Masters Portal of DonNTU
Магістр ДонНТУ Пустовар Антон Володимирович

Pustovar Anton Vladimirovich

Physical and metallurgical Faculty

Speciality: Manager of energetic

Theme of master's work:

Research of fuel and energy economy municipal enterprise "International airport Donetsk" and working out of actions for increase of its power efficiency

Scientific adviser: Gridin Sergey Vasilevich

Materials on the theme of master's work: About myself Abstract

Own publications

   1. Choice of preparation schemes for the most effectiveness of gas burning, extracted in condition of decontamination in coal mines with the purpose of rendering gas throw-out harmless.
Authors: Pustovar A.V.;Safonova E.K.
The article touches upon the problem of decontamination in coal layers which is the effective means to low methane formation in coal mining and to combat unusual gas throw-outs.

   2. Anti-freezing treatment of a landing aircraft for improving of its aerodynamic characteristics.
Authors: Pustovar A.V.; Gridin S.V.
The article is concerned with the problem of icing which is one of the most serious influences of environment to make the flight a dangerous one.

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