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Student of Donetsk National Technical University Turashov Andrey

Turashov Andrey

    FACULTY: Computer engineering and information science
    DEPARTMENT: Electronic computing machines
    SPECIALITY: System programming
    GROUP: SP-08m
    AVERAGE MARK: 4.85
    WORK EXPERIENCE:2007. COMPUTER CENTER DonNTU. Part-programming engineer
                                      2007-2009. FIRST UKRAINIAN INTERNATIONAL BANK. Part-programming engineer


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About myself:


    I was born on April, 17th, 1987 in Makeevka city (Donetsk region). My father, Turashov Sergey Anatol'evich, was born on March, 28th, 1957. Mum, Turashova Ludmila Nikolaevna, was born on May, 27th, 1953. My father by a trade is chief of the department. I have a brother - Evgeniy. He was born on April, 21nd, 1983. Evgeniy is engeneer. In 3 years I was taken to a kindergarten. There spent first part of my childhood (till 6 years). There was no special achievements in the kindergarten. All I remember, I have won a prize for the best drawingin 5 years.


    In 7 years I have entered in one of the best schools of Donetsk - ¹35 with profound learning of phisics and mathematics. Here I have deeply mastered such subjects as mathematics, physics and computer science. School years brought the bright impressions, new friends and favorite teachers. From first forms inclination showed up for exact and natural sciences. Therefore from school subjects I preferred mathematics, physics, and chemistry. "Voluntarily-forcedly" I participated in different olympiads on these subjects. Also, I enjoy playing basketball. In 2003 I together with the school have won 3 place on basketball in my area.


    After the school there was wide choice of various high schools and specialities for me. I have chosen a profession of system programmer. The choice of my profession is based on my belief that information technologies are one of the most perspective branches in modern science. The choice of university was obvious - Donetsk National Technical University. Besides, on 4th course I have decided, that for the modern highly skilled self-conceited expert not enough one higher education. As a result - on 4th course I have entered the institute personnel retraining at International University of finance, for to receive the second higher education on a speciality "Finance". I was urged on also by possibility of receiving the second diploma during 2 years of training only. The speciality is chosen not casually since experience of my acquaintances shows, that for advancement on a career ladder sooner or later the economic education becomes necessary.

    Presently I study in the city council DonNTU on the SP speciality. Theme of my master's work: "Simulation of parallel transition processes in long electrical lines of computer circuits". The leader of master's degree work is Svyatniy V.A., a consultant is Cherednikova O.Y. A theme was chosen by me on a few reasons. At first, I consider it perspective direction of development of computer technologies in the future. Secondly, teaching professionalism of my leader and consultant pleased personally to me.

    To my point of view my future speciality is very perspective. As programming as a direction of a science is young enough so now we can notice rough growth of this sphere. Modern languages of the programming, new technologies, new ideas appear every day and make this profession very interesting. In the future I would like to work as the programmer in one of large companies of Ukraine.

   ©2009 Turashov Andrey