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Fomenko Kate
Faculty: Geotehnology and management of operations
Speciality: Safety of labour activity
Theme of master's work:
Working out of actions of increase of safety and improvement of working conditions at input of new capacities by the Krasnolimansky second open-cast mine
Scientific adviser: Yaylo V.V.
About author
Project on the subject of graduate work
Urgency of work and the purpose
Open mountain works take a leading place (more than 70 %) in mining operations. Their essential lacks are considerable infringements and pollution of a working zone; safety precautions infringements. The big role is played by questions of industrial sanitary career: improvement of environmental conditions and quality of air, protection against vibration and noise and light exposure maintenance. Questions of safety precautions, fire safety on open-cast mines and service of works by mine-rescue parts. Therefore the work purpose are:
1) working out of actions of increase of safety and improvement of working conditions by working out «Krasnolimansky second open-cast mine on purpose operating capacities»;
2) preservations of the environment, a life or health of animals and plants at realisation of productions of mining operations and reception from them, by enrichment and the processing, socially useful products.
Short data on career
The Krasnolimansky deposit of building sand in the administrative relation is located in Krasnolimansky area of Donetsk area. The total area a deposit makes 71.0 km2.
Krasnolimansky-2 The site is in a southeast part of a deposit in 3,5 km to the southeast from r.s. Stations Red Estuary. Through the site centre, from the northwest on the southeast, there passes the asphalted road Red Estuary – Seversk.
With its northwest part, from the southwest on the northeast passes a waterpipe technical for SPO "Nitrogen", the site area represents were , 9-13 summer age covered with a pine. Borders is the wood edge. At normal width of a site of 2,0 km and length of 4,5 km, its area it is equal 7,0 km2.
The developed site of 181,03 hectares is located by the area in a southeast part Krasnolimanskogo-2 of a site.
In the geographical relation the deposit is located on left-bank second bottom the rivers Severski Donetss. The general bias of a surface is directed towards the river.
Access roads are the asphalted roads: Red Estuary – Slavyansk, passing near to northwest border of a site and Krasnyi Liman– Seversk passing in territory of a site. Through a city Krasnyi Liman there passes a railroad line connecting southern areas with cities of Moscow and St.-Petersburg.The largest settlement of area is the city Red Estuary. Besides, here settlements of city type - District small town, by Jampol, Drobyshevo, villages ShChurovo, Dibrova, Ilechevka, Zakotnoe are located.
Electric power source is system "Donbassenergo". Water supply is carried out for the account horizons and cretaceous sand and adjournment.
The geological characteristic of a deposit
The Krasnolimansky deposit is dated for a development zone middle-Psychozoic era and the alluvial sand 0-11-111 stretched from the northwest on the southeast, forming thereof, a corner of 10-15 degrees with an axis Kamyshevahsko-Limansky sinklinali, deposits cross cretaceous,, Triassic adjournment and the southeast part settles down on northern wing of the Dronovsky anticline.
Sand concern a mineral middle-Psychozoic era the age, lying down on a dim surface of breeds mesozoic, basically, cretaceous age. Owing to hydro-geological conditions of a deposit of sand are subdivided on two thicknesses – dry .
Conditions of a finding of productive thickness are in many respects defined by character of a surface of spreading adjournment. The analysis of the hypsometric plan of a sole of sand shows that it was exposed to intensive washout and characterises presence of numerous hollows and ledges. Both those, and others have usually isometric form. Their sizes vary enough largely – from 600 to 1000 m a diameter.
In a northwest part of a site it is planned concept in height 1-2 and the maximum marks of +78,9 m. the general bias of a surface occurs in a southeast direction, and bias degree increases on the development area ursky adjournment.
The plan of isocapacities of sand, repeating in the general parts the hypsometric plan of a sole, testify to the control of capacity of sand the form of a surface of spreading breeds. At the quiet, not complicated relief of radical breeds the difference in capacities between the next chinks makes 1-4 m. at the expense of hollows and ledges this difference reaches sizes 11m.
In the relation chetvertichnogo age underground waters are dated basically for alluvial sand terrace above flood-plain. Capacity horizon of the second and the first nadpoymennuh terass changes from 10-11 to 20 m unconfined aquifer. Depth of a water level changes from 0,3 to 3,2 m.
The surface of ground waters has a bias towards a river Severski Donets mouth.
Described aquifer is stretched a marl-cretaceous by breeds of the top chalk for which are dated aquifer which is the basic source of water supply of many other cities of Donbass.
Safety requirements to mining operations processes by open way
Minnig works
On the physicomechanical properties of sand of Krasnolimanskogo-II of a site concern 1 group on working out floating dredger.
Installation of type 200-60 which is based on forces kareer on base dredger-2M is applied to sand hydroextraction at the enterprise floating dredger.
Safety requirements to productions of mining operations by drags and dredger
- Working out of minerals by a drag and dredger should be conducted according to the confirmed technical head of the organisation the face passport.
Operation of a drag or dredger with excess of design height of a surface board in drajny a cut, and also distance reduction between the bottom of a pontoon and soil is forbidden.
- During the winter period should be prepared for a sediment of drags and dredger hydraulic engineering constructions (dams, dams, spillways, etc.). During the spring period in places of a sediment of drags and dredger the drain of flood waters should be provided.
