An average mark in the period of study at the university is 4.74. I freely know Russian, Ukrainian languages. I have not work experience. I like music, photography, reading books, computers. My favorite writer is N. Gogol. I am ambitious and inquisitive personality.
My name is Psenichnyh Natalia. I was born on International Women's Day, 8 March 1987, in the Gornyak town of Donetsk region. My dad is Nicholas Psenichnyh . He was born in 1950. My mother is Psenichnyh Lybov' and she was born in 1954. I have an older sister, Maya, which was born in 1977. My childhood was spent in the kindergarten "Sputnik." I was an obedient and quiet kid, that rejoiced my parents.
On 1 September 1994 I went to 1 class of Gornyatskaya secondary school #18. My first teacher was Kutsevalova Lydia. I thank her for that knowledge, that was the basis for my further education. I moved to grade 10 of a Gornyatskaya secondary school #17 in 2002. I have always preferred science, so chose the class with a mathematical. This helped me to do the rating to the university. I remember school trips, tours, hiking in the woods in tents and Field porridge. School years have passed unnoticed, but have good memories of them. Special thanks to Bulgakova T., Vanin T., Reshetnichenko L., Kuropyatnik I., Morozova T. for their contributions to my knowledge.
In 2004 I became a student of the Donetsk National Technical University. I liked the a speciality "safety of labour activity" because it relates to live of the people. To study there was sligutly hardly, because a system of studing was different from school. At the end of the first rate I adapted. The student's ife was interesting, cheerful and fun. In 2008 I have passed examination on "excellent" and has received the bachelor's degree. I decided to enter the Master Courses, because I wanted to receive more knowledge. And now I write the degree work that supervises Professor cathedra of "Labor Protection and aerology", candidate of technical sciences - Stukalo Vitali. I participated in the conferences that relate to my specialty. Student years gave me new friends, communicating with highly qualified and unforgettable, the best years of his life!
Plan to successfully protect the master's work. Find a well-paid job to become a highly qualified expert in the field of protection of work. I want to help the mining industry in our country to improve working conditions and safety. I would like to become a successful person and find their place in life. I hope that my plan is implemented!