

Master of DonNTU Leonid Platonov

Leonid Platonov

Speciality: Lifting-and-shifting, road-building, reclamation machines and equipment

Theme of master's work: The research of oscillation process in the pull chains of the pull chain transport

Scientific adviser: Khitsenko Nickolai Vasylievich



Visualization of engagement

Visualization of the spatial picture links scraper chain
block leading stars. Animation consists of 5 frames with a delay of 0.2.
The number of cycles is unlimited play.


Visualization of assembly-disassembly protective hydraulic clutch

Visualization of the spatial picture links scraper chain
block leading stars. Animation consists of 5 frames with a delay of 0.2.
The number of cycles is unlimited play.
Visualization of the assembly - disassembly gidromufty scraper conveyor. Animation
consists of 2 frames with a delay of 1. The number of cycles of reproduction












Transport chain pulling body represented a wide variety. This includes pipes of different lengths used in the mining industry and in agriculture, grain elevators, all kinds peregruzhateli; conveyors snow, road construction, mining and other machinery.
The most responsible and demanded the vehicle with the chain pulling authority on the territory of Ukraine is a bottom scraper conveyor. Also, it is the conditions of the downhole scraper conveyors are the most difficult due to high loads, the aggressiveness of the environment in which it operates.
Scraper bottom line has a great impact on the continuity of the mechanized sector, which accounts for 55% of the total duration of outages lava. Of these, 50% of outages occur due to the fault of scraper conveyor. Troubleshooting-related downtime scraper conveyor is one of the most labor intensive, with 53% of the total labor accounted for troubleshooting related to the traction chain. Thus, increasing the durability of the traction chain, as well as improving its operating performance will improve the sustainability of the mechanized sector, which has a positive impact on productivity. In many cases the causes of the dynamic loads are oscillatory processes resulting kinematics gearing Star - chain. Especially dangerous oscillatory processes causing resonance.

Analysis of publications


The wide introduction of conveyor belts in coal mines contribute to the scientific, experimental and design work performed by the research, engineering and training institutes.
Of paramount importance in the development of konveyerostroeniya are works on the theory, design, maintenance of conveyors Corresponding Member Kor. Of USSR prof. AO Spivakovsky, a founder of Russian school on the conveyor transport. A great contribution to science made by underground conveyor transport of the academician of USSR prof. NS Polyakova, as well as a number of other Soviet foreign scientists.
As a result of efforts uchenyx, research institutions and groups of plants are now fully konveyerizirovan transport coal from the faces, which is mainly used scraping conveyors.
In response to the increasing concentration of coal mining on a small number of sites of high losses in production at one site as a result of any accident, for example, due to break the chain, significantly increased, even with short duration outages. Reasons for withdrawal of the circuits are very different, but the chain of unacceptable or destroyed under the influence of frequently repeated moderate dynamic loads.
Dynamics conveyor chain pulling body began to develop in the 30-ies of the XX century. G. Ganfshtengelem was obtained Analytical dependence for determining the dynamic forces on the towing authority conveyor [4], in which the value of the dynamic forces provided directly proportional to the square of the speed of the conveyor. Later it turned out that the proposed theory is valid only for small slow-moving conveyor.
In the late 40-ies of the AO Spivakovsknm and VD Kruzhkovym studies have been carried out dynamic efforts in the towing body scraper conveyor. Oscillograms obtained from measurements of effort using load cells showed that the frequency variations in tractive effort is proportional to the chain of stars at the turn of one tooth, and the amplitude of oscillation depends on the pre-tension the chain. At the same time, study AA Dolgolenko, which was first considered as a traction chain conveyor system with distributed parameters showed a significant effect of dynamic characteristics of the traction on the vibrational processes [5]. As a result, he had proposed a method of determining dynamic forces in the traction chain according to their elastic properties. The theoretical study A. A. Dolgolenko played a crucial role in the development of the theory with the conveyor chain pulling body.
The most complete study of the dynamics of the traction chain scraper conveyors, as validated by numerous experimental data, were conducted IG Shtokman [6]. As a result, have developed the theory of the dynamics of the traction circuit and the calculation of the dynamic efforts and recommendations on the choice of parameters scraper conveyor.
Dynamics scrapers, plate, and band-chain conveyors with the influence of dissipative forces was investigated in the works of C. Sc. In. K. Smirnov. r. Sc. VP mole [7], D. M, Belenky [8, 9] and the Professor. VN Matsenko [10].


