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Master DonNTU Borsch Anton
Name: Borsch Anton
Born: Donetsk, October 24, 1987
School: Number 69 of Donetsk 1994-2004
University: In 2004 entered the DonNTU
Faculty: Economy
Speciality: Management innovative activity
Science work: Motivation and stimulation of innovative activity of enterprise
Chief: Assoc. Chairs ESR, Ph.D. Fischenko Oksana N.
Graduated: 2010

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Abstract of Master's work Borsch A

Theme urgency

Priorities in development of world economic community are that today, that positions of each separate country, level of its power, are defined not only security by principal views of strategic material resources, but also directly depend on achievements of the state in the field of innovations, its scientific and technical potential, ability to create and effectively to use the new knowledge acting as a necessary condition of a successful competition and economic growth. In the light of such tendencies paramount value for Ukraine construction and realisation of model of innovative development of economy about which already it was much spoken, but real and notable steps to this direction gets our state while and has not made.

Movement on an innovative way of development is possible only in the presence of favorable conditions for effective realisation of the saved up innovative potential of the country and its further escalating, construction of the effective mechanism of management by innovative processes. Thus it is necessary to specify on important, and even in what that to degree defining, value of psychological aspects of the innovative activity playing a main role in overcoming of innovative inertness of subjects of business of various forms of managing, proprietors of the capital, the state. There is an objective necessity to change the relation of people to a new reality, psychology of perception them of innovations, to impart understanding of value and a role of activization of innovative changes. To reach it it is possible only on the basis of deep knowledge of the valid motives and possibility of stimulation of innovative activity of various subjects. Therefore all-round study of aspects of motivation and the stimulation, acting as one of solving causal factors of productivity of innovative activity it is especially actual today.

The analysis and generalisation of materials of publications of domestic and foreign researchers such as Arcady Prigozhin, Abraham Masloy, Leyman, Malt liquor, Scott Myers specifies in insufficient working out of questions of motivation in sphere of innovative activity at the enterprise. It is necessary to note, of course, existence of a considerable quantity of the information in the economic literature, concerning motivation of activity labour, but specificity of innovative processes rejects possibility of identical treatment of all concepts inherent in a category “motivation” and “stimulation”, with reference to these two kinds of activity.

The purpose and research problems

The purpose master's work is revealing and improvement of the mechanism of motivation and stimulation of innovative activity of the enterprise.

For research objective realisation following problems have been put:

  • To define essence and features of motivation and stimulation in a context of innovative activity
  • To carry out the analysis of the general mechanism of motivation and stimulation
  • To define different approaches to motivation and stimulation of innovative activity at the enterprise
  • To process economic aspects of motivation and stimulation
  • To offer advanced model of the mechanism of motivation and stimulation
  • To formulate recommendations from optimisation of innovative activity of the enterprise by means of motivation and stimulation

Objects of research

Object of research - processes of innovative activity which are caused by means of motivation and stimulation.

Object of research are principles and management methods motivation and stimulation in a direction of innovative activity of the enterprise.

Research methods

A methodological and methodical basis of research of a steel of work of domestic and foreign scientists-economists, psychologists, managers, laws of Ukraine, decrees of the President of Ukraine, the decision of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, decrees of the Cabinet of Ukraine, statistical tributes of the State committee of statistics of Ukraine.

In the course of research general scientific and special methods of knowledge were applied: the logic analysis at definition of the mechanism of motivation and stimulation of innovative activity, the factorial analysis, statistical methods.

Scientific value

Master's work consists in a substantiation of offers concerning motivation and stimulation of innovative activity of the enterprise and in improvement of already existing model.

The basic maintenance master`s works

Theoretical bases of motivation and stimulation

Different researchers, both foreign, and domestic, depending on sights, belief, methodological approaches differently describe essence of the phenomena which hides behind concepts “motivation”, “stimulation”. But, having analysed, there was a revealed one generalised essence of these concepts. Also the role of motives and stimulus, as key concepts to corresponding processes has been revealed.

Animated diagram
Picture 1 Scheme of the formation of motivational structures

The model of the mechanism of motivation and stimulation in a context of innovative activity is considered. Character of communications between its components is established.

Methodical approaches to motivation and stimulation of innovative activity at the enterprise

There are considered existing ways of motivation of activity at the enterprise, and also different ways of its stimulation. Having analysed results which have been received - communication between cause and effect, for the further improvement of the mechanism concerning motivation and stimulation was defined. The revealed economic aspects of innovative activity, and also character of influence on their indicators at the expense of the considered methods. Various conditions which can directly influence level of effect from these or those measures on motivation and stimulation of innovative activity of the enterprise are defined.

Concerning motivation and stimulation of innovative activity of the enterprise

The advanced mechanism of motivation and stimulation will be offered the Recommendation, and on its basis recommendations concerning optimisation of innovative activity of the enterprise will be formulated.

The conclusion

Summing up, it is possible to draw following conclusions:

  1. The motivation and stimulation in sphere of innovative activity should be considered as a necessary element of a control system of progressive changes at the enterprise, as a source of an intensification of innovative activity of various subjects, as effective means of overcoming of inertness of their thinking.
  2. The knowledge of essence of the phenomena, disappearing behind terms “motivation”, “stimulation”, will allow to understand, that induces participants of innovative processes to make those or other decisions, what motives and stimulus underlie their behaviour how it is possible to make active desirable motives for innovative activity and to weaken those from them which constrain movement on an innovative way of development.
  3. The objective validity causes an imperative need of working out of the general mechanism of motivation and stimulation of innovative activity at which correct construction, knowledge of principles and specificity of functioning depending on concrete conditions, “superdecisions” in the field of innovations are possible. Thus the main idea of the mechanism should consist not in compulsion of subjects to make any changes, and in awakening of interest to the maintenance of innovative activity. Certainly, nobody can tell, with sufficient degree of confidence as the motivation in details operates, what force there should be a motivational influence when will work motivebased factor, especially, why it will work in each concrete case and in what result will result. But even the understanding of structure and sequence of action of the motivational mechanism of innovative activity already acts as the important factor for increase of efficiency of its realisation.


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© Borsch Anton. 2009