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       Ch.Ye. Larionova, A.Yu. Makeyev

Artukuł zawiera niektóre aspekty wykorzystania języka gestów w komunikatywnych kontaktach. Werbalne i niewerbalne w obcowaniu znajduje się

By the end of XX century, a new type of scientist and sociologist specializing in the field of non-verbal had appeared. It seems almost incredible that the non-verbal aspects of communication have been seriously studied only since the early 1960's, while the public became aware of their existence only after Julius Fast published his book in 1970 [1]. This book summarizes the research on non-verbal aspects of communication, done by scientists-behaviorists before 1970, but even today most people are still unaware of the existence of the body language, despite its importance in their lives.

Each actor was qualified as good or bad, judging by how he could use gestures and body movements for communication. When sound films became popular, and less attention was paid to non-verbal aspects of acting, many silent film actors have gone from the scene and actors with strong verbal abilities began to dominate the screen.

Albert Meyerabian [2] found that the transfer of information takes place:

- By verbal means (words only) - 15%;

- At the expense of sound (including tone of voice, intonation sound) - 38%;

- At the expense of non-verbal means - 55%.

Professor Berdvisl [2] did a similar study on the proportion of non-verbal means of communication of people. He found that the average person speaks by words only during 10-11 minutes a day, and that an average sentence in the middle does not sound more than 2.5 seconds. As Meyerabian, he found that verbal communication in the interview took less than 35%, and more than 65% of information is transmitted through non-verbal means of communication.

Most researchers agree that verbal channel is used for transmitting information, while the non-verbal channel is used for discussion of interpersonal relationships, and in some cases is used instead of verbal communication. For example, a wife may send a killing look to her husband, thus it is quite clearly to convey to him her attitude towards his words or deeds, not even saying a word.

When we say that a person is sensitive and intuitive, we mean that he (or she) has the ability to read non-verbal signals of another person and to compare these signals with verbal signals.

Women are usually more sensitive than men and hence the existence of such a thing as women's intuition. Women have the innate ability to observe and decipher non-verbal signals to fix the smallest details. This female intuition is particularly well developed in women upbringing young children.

Despite a lot of research, debate are taking place about whether the non-verbal signals are inborn or acquired.

German scientist Aybl-Aybesfeldt [2] found that the way of smiling of deaf or blind from birth people, appears without any apparent learning or copying, which confirms the hypothesis of inborn gestures. Ekman, Friesen and Zorenzan confirmed some assumptions by Darwin about inborn gestures when they studied the expressions of people, representatives of the five deeply different cultures. They found that different cultures have used similar expressions in the expression of certain emotions, which allowed them to conclude that these gestures must be inborn.

There is also disagreement over whether some gestures are culturally acquired or genetic. For example, most men put on their coats, ranging from the right arm, as the majority of women put on a coat with the left sleeve.

Studies have proved that non-verbal signals have 5 times more information than verbal, and if the signals are incongruent, people rely on non-verbal information, preferring it to words.

Sigmund Freud once noted that when a patient verbally urged him that she is happy in marriage, she unconsciously removed and put on her wedding ring. Freud understood the importance of this involuntary gesture, and was not surprised when there appeared the family problem of this patient [3].

The key to correct interpretation of gestures is a review of the totality of gesture and the congruence of verbal and non-verbal signals.

Scientific research in the field of linguistics has shown [4] that there is a direct correlation between social status, power and prestige, and the vocabulary. The man on the top of social ladder or career can benefit from the wealth of their vocabulary in the communication process, at the same time less educated or less professional people are more likely to rely on gestures, rather than the words in the process of communication.

The most common question is "Can there be a forgery in the body language?"

Normal response to this question is negative, because you give a lack of congruence between the gestures and body microsignals and spoken words. There are, however, instances when the language of the body is specially trained to achieve a favorable impression.

Take, for example, the beauty contest Miss America or Miss Universe, in which each contestant is trained to such movements, which radiate the warmth and sincerity. A person’s face more than any other part of the human body is used to hide the false statements. Study of expression is an art in itself.

The problem with lies is that the subconsciousness works automatically, regardless of the person, so the language gives right movement. During the deceit our subconsciousness throws bundle of nervous energy, which manifests itself in gestures that are contrary to what people say. Some people whose occupations are directly related to fraud in various forms, such as politicians, lawyers and actors train their body movements to such extent that it is difficult to notice that they tell a lie, and people trust them [5].

They train their gestures in two ways. First, try those gestures that give the credibility of the above, but this is only possible if they practice lying for a long period of time. Secondly, they almost completely eliminate gestures so that neither positive nor negative gestures appear when they lie, but it is also very difficult to do.

So, how to learn speaking the body language? We need to make a rule at least for fifteen minutes a day to study and interpret the gestures of others, as well as analyze our own gestures. These can be people and places we meet every day. In particular, the airport is a great place for observing the entire spectrum of human gestures, because here people through gestures express the whole range of emotions: passion and commitment, anger, horror, sorrow, happiness, impatience, and much more. Excellent places of observation are also official receptions, business meetings and evening parties. Having studied the art of body language movements, you can get more information from the above mentioned.


1. Пиз А. Общие понятия о языке жестов //Хрестоматия по социальной психологии – М.: Международная педагогическая академия, 1994г.

2. Шипунов С. На одной волне с собеседником. Секреты беседы – М.,2003г.




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