- Work of a drag and dredger with open hatches or holes, cracks in a pontoon is forbidden.
- The deck, gangways, bridges, transitions and ladders of a drag and dredger should be arranged from corrugated metal and have protections.
- Applied on a drag and dredger ropes should correspond to the passport. Operation schalenogo a rope scoop frames, and also a rope with the torn locks Is forbidden.
- On each drag and dredger there should be a drawing of a pontoon with instructions of compartments, water-proof partitions, an arrangement of all hatches in a deck.
- Drags and dredger should be equipped by the bilateral alarm system between dragersky a premise (cabin) and mechanisms.
- Descent of people in the charging hatch is supposed after a stop scoop a chain and preliminary survey of position of scoops on top scoop a drum. Descent of people in the charging hatch without a safety belt Is forbidden.
- Roads and tracks on ranges of working drags and dredger should be blocked, and on contours of a dangerous zone of working ropes precautionary signs are exposed.
Transition or moving through working ropes is authorised only replaceable drager after acceptance of corresponding security measures by it.
- On visible and accessible places of a drag and dredger on boards of a pontoon and outside structures should be in regular intervals placed saving accessories (circles, spheres, life jackets) not less than on two complete sets on each 20 m of length of a deck. Life buoys should be supplied by tenches in length not less than 30 m. of the Way of an exit to saving means should be designated. Under the adverse meteoconditions connected with a possible icing storage of saving means inside dredger is supposed.
- Each drag and dredger should have stretched in a surface part round a pontoon a cable attached at such height that the fallen overboard person could grasp it. On water should be not less than two boats with oars, including one at a pontoon. On a pontoon in places of pass of people on a boat it is necessary to arrange folding bridges-shodni with a handrail and apertures with a chain protection.
- On a drag and dredger installation of emergency automatically joining pumps for откачки waters is obligatory.
- In a pontoon the alarm system about presence of water with a conclusion of a signal to a control panel should be established. At alarm system operation about water inflow measures on detection and leak elimination immediately should be taken. At detection of damage of the pontoon which has led to a leak, work on extraction should be stopped. At impossibility of elimination of damage by available means and threat of loss of buoyancy of a drag and dredger the command should leave emergency object.
- Service scoops frames and sampling from scoops should be made from a safe place from the protected platforms.
Repair or other works on scoops to a frame are authorised to be made only at the stopped drag with application of safety belts. For fastening of safety belts lengthways scoops frames the cable should be stretched. It is forbidden to be in a drag operating time on cherpakovy to a frame, to pass through a cut in a pontoon, to grease on the move bearings podcherpakovy rollers, to remove from scoops stubs, a bush and other subjects, and also to lift or lower scoops a frame at hit of extraneous subjects between a pontoon board in a cut and scoops a frame.
The general safety rules at operation dredger and sand packing on an alluvium card
- Installation and reconstruction dredger, building of hydroconstructions should be made under the confirmed plan.
- Placing on dredger the equipment and the materials which have been not provided for work Is forbidden.
- On dredger the plan of liquidation of failure which should be confirmed not later than 15 days prior to the beginning of an extraction season should be made.
- The Developed site should be preliminary cleared of wood, stubs, bushes.
- It is forbidden to make clearing of a site and to be to people in dangerous Zoe of working ropes in an operating time dredger.
- The Limiting height of a surface face should not exceed length of a soaking up part dredger.
- The main deck Hatch ponton should have water protective boards.
- Applied on zemsnaryade ropes should correspond to the passport dredger.
- For illumination of workplaces nadpalubkov, parts dredger not above 220 in, pressure should be applied to illumination inside panton 12 in, for a food of portable lamps, the manual electric tool pressure should not exceed 36 century
- To fall to pontoons in the absence of illumination it is forbidden.
- dredger should be equipped by 2 foreign communication between cabin and an engine room.
- Roads and tracks in territory developed dredger, should be blocked, and on contours of a dangerous zone of working ropes precautionary signs are exposed.
- It is forbidden to swim up or come nearer on swimming means to shunting ropes.
- dredger should have stretched in a surface part round a pontoon a cable, at such height that the fallen overboard person could grasp it.
- On visible and accessible places dredger on boards of a pontoon and outside of a superstructure life buoys not less than on 2 complete sets on each 20 metres of length of a deck should be in regular intervals placed.
- Life buoys should be supplied by lines in length not less than 30 m.
- The Electric power on dredger should move from coastal by means of the cable which laid on soil both protected by precautionary signs and has been laid out on "goats". On water the cable gives all the best on floating floats.
- It is forbidden to transfer the coastal cable which is energised, to move through it without devices of special moving, to dig in a cable, to suppose its freezing in ice, the earth.
- On dredger there should be in good repair a fire-prevention equipment, stock, the tools provided by the emergency plan.
- Lubricant and combustible materials, spare parts it is necessary to store in specially taken away places on a deck dredger.
- On zemsnaryades should be constantly operating telephone or a radio communication between dredger and the chief of change.
- For an input and an exit from it folding bridges with a handrail should be arranged.
The conclusion
In the given work safety requirements to productions of mining operations by drags and dredger, and also the general safety rules have been developed at operation dredger and sand packing on an alluvium card at introduction of new capacities of "Krasnolimansky second open-cast mine".
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© DonNTU 2009 Fomenko K.
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