Master DonNTU Kapitonova Anna Vladimirovna

Economy faculty
Economy and marketing chair
Speciality: enterprise Economy
Specialisation: Marketing

Kapitonova Anna Vladimirovna

Theme of final work:

Forming market potential of the industrial enterprise

The supervisor of studies: the professor, Evdokimov Fedor Ivanovich

The abstract on a theme of master’s work


The transition to a market economy has put the company into new economic conditions that are characterized by the formation of a tough competitive environment, forced to radically change the strategy and tactics of behavior. Moreover, the complication of a permanent process of interaction between market forces the company to plan more carefully and to predict their activities. In recent years there has been a positive trend of gradual transition to modern industrial approaches, technologies and models of business organization.

Current market conditions require the managers of operational and simple assessment of market opportunities of the enterprise, assessing the effectiveness of management decisions, company valuation, and others need a new approach. This goal can serve as assessment of market potential of industrial enterprises. In turn, the market potential is characterized by the ability of rational use of available business resources.

The company's activities, focused on strategic thinking with the use of market-oriented management practices, proposes the use of such techniques, which will quickly assess the ability and opportunity to companies to find hidden reserves and increase its effectiveness. Solving these problems allows for the need to study the market potential of enterprises and the level of its use as a priority, which characterizes the possibility of successful functioning of enterprises in the unstable legal and economic environment.
Thus, the purpose of this work is to build on the concept of maximizing the market potential of the enterprise as an economic category, to offer an adequate model for assessing current conditions of the market potential of the company, to give a full idea of market potential and determine its structure.


It should be noted that the market potential as an economic category, has been considered recently and within different areas of economic disciplines. So far there is no unity in the definition of the basic concepts of market potential. However, there are not only theoretical problems but also problems of methodological and practical nature, which is to create a model of market potential and assessing the level of its use. Thus, we encountered a real need to follow the development problems of defining market potential and its evaluation, as well as forming a strategy for management. Therefore, questions assessing the market potential of the company are among the most pressing economic problems that arise before the heads of the company.

The main purpose of assessing the level of the target market potential is to become the working tools of forming strategy and tactics of corporate development.
Based on the foregoing, the relevance of research topic due to the circumstances and is developing a method of forming and assessing the market potential of the enterprises, based on the fullest possible implementation of research and development that exist today in the concept of capacity.


The object of study is the market potential of the enterprise.

The research subjects a procedure for generating and evaluating the market potential of industrial enterprises.

The purpose of this work - the development of theoretical foundations of the economic categories of «market potential of the company» and development methods and assessment of market potential.

Practical value
Modern market theory operates with different economic means, models, algorithms and methods for planning and organization of marketing activities of enterprises. However, in practice domestic firms is used only part of the best economic tool, which can be attributed to a number of marketing management skills for many businesses.
Reduce some of the imbalance between the theoretical operating time of marketing and their practical application is possible with the help of a new economic category - market potential.

The need for the introduction of market potential and its components is predetermined by the requirements of the development apparatus of assessing the application of modern approaches in economic activity of enterprises. Operational quantitative assessment of market potential will discover hidden reserves in the development of enterprise and, thus, increase the benefits more informed use of economic instruments.



The study of market potential of the enterprise engaged in such prominent scholars as Popov EV, Abalkin LI, Avdeenko VM, Bilous RA, Gorbunov EP, Ignotovsky PA, Lukin I.I ., T. Jenner, Golubkov EP, Atkin, NA, Repin, IM, Gavva VN but others in connection with which the theory contains different views of the authors about the nature, content and structure of the market potential of the enterprise. This is due to the fact that the study of the capacity of researchers have begun to engage in relatively new and researchers have isolated some one of its features.

So T. Jenner determine the market potential as a «range of tools and opportunities of the enterprise in the implementation of market activity».[4]
Golubkov EP specifies that «the market potential - the limit to which sweeps the market demand at the approach of marketing costs in the industry to a value at which their subsequent increase has not led to increased demand in certain environments. With some assumptions can be considered the demand, which corresponds to its maximum value on the curve of the product life cycle for a stable market. In this case, assumes that the competing organizations to support the demand to apply the maximum possible marketing efforts.»[3]

Atkinа article «Strategic planning of market potential» specifies: «The market potential of the enterprise - is the ability to manage its resources at various stages of its development in order to effectively interact with the market.»[1]

Repin IM argues that «under the market potential to understand a set of internal capabilities and external opportunities to meet the needs of consumers and on this basis to extract the maximum economic benefit. This notion mark ability (capacity) of an enterprise to effectively identify, build and most fully meet the needs of consumers.»[6]
With regard to the company, «market potential» is considered as one of the more important dynamic characteristics of the company, which also displays the status of the company concerning the requirements of internal and external environment and is used to evaluate its performance. Effective use and improvement of the market potential is a continuous process of active adaptation by business entities to change the conditions of operation. Moreover, special emphasis must be carried out on the phrase «active device», on the grounds that to work effectively in an environment variable can only be choosing the tactics of intensive development, rather than the tactics of survival.
The essence of the market potential - is the maximum possible use now all the advanced work in the field of marketing.


Precise and clear picture of the structure of the market potential of the company has not yet been given. This, in my opinion, due to the fact that research on the subject to be sent, which in part formed, such as financial management, personnel management, logistics, business planning, etc. As a result, a wealth of tools assessing opportunities for enterprises in different spheres of activity but at the same time feel the lack of completeness of the girth and systematic approach to the representation of the structure of its market potential.
The structure of the market potential of the company - is a relatively stable way of organizing the elements of the market potential, which reveals its structure, elemental composition, the principle of formation and development. Optimal structure building must have a minimum number of components, but at the same time, fully to perform specified functions. The structure of the market potential of the enterprise should have the following main features: durability, stability, flexibility, balance, balance.
Despite the diversity of interpretations of this concept, we can note a number of issues inherent in most approaches.
1. In the structure of the market potential of a separate block allocation of resources that are available to the company. When they started talking about the classification of labor, information, financial and material (production and technical) resources.

Manpower is sometimes called upon to consider how intelligent (this is acceptable, as the staff, in essence, is the bearer of intelligence). Most authors give them the utmost importance, as people - an important resource of any organization and is central to any system of governance. In order to analyze the strategic human resources are divided into three components - the decision makers, staff of the company (employees as a single entity) and personnel as the working potential. The feasibility of this approach depends largely on the depth of analysis and the level of strategic management at the enterprise as a whole.
2. In addition to the resource component of modern economic theory allocate control unit. It usually distinguish between three subsystems: planning - aimed at identifying future potential for success, implementation - have the task of creating a new building and conversion of existing factors in success; Control - serves as a test the effectiveness of the plans and decisions, and continuously monitoring the integrity of the planning assumptions.[7]


To assess the market potential should identify the factors that shape it, or indicators, of which it consists. In my opinion, the most detailed nature of the market potential revealed Popov EV, because the necessary components of the market potential for Popa is: methodological potential, the potential labor force, the potential of material resources, information potential.[9] Besfamilnov S. and Rozhkov offer to assess the market potential, the following indicators: market size, sales volume, competition, availability of acquisition, expenditure on advertising.[10]
But Popov EV not take into account market size, sales and competition, which, in my opinion is an important indicator of the enterprise market.


For a more detailed assessment of market potential, in my opinion, should apply the method of analysis of hierarchies, which introduced the American scientist Thomas Saaty.
For example, the company has several ways of development. And, in order to determine which of them is the most effective, in terms of market potential, determine the priority, that is the method of analysis of hierarchies determine which of the shortest paths.

To determine the market potential, firstly, the need to list the most important criteria that characterize the market potential. Then determine the weight of each factor in the market potential. This Saaty invites experts to fill in a questionnaire, which should indicate the importance of one factor over another. It is necessary to fill out a questionnaire so that the horizontal and vertical were listed factors that help achieve the goal. But these factors need to rank and determine the weight of each of them. Therefore, experts should be from 1 to 9 stamped priorities for each factor relative to another. Total each column is [n (n-1)] / 2 alternatives. When comparing himself to a factor in the matrix enters 1 and reciprocals count a position opposite the comparison factors. It should be noted that the factors should be 7 + / -2.
The next step is to determine the vector of priorities for this matrix. It was calculated as follows: multiply the n elements of each time and take out the root of n degree. Then normalize the matrix: divisible elements of each column in the amount of the elements of this column. Thus, we have a vector of priorities, it will be the weight of each factor in the market potential.
For each matrix to calculate the index of consistency. Multiplying the matrix of comparisons on this estimate the vector of solutions, we obtain a new vector. Continue to divide each component of this vector on the corresponding component of the evaluation of the decision to divide the vector sum of the components of this vector on the number of components, we find an approximation to the number of emax (dominant eigenvalue). Closer emax to n (number of objects), the more consistent results.

It is also necessary to determine the deviation from consistency, which is called the index of consistency (IC). IP is calculated: (emax - n) / (n - 1). Index of coherence, which is generated at random on a scale from 1 to 9 obratnosimmetricheskoy matrix with the corresponding reciprocals of elements, called the random index (SI).
The ratio of IP to the average SI for the matrix of the same order is called the consistency ratio (OS). The value of OS is less than or equal 0.10, is considered acceptable.[8]
The next step is to compare the ways of development on indicators. We perform a method, which has been pointed above, and construct a new matrix.

To obtain the overall effectiveness of development paths in terms of market capacity multiply the new matrix on the right by the transpose vector of characteristics values. That is, weigh each received their own seven vectors with the priorities of the relevant characteristics, and then add. Thus we have the following formula to calculate the market potential:
RP = аі * Фі
where RP - market potential;
аі - weight of i-th factor in the market potential;
Phi - Weight paths of development for each criterion.


The market potential is regarded as one of the more important dynamic characteristics of the company, which also displays the status of the company about the requirements of external and internal environment and is used to evaluate its performance. Effective use and improvement of the market potential is a continuous process of active adaptation by business entities to change the conditions of operation.

The structure of the market potential should include the following factors: methodological potential, the potential labor resources, the potential of material resources, information capacity, market size, sales volume and competition.

For a more detailed assessment of market potential to apply the method of analysis of hierarchies. This technique should be more fully assess the market potential of the enterprise, but it should be noted that each business is unique and has its own properties. Therefore, surveys should be conducted for each company separately


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