal surface into micro- and macro-pores. These parameters for macro-pores are 5*10-8 м and 1 м2/г, for micro-pores – (5 – 15) * 10-10 м and 200 м2/g;
  2. Crushability – defines coal ability to resist of destruction upon crushing action. The crushability coefficient is quotient of coal parts sizes before and after crushing. For different coals it wobbles from 0,4 to 0,95;
  3. Brittleness – coal ability to destroy under mechanical treatment without of direct-acting crushing. This quality describes coal behavior under compressing.
  4. Wettability – characterizes the intensity of binder diffluence through coal surface [1, p. 12].

Binder requirements

Binders – compounds that has abilities to associate isolate solids and to save strong contact between them under external actions. Binders can be produced from organic or none-organic materials.

Binders should fulfill next requirements:

  1. The large surface activity, solid surfaces large moistening ability.
  2. Resistance to atmospheric precipitations, temperature, sun rays, oxidation.
  3. It must be substrate-friendly in product.
  4. It must be elastic and flexible.
  5. It must have high durability but not as hard as filler; it will prevent filler crushing due uneven tension.
  6. It must debar arising of internal tensions in solid state.
  7. It must have high solidification speed.
  8. It must haven’t volatile human toxic compounds.
  9. It must have enough sintering components to ensure briquettes thermal stability in burning processes.
  10. It must have thermal stability to prevent influence of high summer and low winter temperatures.
  11. It must have high combustion heat and low devolatilization level.
  12. It must have low ignition temperature.
  13. Components must be cheap and easy available.
  14. It must be stable in storage and transportation.

Practical results

According to search results we can say next:

  1. Oil binders has best qualities for briquetting, then sour tar or carbonaceous sludge as a results of coke-chemistry products.
  2. The binder optimum is 8-18%.
  3. The advisable interval after briquette production before their usage is 1-1,5 day.


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