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TThe childhood I was born on September, 4th, 1987 in the city of Enakievo in Donetsk area. My father Bugankov Alexander Anatolievich is a mountain master. My mother Bugankova Olga Alekseevna is a nurse. Since my childhood I shoved interest to everything that consisted more than of five parts. All that could be disassembled — I always assorted, therefore every possible sets of designers always were at me in enough. I went to a local garden. As all children I did not like to sleep during the lunchtime.
School After the kindergarten I went to a comprehensive school №10. At school I was the exemplary pupil — in each class I received the reading and writing for successes in study, acted in club and so on. In the senior classes I went to the Olympic Games, participated in various intellectual games and sports competitions. At school I loved mathematics, English language, labor training. 10 and 11 class was necessary to finish in CS №13 other areas as at my old school was only 9 classes. The first year has passed in new school not so smoothly for some reasons, but 11 class has passed on one breath, to that was reputable for new teachers and the class teacher. In 7th class I was a part of a school command on the Brain-ring which represented school in the annual championship on Shave-ring among area schools. Our command throughout 2th years won this championship. I have graduated from school in 2004 and the time to choose my future destiny has come.
Interests Besides those things which are connected with my profession I take a great interest in fishing and tourist trips. At the first year institute I became interested in motto tourism. And at everyone convenient possibility, I take a card, sit down on the motorcycle and go to where I have never been before.
University Choosing institute was very much a challenge. There are a lot of institutes and I didn’t know which to choose. It would be desirable to test everywhere, but it was necessary to choose one. The friend helped, but it was also difficult to choose speciality. It was a lot of chairs, and even more specialities. On them nobody was giving sensible information. A companion has besides gained, has advised CS. Here so I have appeared at faculty VT. Though since childhood I liked to assort things which had at least one bolt. At university all not as at school - loading is more, subjects it is more difficult, the relation to pupils is another. At once many new acquaintances, friends, mad quantity of the information – thought even of changing a speciality. It was on the sly involved, learnt much, tried, in library sat. In 2008 I has received the bachelor's degree. I have become interested in programming for the internet only on 5th course. There was a question of choosing the head of the project. Long it was necessary to puzzle, and at last I made my choice. The dean of the computer sciences and technologies faculty Anoprienko Alexander Jakovlevich has appeared it. He y faithfully concerned to my nominee and helped with the choice of my mster’s work on theme "Computer informative systems with the plural interfaces of remote access".
Plans for the future In the future I plan to be engaged in something close to the Internet - working out, administration, support, advancement of sites as it is interesting to me, it is pleasant to me. In my opinion, the work connected with the Internet has a number of advantages:
The distant purposes: my main purpose at present is diploma reception, it is the main task to which I aspire in every way. I will try to get in passing skills necessary in my future professional work. After the graduation from university I plan to construct the career on the chosen speciality. The further purpose for me is employment, acquisition of experience and skills in sphere of an information technology: Programming and web programming. That soldier who does not dream to become the general is bad. And I in the future, certainly, doing all from me demanded, would like to hold an honorable post which completely will justify my hopes.
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