ÄîíÍÒÓDonNTU Ìàãèñòðû ÄîíÍÒÓMasters Ðóññêèé ÿçûêRUS Óêðàèíñêèé ÿçûêUA

Shupik Dmitriy

Shupik Dmitriy

Theme of master's degree dissertation:

Forming of service of marketing on the basis of functional approach.

Supervisor: Professor Evdokimov Fedor

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstact

About myself:


  1. Middle school ¹9 (1994-2004)

  2. Donetsk national technical university, faculty of economy (2004-2009)

Middle mark for period of studying in an university 4.88

Languages of communication:

  • I know Russian and Ukrainian languages fluently

  • I know English

  • Childhood

    I was born in Enakievo the Donetsk area, although my parents a native residents of Donetsk. From 15 years old I have lived in Donetsk. My childhood passed sufficiently quiet and exactly. The summer I passed in my grandmother and grandfather in Enakievo. My favourite passion was playing football — I have always dreamed to be engaged in football professionally.


    In 7 years old, as well as everyone, I went to the general school ¹ 9. It was not some special event, however the school made not the best impression on me. I did not differ by some special talents, however I finished the school with the gold medal, and I very relied on it when I entered to the university.


    The question about the choice of university for me did not stand. I knew simply, that I want to study in DonNTU, as this university has a high level of preparation of personnel, and also has a stainless reputation in many countries. I entered to the speciality "Economy of enterprise (maketing)". Marketing — very cognitive and enthralling science which can be studied not only from books or lectures, but also from our everyday life.


    In the near future I want to write and protect master's degree work on the chosen topic successfully, to get the diploma of master's degree and continue to carry on entrepreneurial activity...

    Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstact