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Master of DonNTU Nickolai Perepichai Nickolai Perepichai

Faculty: Energomechanic and automatization

Department: Mineral processing

Speciality: Mineral processing

Theme of master's work:

Research and technology development to full utilization of the solid phase of sludge tanks

Leader of work: Papushin Y.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Nickolai Perepichai
Date of birth: 26 November 1985
Nationality: Ukrainian
1993-2003 Secondary school #10
2004-2008 Donetsk National Technical University
Degree: Bachelor of mineral processing
Language skills: Russian, Ukrainian; English, German with a vocabulary
Computer skills: MS Word, MS Excel, 3Ds Max, Visual Basic for Application, HTML.
Work experience:
February 2008 - May 2008 Laboratory of industrial emissions in Donetsk National Technical University
Interests: Sports, books, drawing, exhibitions, museums, theatre, foreign languages, music.

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