Masters of DonNTU
Masters of DonNTU v kontakte
Ðóäèê Êðèñòèíà Àíàòîëüåâíà

Faculty: Geotechnology and Management of enterprise
Speciality:Ecology and environmental protection
Theme of work: «Development of directions of decline of influence of mountain works on an environment (due to a mine breed)»
Supervizor: candidate of technical sciences, professor of the department of the ecology and environmental protection Vladimir Artamonov



Rationale and relevance of the work

With growth of mining the amount of wastes began to grow more quickly, than eventual product output, as the content of useful components in ores diminished simultaneously, the ash-content of coals grew, mining and geological conditions of working mine became as well as the content of ash in coal grew; the mining and geological conditions of working became complicated and the output of turn and stripping rock grew accordingly. General amount of mineral obtained in the world estimated approximately in 100 milliards of tones a year and it is doubling every 10-12 years. 30-40 % of this amount is used, and the rest becomes wastes. Recreation ability of nature is not already dealing with the increasing amount of wastes, that causes the irrevocable change of environment.

The specific of the underground mining consists in the following: with every 1000 t of the extracted coal (world information) are isolated on the surface to 12 kg of coal and rock dust, 50 - 570 thousands of m3 methane, 7,5 - 15 thousands of m3 of carbon dioxide, about 5,5 thousand of m3 oxides, insolating during explosive works, 1,5 - 9 thousands of m3 of mine waters, 210 - 300 t (in Donbas to 800 t) rock. As a result, on the territory of Donetsk basin about 1260 waste banks of technogenic deposits have been counted already. The annual volume of rock stored in dump makes about 30 million m3, and its general amount in Donbas region exceeds 2 milliards m3.

Mining affects about 150 thousand hectare of land annually, 40% of it is agricultural land. On average 0,1 hectare of land is taken for every 1000 t. of extracted material, so it occupies hundred millions hectar in the world. Every year about 50-60 millions m3 of rock makes waste banks and dumps. At mines in Donbass region the measures on utilization of wastes of the coal mining are practically absent. In general, all rock excavated in mines is stored in dumps. At some mines the only use of rock is to pile it in the worked out space(15- 30% of extracted rock).

Aim and tasks of the work

The aim of the work is to develop and prove the technological solations, aimed the rational use of rock under the conditions of a mine named after V.M.Bazhanov for reducing of harmful impact on environment.

Tasks: 1. To analyse the mining under the conditions of the mine. 2. To analyse the dumps of mines in Donbas region as sources of raw materials for industries. 3. To prove the lines of rational use of rock as a source of raw materials for industries.

Practical value of work

The practical steps proving the use of mine rock have been developed; technological solutions have been offered taking into account the conditions of the mine.

Ways of use of mine rock

A question of practical industrial waste utilization, as well as extraction, and concentration of coal, presenting a serious ecological problem, and at the same time containing valuable mineral, is now of great importance. At present the measures theirharmful impact on the environment, and to convert the rock are being investigated.

From the present ecological and economic situation, engaging the waste banks in an economic turn is very perspective. It is powerful and almost worthless raw material base, its resources are more than enough to create highly remunerative processing productions for many decades.

On the basis of the burnt mine rock we can get:

  • inert fillers (macadam, sand from sifting out of crushing, macadam-sandy mixtures);
  • heavy and easy concretes (wares for industrial, civil and social building);
  • cellular concretes (heat-insulation blocks, partitions, panels, cast concrete for the device of heat-insulation of chaffs, garret ceilings, roofs);
  • fine-grained concretes (melkoshtuchnye wall wares, sidewalk flags, side stone, elements of paving and other);
  • build and tamponage solutions, possessing an inoxidizability and waterproofing ability;
  • activated littleclinker tonkomolotye astringent, possessing an enhanceable inoxidizability;
  • friable heat-insulation materials (substitutes of Leca);
  • ceramic materials (wares of build, sanitary and technical and artistic ceramics, refractoriess);
  • non-metallic materials for road building (for creation of grounds and coverages, including coverages from a fine and coarse-grained bituminous concrete with the device of layers of deterioration);
  • attles, friable and hardenings (for implementation of pile works in worked out space).


The sharpness of problem, in spite of enough quantity of decision, is determined by the increase of level of production and accumulation of industrial wastes. Efforts of foreign countries are directed, foremost, on prevention and minimization of wastes formation, and then on their recycling, reuse and development of effective methods of the final processing, rendering and final removal, and burial only wastes, not contaminating an environment.


© ÄîíÍÒÓ, ÔÃÒÓ, 2009 Ðóäèê Êðèñòèíà