Anton Karchin

Faculty: Computers Science

Department: Applied mathematics and informatics

Speciality: The software of the automated systems

Theme of master's work: Clusterization methods for videodata retrieved

Supervisor: Ph.D. Olga Vovk

Brief resume

Date of birth: 05.03.1987

Average grade point: 4.39

Languages: Russian and Ukrainian, English (reading, writing).


  • working with software packages: Visual Studio .NET, Rational Rose, Photoshop, Mathematica, Mat Lab, 3D Studio Max, Adobe Flash, MS Office;
  • programming languages: C/C++, C#, Pascal, Delphi, ASP.NET, Perl, JavaScript;
  • web: HTML, XHTML, XML, XSLT.
  • working with the database: Microsoft Access, Microsoft SQL;

Additional knowledge: I get the second higher education on Finances speciality.

Hobbies: IT-technology, music, cinema, travel.



I was born on March 5, 1987 in Donetsk. My father, Karchin Pavel Lvovich, is electrical engineer and my mother, Karchina Olga Anatolyevna, is economist. I am my sister’s junior by 2 years. She graduated from Donetsk National Technical University and got Finance qualification.

When I was little boy I attended two kindergartens. As for the first one I don`t have any memories while I remember that I liked to study and play at another one.


I went to school when I was 6 years old as I was very bright boy. But I entered it only from the second time. The reason was my unwillingness to study and my parents allowed me to enter next year. I was happy.

I graduated from the school #7 with honor. My favorite subjects were Math, Computer science and Economy. I had very friendly relationships with my Computer science teacher. As I was good at Computer I didn’t like to attend these classes but all my free time I devoted to operating system installation in classrooms.

I took part in Math, Physics, Computer science, Economy and, surprisingly, labor nurturing school Olympiads. Thanks to my teachers I led in Economy and labor nurturing .

My school years were easy-going and left lots of positive emotions because of my friends who are still in my life.


When I graduated from school I had already known the University I was going to enter. I had been dreaming about computer science faculty since 9th form. Probably it happened because of my Computer interest. The only problem was to choose specialty. But I easy dealt with this problem.

My relatives decided to persuade me to choose another specialty, for example economy or medicine. I was good at economy while I didn’t know anything about medicine. The main reason to enter economy faculty was simple subjects. But looking ahead I can assure you that if you like all stuff devoted to Computer it is easy as a pie to study here.

When I was first year student it was quite difficult to get over daily hard work. As in compare to school years studying at the University was really hard. And it was the main problem for me. At the beginning I was flunkey, two years later I was among the best students.

At the end I `ve got 4.39 points and it let me to enter Master's programme. My Master's Thesis "Clusterization methods for videodata retrieved" under the supervision of Vovk Olga Leonidovna. I considered this topic to be interesting and relevant and at this date you won’t find video search by definite frame.

My future plans

My first task is the defense of the thesis and graduation from the University. Then I plan to find job that I would like and with good benefits. My dream is to be at the head of big IT Company, and I hope my economy education will help me to come this dream true.