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Gizimchyk EkaterinaFaculty: economicSpeciality: Management of innovative activityTheme of master's work: Improvement of planning of innovative activity at the enterpriseLeader of work: Shilova Larisa |
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The modern rates of world economic development stipulate the high dynamics of market processes, which requires the increased attention of higher managerial staff of enterprises to the innovations as one of sources of forming of competitive edges. Providing of efficiency of innovative activity needs development of the expressly outlined innovative strategy, which must include determination of basic directions of scientific and technical and production activity of enterprise in the spheres of development and introduction of new products; perfection and modifications of products that is made, removal from the production of ramshackle goods, bringing in in production activity of new resources and new technologies, mastering of new methods of organization of production and labour, and others like that. Due to purposeful innovative activity subjects of menage will be in a position to create and master those innovations which can bring them a substantial benefit, fix them competition positions. Absence of the system in planning of innovative processes on domestic enterprises |
A research purpose is deepening of teoretichno-metodichnikh aspects of planning of innovative activity on an enterprise in the conditions of dynamic economy. For gaining end the followings tasks belong in work: to conduct research of development and becoming of approaches and methods of evaluation of innovative potential of enterprise; to consider the specific of innovation as a planning object; |
A research object is innovative activity of enterprises in the context of planning of their activity in the dynamic terms of menage. By the article of research methods and methods of planning of innovative activity on an enterprise. |
A study and analysis of teoretiko-metodichnikh works and practical recommendations in the field of management innovative processes showed them some fragmentaryness, dissociated of processes of planning of innovations from their realization. Forming of strategic plans with priority of achievement of financial indexes attracts attention managers in the field of planning of innovations mostly on obruntuvanni possibility realization of such innovative projects, from which it is possible to get a considerable return. It narrows the spectrum of innovative search sending him in direction of tekhniko-tekhnologichnikh innovations. At the same time difficulties are with bringing in of capital for financing of scale innovative project, and also absence of effective methods of management his realization diminishes the expected return from innovative activity that draws the loss of interest to it as to the method of improvement of financial results of activity of enterprises. Planning belongs to the sphere of human activity. Most shortly planning can be defined I The practical value of work consists in that it will be used in practice of management innovative activity on operating enterprises. Possible approbation. The substantive provisions of work will be given a report and come into question on national and regional student naukovo-praktichnikh conferences in a that number: at Allukrainian mizhvuzivskiy scientific student conference "Principles and instruments of activation of financial influence are on socio-economic development of Ukraine" (on March, 20, 2009, m. Kyiv). Work is executed by order 1656-14 from 28.11.2008 |
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