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DonNTU Master's portal
Lukashov Alexey

Lukashov Alexey

Study: The faculty of geotechnology and management of enterprise

Speciality: Labor protection

Theme of master's work:Fires on tape conveyors on mine of a name A.Zasyadko

The project chairman of my master's thesis: Bulgakov Yurij. He is doctor of technical sciences, professor and the head of labor protection and aerology department of Donetsk National Technical University, the dean of geotechnology and management enterprise

About author

The abstract on a subject of final work

Motivation of a subject

One of the most dangerous manufactures is mountain manufacture - production of minerals by a underground way. Thus especially dangerous the process of production coal's on collieries is, that is explained by complex geological conditions, various by the gas phenomena and allocation's of explosive gases accompanying this process. The special danger of this manufacture proves to be true occurred in last years on collieries by failures, as a matter of fact, being technical by accidents. By the basic reasons of failures on conveyor transport impulses of connections and ignition of tapes.

One of the basic objects of the raised fire danger is tape conveyor transport. On collieries of Ukraine annually occurs of 9 - 11 ignitions, including up to 5 large fires to the large material damage and even with human victims. The basic reasons of fire of a conveyor tape are:

  • The application on tape conveyors of tapes industrial of execution and is difficult - inflammable such as 2Ш;

  • Scrolling of a tape on the drums of conveyors at loss of coupling between a tape and surface of a drum because of poor-quality material or its absence;

  • Easing a tension of a tape against required value, lock-out of a tape and another;

  • The malfunction of rollers, at which sharply grows resistance to rotation and, as result, his heating to temperature in some сот of degrees, sufficient for fireing coal dust and tape;

  • Firing of a tape by sources of a heat which is not concerning a design of the conveyor.

    Practical valueresults of work.

    Marking the certain achievements in the decision of questions of increase safety from fire and reliability of work of conveyor transport of the mining enterprises and decrease of an accident rate at application of conveyors on dangerous industrial objects to analyse and to make conclusions of the basic tasks:

  • Further development of new types both increase of volumes of manufacture and application is difficult to burn fabric of tapes adequate a modern world level;

  • Development and manufacture high-strength fabric tapes;

  • Maintenance precise and kept during all term Operation of marks, that will enable to exclude application on dangerous Industrial objects of tapes of a unknown origin;

  • Development of norms of safety on materials of drums tape Conveyors, on materials scrapers, repair rubbers and materials;

  • With the purpose of increase of safety of manufacture, prevention to slidingconveyor tape, exception of necessity of its strong tension, decrease mechanical damages of a tape, and also maintenance of longer term of operation as tapes;

  • With the purpose of prevention to stick material, which transport, decrease(reduction) of deterioration of tapes, prevention them to recommend to slide application o cleaner of a coal dust from rubbers;

  • With the purpose of decrease(reduction) of deterioration of tapes to recommend in zones of loading of conveyors to apply as restrictive boards outflow of a plate from rubbers, not wearing the basic tape;

  • To recommend organization of the regional centres on service of conveyor tapes tape conveyors;

  • To prove necessity of creation of qualification of the worker - " the worker of conveyor tapes " with realization of regular certification;

  • To define an opportunity and order of construction (assembly) of the tape conveyor made of sites from the different factories - manufacturers;

  • To study and to use technology of repair of the mechanical equipment of conveyors under production conditions two-polymeric by composites;

  • For a possibility of decrease of settlement factor of safety factor of a tape and, accordingly, application of less strong, easier and cheap tapes, and also decrease(reduction) of an accident rate on connections of tapes to apply according to " by the operation Manual of underground tapes " on conveyors with capacity of an individual drive more than 300 - 400 kw of system of smooth start-up of a tape;

    The review of researches on a subject

    1.Tests of conveyor tapes on горючесть on a method of definition of an oxygen index.

    2.Definitions burning of conveyor tapes at friction on a drum.

    3.Test of conveyor tapes on burning in a flame alcohol of the torch.

    4.Test on burning of conveyor tapes in modelling (laboratory) developments.

    5.Test of conveyor tapes on burning by the powerful source, dispersed on the area, of heat.