A topical issue


 The coal industry is the basis for a long period the economy not only to the Donetsk region, but the whole of Ukraine. Coal is one of the main natural wealth of our nation and is the main source of energy independence of Ukraine. To maintain the competitiveness of coal compared to other more efficient fuels such as oil and natural gas, the energy market to representatives of Ukrainian industry and research institutions have to constantly improve the mechanical installation for the extraction of coal, while addressing issues to increase their productivity, reliability and durability, as well as reduce costs, which in turn reduces the cost of coal.
In modern conditions of production of coal scraper conveyor is an indispensable means of transportation of coal by Lava. It is in Lava most difficult conditions of transportation of goods, which include: a wet environment, the aggressiveness of water and air, in some cases even the presence of wandering currents, as well as the lack of working space. In addition, downloading repelled lumps of coal in the vehicle provides a high strength construction. From the standpoint of ensuring the completeness of the above requirements scraper conveyor is the only and indispensable vehicle with coal. However, in terms of longevity, continuity and economy of metal scraper conveyor has a mass of deficiencies, a decision which will significantly improve conditions for the operation of the conveyor, as well as lead to a reduction in the cost of coal.


Goal and objectives


 The aim of this work is the identification and assessment of the significance of the criterion of resource traction harmonics of perturbations in the drive sprocket scraper conveyor.
To achieve this goal the following basic tasks:
- Examine the kinematics of linking ring chain with a star and to determine the source of forced oscillations of the chain;
- To develop a universal algorithm for the decomposition of periodic functions in Fourier series in MathCAD, to obtain spectra of frequencies of forced oscillations for different models of conveyors;
- Get a number of frequencies of the main tone and overtones subsequent natural oscillations in the case of a particular line:
- Compare the obtained spectrum of its own and forced oscillations, and to identify the frequency at which resonance is possible, assess the resource chain considered modes.


Main part


There are several causes of dynamic loads in the chain conveyor. One of these causes is the uneven movement of the chain, the resulting kinematics links (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Kinematic scheme linking.


Figure 2 presents a spatial model of engagement, which was built in solid modeling КОМПАС.


Figure 2 Spatial pattern linking the chain with a star.


Figure 3 shows the diagram of change of speed and acceleration of the traction circuit


Figure 3 Diagram of velocity and acceleration of the traction circuit.


Kinematics linking showed that the function of velocity and acceleration of the traction chains are periodic functions. And, any periodic function can be represented as a sum of several harmonics of the function [15]. Analyzing the dependence for determining the dynamic loads [1], we can conclude that the fluctuations of the chain drive asterisks occur under the law of acceleration. Therefore, you need to consider a series of harmonic functions of acceleration, which is typical range of frequencies. Getting a series of harmonic functions is based on accelerating the expansion of this function in a Fourier series according to [15]




The result of the decomposition are graphics acceleration functions (Figure 4).


Figure 4  Result of approximation on the example of accelerating conveyor СPC 151 when the number of harmonics: K = 3 (a) and K = 30 (b).



Also, using the dependence (2), we obtain the frequency spectrum, the respective harmonics.




Figure 5 shows the histogram frequency circuit


Figure 5 The parameters of some harmonics
Conveyor SPC 151.


The entire spectrum of their own ("с") and forced ("в") oscillation is given in Figure 6


Figure 6 The frequencies of its own and forced
fluctuations of the chain conveyor SPC 26.


Below are charts of dynamic loads for different working conditions conveyor (Figure 7).


Figure 7 Dinamics load at lengths conveyor 27 m(а),  54 m(б), 36 m(в) и 46 m(г).





Substantiated the significant role of external perturbations to drive the star scraper conveyor at nabeganiya chain in the formation of dynamic loads on the traction circuit. Identified the source of external disturbances and the need to examine the whole spectrum of frequencies, as well as their impact on the resource chain.


Now Master's work is still incomplete and will be amended and submitted to the protection in December 2009.




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