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Master of DonNTU Hlepitko Igor Viktorovich

Hlepitko Igor

Faculty: Computer Science
Speciality: Software engineering
Leader of work: Karabchevskiy V.V.


Research instruments of development geometric modeling system


Geometric modeling systems are an indispensable component in many industrial sectors of human activity. A comprehensive computerization of engineering at all stages of the life cycle of products is necessary. Best known for such systems as AutoCAD, 3D MAX, SolidWorks. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Each system has great functionality, but the licensed copy of the product is expensive.

Often the purchase of such a system is disadvantageous because it uses only a small part of its functionality. In this case advantageous to develop your own graphical system. However, it takes a lot of time to develop their own classes, writing the functions to work with graphic objects, etc. Therefore is advantageous to use the existing graphics library. They will be discussed in this article.

Actuality of theme

The relevance of this work is the need to reduce time spent on the development of geometric modeling system.

Purpose and tasks

The purpose of this work is to create a visual design environment. Its use greatly accelerates the process of development the geometric modeling systems.

Main objectives:

- study of existing instruments for the development of the geometric modeling systems;

- analysis of these systems and the provision of the basic advantages and disadvantages of each of them to identify the optimal structure of the system developed;

- development of the visual environment design of this structure.

The novelty of the work

The novelty of the work consists in applying a new method in designing graphical systems. This method is to use visual development environment. In this environment, the most common blocks of code are represented as graphical objects. At the moment all the facilities to develop systems of geometric modeling are presented in the form of graphics kernel. This is not always convenient. A system is also a graphical kernel, but its function is not used directly, but through the visual environment.

An analysis of achievements and publications

There are three types of kernel: licensed kernels, private and the kernels available in the source code [1].

Licensed geometric modeling kernels developed by one company, which licenses them to other companies for their CAD-systems. Among this kernels include Parasolid (UGS) and the ACIS 3D Geometric Modeler (Spatial / Dassault Systemes). The use of such kernel in this case is not advisable in view of their high cost.

Private geometric modeling kernels developed by the creators of CAD-systems exclusively for their own purposes and the use of such kernels are not possible. Examples of such kernels are Thinkdesign kernel (think3 Inc.) and VX Overdrive (Varimetrix Corp.).

The kernels available in the source code is also being developed and maintained by one company, after which they are licensed to other companies for use in CAD-applications. However, the developers of these kernels provide their source code. This is very convenient for users who have the development team. Using these kernels provides a sufficiently large number of features for most applications. These are the kernels of Open CASCADE (Matra Datavision) and SMLib (Solid Modeling Solutions).

In [2] examined the problems associated with the construction of learning systems of geometric modeling. Later it was decided to create a system that is described in [3]. Conclusions are made about creating the instruments that allows to reduce the time spent in the construction of similar systems, using the accumulated skills and knowledge. In [4] described functional developed kernel, considered the problems encountered while building the kernel. On the basis of the kernel was developed a system that described in [5]. Its main task is to construct three-dimensional representations of complex drawings for educational. Visual development environment for geometric modeling system is designed to simplify the use of the kernel and to reduce the time spent to explore the possibilities of kernel.

Creating a visual environment

At this stage of development created graphical kernel that contains classes for working with geometric objects like point, line, circle, ellipse, spline, and the functions to work with these objects. The development of the kernel was used the structure of kernel that close to the Open CASCADE, described in [6].

Application of visual environment

To demonstrate the capabilities of the visual environment we describe the graphical system for building three-dimensional representations of complex drawings.

Figure 1 shows the solution to the problem of finding the perpendicular to the plane defined by three points in this system.

Fig.1 Finding the perpendicular to the plane defined by three points 
			(animated image, 15 frames, delay 100 ms, was done in MP Gif Animator)

Fig.1 Finding the perpendicular to the plane defined by three points (animated image, 15 frames, delay 100 ms, was done in MP Gif Animator)


Using a combination of visual components and functions of the kernel allows you to get rid of the long routine while creating the graphic interface for system and reduce the time spent on the construction of the system.

Use visual development environment is great. This system can be used for educational purposes, and in the fabrication.

The plan on the future is improvement of the environment, increasing its functionality, modification of the interface to maximize the convenience of the user environment.


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5. Карабчевський В.В., Хлепітько І.В. Засоби розробки систем геометричного моделювання. Наукові нотатки. Міжвузівський збірник (за напрямом «Інженерна механіка»). Випуск 22. Частина 1. «Сучасні проблеми геометричного моделювання (квітень, 2008). – Луцьк, 2008. – С. 133-137.

6. Использование Open CASCADE для создания приложений // Журнал «САПР и графика» [электронный ресурс]: http://www.sapr.ru/article.aspx?id=7878&iid=319

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9. Аммерал Л. Интерактивная трехмерная машинная графика. Пер. с англ. – М.: “Сол Систем”, 1992. – 317 с.

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At the time of writing this abstract master's work is not finished. The final version can be received from the author or its curator after January 1, 2010.
