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Master's portal
Faculty: Computer Science
Specialty: Software engineering
Theme of master's work:
"Visual tools of the logical programming"
Leader of work: Ph.D in Math Natalya N. Datsun
On the modern stage of the development of software (ON) visual style of programming(VP) and program development(PD) are playing bigger and bigger role.
Visual (from lat visualis - visual) programming provides creation of applications with the help of demonstrative facilities. Upon that, programmer does not create the text of the program, but points, what must be as a result. The text of the program is generated with the help of visual prototype automatically. Visual programming is based on object-oriented programming and OLE-technologies or similar technologies.
This allows the professional to design and develop bigger programme complexes more quickly. For amateur visual programming allows to concentrate on the essence of the object area of the problem (it's object, relations between them, behaviour of the object or their condition), abstracting from particularities of the realization in each concrete idiom of the programming language.
Visual programming, undoubtedly, possesses dignity of the demonstrative presentation of information and much better corresponds to the nature of the human perception, than methods of traditional, text programming. However practically all visual facilities need additional functions, which can't be presented in the manner of graphic design and require the text expression. The visual facilities are complemented by special texts of programs, written on different programming languages.
Visual designing of the interface of the programs is actively used in modern IDE for programming languages (the family of the languages C->C++->C#, Delphi, DBMS MS Access, Visual Basic and pr.). Visual designing of the programs for languages of the object-oriented programming allows to execute modern CASE-facility, for instance, Rational Rose with language UML. The leading company on development of applied and system software execute their own development with the facilities of VP.
For languages of the logical programming (LP) exists the certain experience of the making the systems with visual designing the interface of the programs (the modern translators of the language Prolog). However the systems of the visual designing the logical programs are practically unknown, despite studying and practical mastering of the not professional logical style of the programming is an actual task.
Purposes and tasks
Professional education of programming in the direction "Economic cybernetics"' provides mastering the language LP as the tool of making the knowledge-based systems. Learning the bases of LP is executed in discipline "Technology of the creation programme and knowledge-based systems". For fastening designing skills and development of the knowledge-based systems for profession "Economic cybernetics" it is provided performing the course work on this discipline. Performing the course work is concluded in creating the knowledgebase on given subject by student . Then the student adds it's knowledgebase to prepared code of the program, written on Prolog, in which is allocated acting prototype of the expert system. The primary task of my master's work functioning is visualization of the whole process of the execution of given functioning. It means to create the program, in which with the help of visual component student can realize the stages of identifications, conceptualing, formalizations, execution of the technological process of the development ES, founded on logic and then and there start the expert system for working. The program also must generate the text of the file dynamic knowledgebase ES. Students before studying given discipline have studied the bases of relational database. So to use my program will not be difficult for them, since conceptual model of knowledgebase will be visual, and will be presented in the table view.
The visualization the process of making the programs is an actual task. There are ensemble of the systems, which concern with similar task such as: ERwin, Rational Rose, VisualLogic and others
On given moment, it is formed language of creation of the knowledgebase. The program system will be marketed by means of tools Visual Prolog. The Programming language Prolog has their own advantage over other procedural programming languages. There are:
-for certain tasks program on Prolog requires only one tenth part of
lines of the code in contrast with similar program on procedural language;
-due to declarative (in greater degree, than procedural) approach, such
well known sources error, as recirculations, withdraw from the very beginning;
-Prolog forces programmer to begin with well outline description of the
task so it can be used as facility of the making the specification, and as the
facility of realization of the product [6, 7, 8].
The Prolog is very important instrument in programming of applications of
the artificial intelligence and in development of the expert systems.
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4. Курс: Технология создания программных и интеллектуальных систем /Центр дистанционного обучения ДонНТУ, - http://temp1.donntu.ru/course/view.php?id=48
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7. Fisher J. Brief Introduction to Visual Logic /California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, - http://www.csupomona.edu/~jrfisher/www/logic_topics/visual_logic/vl_intro/vl_intro.html
8. Суслов А.В., Наумов Р.В. Введение в язык Prolog: основы синтаксиса и примеры использования (статья) [Электронный ресурс]/Computer technologies department, -http://rain.ifmo.ru/~suslov/prolog/introduction_to_prolog.htm
9. Братко И. Алгоритмы искусственного интеллекта на языке PROLOG, 3-е издание.: Пер.с англ. - М. : Издательский дом «Вильямc», 2004. - 640с. : ил.
10. Адаменко А.Н., Кучуков А.М. Логическое программирование и Visual Prolog. - СПб.: БXВ-Петербург, 2003. - 992 с.: ил.
--- When writing given abstract mastres work not yet completed. The Final termination: December 2009ã. Full-text of the work and material on subject can be received beside author or his(its) leader after specified date.::Biography::|