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Master's portal
Bandurka Victoria
Faculty: Computer Science
Specialty: Software engineering
Theme of master's work:
"Visual tools of the logical programming"
Leader of work: Ph.D in Math Natalya N. Datsun
About me (main):
Russian, Ukrainian - native.
English - I can read, write and speak
Languages of the contact:
The average point in my student’s record book is
Languages of programming:
Ñ/Ñ++, Pascal, Delphi, Assembler, Java, JavaScript, VISUAL PROLOG.
Development platforms and environments:
MS Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP, MS Office.
MS Visual Studio, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi.
Curriculum vitae:
I was born on October 16 1986 in the Donetsk city , in the miner’s village Abakumova. My dad is a miner, and my mother is cook-pastry cook by professions, and works as the machinist of the ascent on the mine now. My parents worked on my raising from the early childhood. My mother worked as the cook in the kindergarten "Fairy tale", where I have spent my preschool years.
The next stage in my life became my school years. At 6 years I went to the first form, at my kinder gardern. In the end of the year of the first form I was rewarded by praise charter.
From the first form I liked the mathematics, because of that I have visited district, city, regional Olympiads on mathematics. Also I took part in Ukrainian contest "Kangaroo". Thanks to my teacher of mathematician Fesenko Galina Stepanovna I have learned in Donetsk college.
After the 8th form I have entered Donetsk college. After entrance exam, upon distribution, I have got into class specialized on physics and mathematics. There was deep studying of mathematics in my class. I have attended the additional lessons on mathematics, and took part in Olympiad. In college I became interested in one more subject - an informatics, again, it was because of the teacher - Zabiyako Lidia Mihaylovna, for that her big thank you. And then, in the beginning of the 11the form, I have started to seriously prepare to the entrance exam in university. Almost till the end of the 11th form I wanted to enter on profession Economic cybernetics, but afterwards I have changed my mind. After the successful passing of the rating I have entered on budgetary form of the education.
In 2004 I have entered the Donetsk National Technical University. During the education in university I receive huge experience of the independent education. On the first course I took part in the conference on physicist and programming. On the first course on contest of the student’s works I have got the diploma, my work was leaded byKosheleva Darya Aleksandrovna.
During four years of education I have studied well that gave me the ticket on budgetary education in magistracy.
At the 4 course I have started to work in the company "ITEO". At first I was occupied in the updating of the site, database. But soon it became necessary to change the structure of internet shop, and I with pleasure fall to this work.
:::::Plans and purposes for the nearest future....:::::
To become successful, be realized in lifes,
itself-be confirmed necessary to put the purposes before itself. And not will
without fall happen so all purposes will are reached, but reaching one purposes,
possible reach others, not more important, but sometimes - more important. So
and I, at different periods of the lifes - I put the purpose miscellaneous,
possible and funny, but then seemed that this very important and seriously to
purposes, for instance, was at one time assigned by purpose - win on olympiad on
mathematician. Begin much solve the problems, bore the teacher mathematicians.
And then I have advised to enter in Doneckiy college. On olympiad I as well as
has not won, has occupied 3 places, but entered in college, has learned;learnted
of such subject as informatics, but from there and about profession on which has
solved to enter.
On given moment, I continue to reach the purpose, put(deliver)ed
on the first course - get the diploma of the master. Hereinafter purpose showers
is a continuation of the education in graduate school, participation in lifes of
the university. But, on the other hand, purpose of the head is concern with
programming. On the first stage want to work in sphere of the automations
enterprise, but in the future, want that my enterprise concerned with the
development of the programme products, for begin small, but afterwards and large,
and can be then will possible be with pride to say: "Yes, my purpose is reached!".
But then in list integer will is added plenty of other integers, and possible I
not even notice when my purpose will is reached.