Faculty: Computer science faculty Speciality: The software of the automated systems Master's work topic: The investigation of efficiency of parallel single-step methods of the decision of problem Koshi for the ODE My scientific adviser is Prof. Feldman L.P. |
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Abstract: «The investigation of efficiency of parallel single-step methods of the decision of problem Koshi for the ODE»IntroductionThe idea of paralleling of calculations is based on the fact that the many tasks could be divided on some smaller tasks that could be decided simultaneously. The parallel computing have been used for many years basically in high-performance computing, but in these latter days they became more popular owing to physical restraint for growth of processor speed. The appearance of lump of rather cheap cluster parallel computing in the last few years was resulted the mushroom growth of parallel computing technologies including the spheres of high-performance computing. Recently the situation in the area of parallel computing technologies started to cardinally change due to the fact that the majority of key producers of microprocessors begin to transfer to multinuclear Scalable Processor Architecture (SPA). The modification of the apparatus base leads to change also the approaches to the parallel algorithms construction. For the realization of the processing power of the multinuclear SPA the development of new parallel algorithms is required that would consider the new technologies. The efficiency of the computer power application that new generation clusters would possess will depend directly on the quality of the software applications, as well as on special numerical algorithms libraries oriented on multinuclear SPA. The actuality of the graduation work: Continual researches in the sphere of development and creation of high-power computing facilities provide a means of solving of fundamental and application tasks. The productivity of modern computer is inadequate to secure the required decision of many tasks. One of the most effective methods of productivity growth is paralleling of calculations in multiprocessor and parallel-banded structures. In consequence of which the application of parallel computing systems is the rather important trend of computer engineering development. Modelling of the real economic, engineering and other processes described by systems of the ordinary differential equations (SODA) of the big dimension, represents an extensive class of problems for which solution application of high-efficiency computer facilities not only is justified, but also it is necessary. In these latter days, a great number of numerical methods of differential equations integrating appeared that are oriented on computing systems with parallel architecture. Still the common use of majority of such methods is not always reasonable, because many of them have numerically variability or have a high complex structure that leads to effectiveness loss. To the methods lack of such shortages the block methods could be referred. The block method is a method where for the block from k points the new k values of function are calculated simultaneously. It’s a specific feature of the method, firstly it’s coordinated with the architecture of the parallel computing systems, secondly it’ll allow calculating the coefficients of difference formula not in the process of integration but on the stage of method development, that increase greatly the counting efficiency. Nevertheless, in spite of all the advantages these methods are examined rather few. The information mainly is protected and inaccessible without registration or payment. Purpose and tasks: The researches, comparison, improvement and determination of optimal parallel single-stage solution Cauchy algorithms for single-stage differential equations for definite type of computing circuit. It should be noticed that the method has to possess numerical stability, has optimal structure for effectiveness keeping structure, decision time and time for modeling accordingly. To make conclusion about the practicability and profitability of the realization of parallel method, it is essential to know its speeding-up and parallelism ratio. Consecutive methodIn general, methods Runge-Kutta record in the form
– consts. The number p, indicating the number of subsidiary points kj, used for calculating the main point of ki, called the method order. Parallel one-step methodsLet's consider a Cauchy problem solution by a k-pointwise block difference method. Set M of points of a uniform grid {tm}, m = 1,М and tm=T with step , divide on N the blocks containing on k of points, N<=M. In each block we work in point number i=0.
If for calculating values in the new block is used only last point of preceding block – the block method is considered one-step, and if all points of the previous block – multistep. Evaluating the effectivenessTo draw a conclusion on appropriateness of realisation and the advantage received at application of a parallel method it is necessary to know its acceleration and parallelism factor.[10] Introduce the symbols: tf – time to calculate value of function f(t,x);
Evaluation time for one processor with accuracy O(tk+1) in all k nodes of block by Runge-Kutta formulas k+1 an accuracy order is equal
Time of a parallel evaluation on k processors of the approached values of a solution in all k nodes of block equals
Then acceleration of parallel one-step k-point algorithm equals
The effectiveness ratio of parallel algorithm is calculated by the formula
Here Nпроц – an amount of used processor elements. In our case
ConclusionsThe common use of majority of such methods is not always reasonable, because many of them have numerically variability or have a high complex structure that leads to effectiveness loss. To the methods lack of such shortages the block methods could be referred. The k-block method is a method where for the block from k points the new k values of function are calculated simultaneously. It’s a specific feature of the method, firstly it’s coordinated with the architecture of the parallel computing systems, secondly it’ll allow calculating the coefficients of difference formula not in the process of integration but on the stage of method development, that increase greatly the counting efficiency. In my next work I am planning to solve the ordinary differential systems by block methods. Remark When writing this paper master's work is not yet complete. Final completion: December 2009. Full text and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author or the head after that date. Литература
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