DonNTU Master's portal
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Konograi Viktoriia

Faculty energomehaniki and automations

Speciality "Automated management technological process"

Theme of master's work:

Research of the technological process production of flame retardant materials and development of the rational                                   automatization system for batching refractory body

Scientific adviser: Marenich Konstantin Nikolaevich




         The average mark at university is 4,8. I speak Russian and Ukrainian lan-guages fluently. I know English in a basic level. I have experience of work with the programs Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MathCAD, Math LAB, Micro-Cap, Microsoft Visio, Paint and programming language Visual Basic. I am a real music fan. I like to read interesting books and magazines and I love sea most of all!!!

Short biography:


         I was born on November 9, 1986 in small town Chasov Yar, Donetsk region. I was quiet, obedient, sensitive and diligent child, thanks to my parents: Konograi Iriny Leontievny and Konograi Uriya Grigorievicha and, certainly, to my kind and tender grandfather and grandmother.
         The first public institution in my life was a day nursery, where I always visited with the huge pleasure. Then it was kindergarten "Rucheek", in which I have shown myself as a creative and sociable child, I took place in social life of kindergarten and later I participated and won "Mini-Ms." competition in 1992.


         I enter secondary school ¹15 in 1993. The first favourite teacher – Chernyshova Nelly Removna, to which I am very grateful that she could not only impart to us draft to knowledge, but also has tried to develop in us such qualities, as purposefulness, kindness, skills to appreciate love and friendship. I was fond as of humanitarian and technical subjects as well.
         In the second class I went to musical school on a class of a piano, where further was studing with the huge pleasure, participated in various competitions devoted to music.


         11 class was devoted to a choice of an Educational Institution and for the further preparation for it. The choice was made for DonNTU, because here I was attracted with a speciality at faculty Energomehaniki and Automations "AUP" from the very beginning, which was connected to the computer-integrated technologies, that is important. I have the opinion, that this knowledge will help during process of employment and in my career. So in 2004 my student's years - with the large reliance have begun I can tell are Most remarkable Years In Life, which, unfortunately fly with speed of light, but do not fly by without leaving a trace!!! The memoirs with interest will suffice on all subsequent life!!!

         I received the bachelor degree on «Automation and computer-integrated technologies » speciality in 2008.

         My scientific supervison is a Dr. ph., senior lecturer and a chief of "Electrical engineer and automatics for mines" department, very sociable teacher Marenich Konstantina Nikolaevich. The subject of my master theme: " Research of the technological process production of flame retardant materials and development of the rational automatization system for batching refractory body ".


Abstract DonNTU Master's portal