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Student of DonNTU Matveeva Viktoriya

Matveeva Viktoriya Igorevna

Economical faculty


Management of innovative activity

Master's work theme:

Influence of innovation on the economic security of the enterprise

Scientific leader:

Shilova Larisa Ivanovna


General description of work

Actuality of theme

A modern tendency in the field of financial production is characterized the deficit of natural resources and cutthroat competition, and consequently by the necessity of active activity of enterprise in area of support of normal vital functions. A survival in the conditions of market economy requires development of strategy of activity of firm, and also mechanism of neutralization of undesirable rejections, from the chosen course.
    Terms of domestic economy are yet harder; that is determined political, legislative instability; by economic shocks; by lag of level of development of relations in the field of business from modern standards et cetera In principle, it is a normal situation for the young Ukrainian economy which develops, and a positive moment is a dynamic evolution of afore-mentioned category in the direction of those which take place in our country of reform and transformations. Thus, reality of domestic enterprise is tense enough, that is related to the overfalls on concrete markets and in industry of production, and also by a general economic crisis in the state.
    However much economic science develops more swift, than other sphere of public life, and presents all new instruments, methods, approaches, to providing of normal activity of any economic subject, what adequate progress of human society trends. One of such innovations is a category "economic security". what applicable both in relation to the state(to the region) on the whole and to the concrete enterprise. This sphere of economic science, to date is perspective and such, that develops swiftly, that is why causes the special to it interest. Achievements to this direction are little tested, especially in the conditions of the Ukrainian transitional economy, that is why there is certain reserve of development.
    Economic security of enterprise (ESE) is the most effective and effective mechanism in area of optimization of activity of enterprise for development on the vector of the chosen strategy. He gives a certain tool, that allows in good time to diagnose and avoid the negative factors of external environment and situation into an enterprise, and also to discover and use positive circumstances. In a kind the objective necessity of comprehensive study of concept of EB, wide use, him in the conditions of unstable economic environment, it is possible to establish sharp increasing actuality of questions, related to this category. It should be noted that presently, especially in Ukraine, there is not a theoretical base of these questions of economic science which was folded, there is only separate development to this direction.

Aim of the work

For consideration the theme of the real work is set achievement of the following purpose:
- to analyse техніко-технологічну constituent of ESE ;
- to estimate the indicators of technological safety of industrial enterprise;
- to develop the complex method of estimation of EBP and prognostication of its indexes.

Task of the work

In accordance with the put purpose, basic tasks is:
- determined with the list of constituent of EBP.
- to consider the category of innovation as one of major factors of EBP;
- to analyse the basic indicators of estimation of technological safety of enterprise;

Scientific novelty

The scientific novelty of work consists, foremost, in a subject, namely: before an innovation was not examined so widely in the context of EBP. In accordance with a theme new conformity to law and tendency is marked. In addition, the new instruments of estimation of technological safety of enterprise are offered. Among their and traditionally in-use for the estimation of efficiency exploitation of capital production assets, and new indicators, related to the recreation and update техніко-технологічної sphere, as for example, access to now-how, load of the specialized equipment and others like that.

Practical value

From the practical point of view the system of indicators of estimation of economic security of enterprise appeared a research result. In a kind importance of this sphere, providing of it, is foreground job of enterprise. To define directions of investment of facilities in this sphere, volumes of investment and distributing them, in time possibly at presence of the scientifically grounded indicators.
    At consideration of the system of indicators which represent the state of technological constituent, it is possible to select two basic group of indexes. Adhering to the method of estimation of losses, state of technical-technological of constituent (TTS) follow to estimate on the basis of private functional criterion (PFK) of technological safety of enterprise.
    Essence of this criterion consists in the estimation of economic efficiency of the measures accepted on an enterprise on providing of his technological safety. Dan of CHFK settles accounts on the basis of correlation of sum that prevented and the losses borne an enterprise on TTS with charges on realization of measures on providing of technological safety of enterprise.
    Formalized estimation of technological strength of enterprise security on PFK of efficiency of measures which are accepted, on providing of technological safety it is possible to present thus: PFK = Upr /(Z+Upo)
    The second groups of indicators of the state of technological safety of enterprise include traditionally in-use for the estimation of level of technological potential of enterprise criteria. Among their it is possible to select such, as an amount of license which is for sale and bought an enterprise, amount those, which are at disposal of patents, correlation of the got and paid licensed payment and other It is possible also to select such indicators of the state of technological safety of enterprise, as percent of products which is produced, protected patents, specific scales of technological equipment of enterprise, this enterprise and other protected patents.
    In presentation these and other indexes and the practical value of work consists, as they can be used in the conditions of concrete enterprise.


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