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Master DonNTU Mahorin Dmitry

Mahorin Dmitry Igorevich

Faculty Geotehnology and production managements

Speciality:Minind of mineral resources

Theme of master's work:

Сhoice of method of increase of fortress of mine working on the mine of "Komsomolec Donbassa"

Scientific adviser: Kasian Nikolay Nikolaevich

About author

Project on the subject of graduate work


         Traditional approaches to providing of stability of the mountain making, based on the increase of metallic capacity of fastenings in the conditions of deep mines does not allow to provide without repair state mine working, which are in the affected zone works, but result in the appreciation of value of their leadthrough.

Aims and tasks of work

         To my mind, power counteraction to the natural geomechanical processes what be going on in an array, does not have a prospect and can not lead to the state of the protracted steady equilibrium. In this work will be offered technology of providing maintenance-free state of making, based on the use to own durability of mountain breeds and folded in a surrounding array equal weighing state.

Actuality of work

         At maintenance of making, which is in influence from the area of works it is possible to select two stages related to the redistribution tensions in an array, which are caused the leadthrough of making and by the conduct of works, means and fastening facilities must be chosen separately for each of these stages, taking into account folded states of array on the previous stage. Offered approach taken to that on the first stage making is fastened by a traditional method, and on the second - a fastening role is executed artificially created from pedigree blocks within the limits of area there is a bearing construction. Forming of construction provided a way increases of forces of friction between pedigree fragments within the limits of area that is arrived at through their division.

chart of creation the bearing construction from breeds within the limits of ZRP

Figure 1 - chart of creation the bearing construction from breeds within the limits of ZRP

(Animation option: frame count=4, cycle index=5)

         Of principle chart formings of bearing construction within the limits of area in obedience to the offered technology, resulted on a picture 1. On a picture: В - distance between openings, у - depth, 1 - contour of making, 2 - openings with separate elements, 3 - blasted breeds, 4 - formed bearing construction.

         Offered technology providing of stability can be realized different facilities. To mechanical it is necessary to take facilities creations of prop through aquatic support or the special devices on their basis. In this case the basic failing is low technologicalness, that is related to many operations, by different on length of making values, by different on length of making values. Also, it is in this case difficult to vary the parameters of chart of strengthening at the change of mining and geological conditions on length of making. It is therefore suggested to provide a necessary size through chemical facilities, in particular inexplosive destroying matters. Materials on the basis of inexplosive destroying matters presently used in engineering building for destruction of foundations and other build constructions. On mountain business these matters are used for destruction of durable fragile breeds, crushings of no small blocks at the booty of rocky breeds by the opened method. It contingently high safety of implementation of works, by absence of seismic effect and explosive gases.

Practical value of work

         The practical value of work consists of that technology described higher work-hardenings can be realized at repair of the mountain making. Taking into account that presently middle specific volume of fastening of the mountain making makes an about 16 m each 1000 t of the obtained coal, and a volume of perekrepleniya is 7,5 m on each 1000 t, such realization is fully actual. Resulted technology of making repairs making, along with the decline of cost of works provides minimum violation folded in a surrounding array identically weighing state,that is instrumental in the stable state of making in time after repair.

         At present the work for the magister degree is being carried out, in January 2010. For farther information ask the author Mahorin Dmitry and teacher Kasian Nikolay Nikolaevich.


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© DonNTU 2009 Mahorin Dmitry


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