    6.Definition of an index of distribution of a flame.

    7.Definition of temperature of self-ignition of conveyor tapes.

    8.Definition to stability of conveyor tapes to firing .

    9.Research burning of conveyor tapes under the European standards (ISO) and comparison with Ukrainian.

    Installation automatic to extinguish a fire of tape conveyors UPTLK

    UPTLK is intended for prevention and suppression of fires on tape conveyors by automatic or manual inclusion of the starting valve and submission of water of the pipeline on screw sprays a barrel of installation. The installation is completed by the valve of automatic submission of water and filter for clearing water.

    UPTLK is intended for application in underground developments(manufactures) equipped with tape conveyors, on factories and other objects. Is issued of three kinds: 1) UPTLK - for protection of a linear part of the conveyor; 2) UPTLK-12 ; 3) UPTLK-UVN.

    Production is made according to the requirements of Rules of safety in collieries (item 606), Rules of safety by development of coal deposits by an open way (item 304, item 306, item 444). There is a sanction of a Federal service on ecological, technological and nuclear supervision №РРС 00-25632.

    The automatic installation water for suppression of a fire АУВП "«ЮРЭК-6" provides at presence of water in the pipeline of the necessary pressure reliable reusable protection at occurrence of the center on stations of tape conveyors in an initial stage at temperature of air from 50 With and above.

    The installation can be checked in work in an automatic mode repeatedly without replacement of the thermal gauge , provides disconnect of the electrodevice of the conveyor and signal system about change of mode of operations of the conveyor.

    Is started automatically at excess of temperature from 50 С, provides volumetric a zone at 20-30 meters of mountain development with the sprayed water. It provides decrease of temperature of front of hot gases at explosion or fires and their further distribution. The installation of repeated action, and also is checked in an automatic mode.

    The conclusion

    The analysis of the reasons of occurrence of fires in developments equipped with tape conveyors, has shown, that the basic reason is а slide of a tape, that is situation, at which the tape for any reasons completely stops, and a drum or the drums continue to rotate, therefore between them and tape there is a friction. Thus in a place of contact, there is a heat, that results in ignition, ignition or decay of a conveyor tape.

    During several years there is a perfection of designs of conveyors, reducers, electric drive of a conveyor tape, automatic means of technological management of conveyors and conveyor lines, and also means of automatic suppression of arising fires on the stations and on all extent of tape conveyors.

    The reasons of occurrence of fires on tape conveyor transport for 12 years on collieries of Donetsk area in the period with 1997 on 2009 гг were analyzed. For this period on conveyor lines there were 46 large failures. From them 40 has taken place from sliping of a tape on the drums and friction of a conveyor tape about roller-ssupport , at to block by a coal dust, on a drum. In my opinion, the questions of fire safety in coal branch concern to a prerogative of the state, which is obliged visit the order in this sphere of a national economy. I consider, that is necessary to create a uniform supervising and coordinating body, which would carry outan independent technical rating of the equipment on conformity to the requirements of the basic normative standards of safety.

    The coordinator it should be the certain department, at Gospromnadzor of Ukraine, which duties would be regular examination of used means of the safety precautions of collieries based on an objective rating of properties and advantages of the similar equipment one in comparison with another. By criterion of a rating owes and the obligatory application of more perfect equipment is necessary to be.

    It would allow for short time, visit the order in such "«business", which now prospers to the detriment of economy and safety of ability to live. Lobbying means of the safety precautions by separate selling by the persons worth on a state service is invalid. And such facts take place, when under the patronage the positive examinations, sanctions, TU etc.

    The literature

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    3. Маркович Ю. М. Снижение пожарной опасности в угольных шахтах/Техника безопасности.- К.: 1981.- 43 с.
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    5. Производственные процессы в очистных забоях угольных шахт/Под ред. Ярембаша И.Ф.- Донецк,ДонГТУ,1998.- 183 с.
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    8. Государственный нормативный акт об охране труда. Руководство по проектированию вентиляции угольных шахт. - К.: 2005.- 161 с.
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      © DonNTU 2009 A. Lukashov