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Volkova Julia PavlovnaFaculty: Geotechnologies and production managementSpecialty: Safety of labour activityTheme master’s activities:" The analysis of a condition of airing and development of actions on decrease in outflow of air in conditions OP "SHAHTOUPRAVLENIE "TRUDOVSKOE" "The chief: Cand.Tech.Sci., senior lecturer Niсkolaev Е.B.About author |
A modern mine is difficult network of the mountain making, for ventilation of which apply a few energy sources and whole complex of vent buildings of different kind. Providing of making the required expense of air it one of main tasks, decided ITR areas of VTB of coal mines and depressed services of mine-rescue detachments. At the same time complication of a vent network, its complication, non-linearity of equalizations, describing motion of air in the mountain making, do almost impossible the decision of this task without application of computers.
Now the majority of collieries is conducted with activities on depth from above 1500м and fall into prone sudden outbursts coal and gas. In this connection actual problems of airing of mining outputs become.
To conduct the analysis of airing, to develop and justify measures on perfecting airing.
In the given work the brief characteristic mine and prospect of development of works is described. The geological characteristic of a deposit, opening, preparation of a mine field, system of development, transport, airing and the planned schedules of end of stocks. Qsh=1.1(Qуch + Qp.v. + Qpod.+ Qpog. + Qк. + Qуt. ), m3/min, where Qych –The total expense of air for airing sites, m3/мmin; Qp.v.-The total expense of air for the isolated airing
Preparatory developments, m3/min; Qpod.- The total expense of air for the isolated airing
supported developments, m3/min; Qpog.- The total expense of air for the isolated airing of repayable developments, m3/ min; Qк.- The total expense of air for the isolated airing of repayable developments, m3/ min; Qуt.- Air leaks through the ventilating constructions located outside of the developed site , m3/s.
Drawing 1 - the flank scheme of ventilation of mine (Quantity of shots - 6, volume - 163 KB) The tail-piece of diploma consists of development of measures to on: to the removal of external losses of air in mine-mouth complexes and mountain making; to diminishing of length of the mountain making which get some fresh air on a mine; to strengthening of pressurizing of vent buildings and devices impermeability of which makes less than 60%; normalizations of the thermal mode. Degree work on a theme: "Тhe Analysis of a condition of airing and working out of actions for reduction of leaks of air in the conditions of OP "Shahtoupravlenie "Trudovsky" " is carried out on real working conditions of mine. | |