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Ate of birth: 28.01.1987
Average mark during studies at university: 4.99
Russian, Ukrainian
English (technical)
Polish (spoken)
Programming languages: Basic, Pascal, C/C++, Visual C++, Delphi
Microcontrollers programming: AVR Studio, WinAVR
Modeling systems: NI LabView, MatLab, Rational Rose, Electronic Workbench, Proteus
Internet technologies: HTML, PHP, MySQL
Graphical packages: AutoCAD, ArcView GIS, MapInfo, Eagle
Personal qualities: purposefulness, responsibility, ability to solve the problems, team work
Hobbies: radio engineering and electronics, hydrogen energy, parachuting and hang-gliding
I was born on 28 January 1987 in Pervomaysk, Luhansk region. My mother – Varzar Natalia Victorovna – was born in 1964. she has 2 higher educations: mining engineer and economist. Father – Varzar Leonid Eduardovich – was born in 1960. He is a mining engineer, candidate of technical sciences.
My childhood was very interesting. My mother taught me to read when I was 4. So, I could read and count before I went to kindergarten “Romashka”. My grandmother worked in the library and brought a lot of books and different encyclopedias. My favourite books were those in chemistry, biology, science. My grandfather brought some devices from the mine, so we examined them with great interest.
In 1994 I went to secondary school ¹2 of Pervomaysk. I was an excellent pupil for the first three years. I wasn’t very interested in sport, but I adored radio engineering and astronomy.
In the 2nd form I collected the first circuit from the details of a TV.
When I got into the 5th form, I lost interest in studies and got bad marks. But then in the 7th form we had physics. My teacher was Polyanskaya Lyubov Alexandrovna. She was my mother’s teacher. I studied it easily. My teacher noticed me at once and suggested taking pert in the competition of technical models.
In the 7th form I got the first place in the town Olympiad in physics.
In the 8th form I got the first place in the town Olympiad in physics, chemistry and computer science.
In the 9th form I got the first place in the town Olympiad in physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science and the 3d place in the regional Olympiad in physics.
In the 10th form I got the 3d place in economics and 1st place in physics, chemistry, mathematics and biology.
In the 11th form I got the first place in the town Olympiad in physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer science and the 3d place in the regional Olympiad in computer science.
In the 11th form I didn’t take exam in computer science, because I programmed my own operational system in Pascal.
I also took part in various performances and together with our chemistry teacher we created special effects with fire.
I took part in various games like “Brain-ring”. Our team often took the 1st place in competitions between the schools of the town.
I finished school with golden medal. I am grateful to Fulitka Vladimir Dmitrievich, Stepanenko Olga Vladimirovna, Tolmachova Lyudmila Alexandrovna, Stepanova Svetlana Vladimirovna, director of the school and all my teachers.
I had an aim to enter the university to get free education. That’s why in the 11th form I began to study at 2 preparatory courses to enter universities. At first I chose nuclear physics, but then switched to computers. In 2004 I entered 2 universities: Kharkov aerospace university and Donetsk national technical university. I chose DonNTU because it is closer to my native town. So, I entered Faculty of computer engineering and science, speciality “Computer ecological and economical monitoring”.
In my first year I wasn’t very interested. However I had all excellent marks in all exams. I took part in conference in physics. Later it became a tradition. I also joined hydrogen club “Sova”, which is in the international association in hydrogen energy. In my first year I also took part in multimedia contest “Join Multimedia 2005”, which is held by Siemens.
Every year I took part in conferences in Kharkov, Sevastopol.
In our university I took part in conferences “Physics and science and technical progress”, “Computer science and technology”, “Computer monitoring and information technologies”, history and philosophy conferences.
In 2009 I took part in the national student Olympiad in informational technologies in the National mining institute and IV national Olympiad in programming of micro-program automats and micro-controlling systems in National technical university “KPI”.
In 2005 I took up aviation and joined Yenakiyevo aviation and technical sports club. I made four jumps with a parachute. In 2006 I joined the gliding section. I have flown over 7 hours by airplane Blanik L-13.
In 2007 I started learning Polish at PWT of DonNTU. The dean of this faculty is Makeyev A.Y. I am grateful to him and other teachers of the faculty for teaching me good spoken language. I have also twice visited Poland.
Of all the subjects I liked “Computer scheme mechanics” (Zeleneva I.Y.), “Theoretical basics of circuit technique” (Krasnokutsky V.A.), “Discrete mathematics” (Nazarova I.A.), “Computer networks” (Babkov V.S.), “English” (Adaryukova L.B.), “Physics” (Savchenko T.A.), “Methods, systems and instruments of CEM” (Kharitonov A.Y.), “Computer architecture” (Krasichkov A.A.), “Probability theory and mathematic statistics” (Serik A.Y.), “Fractals and image compression” (Belovodsky V.N.), “System programming” (Kolomoytseva I.A.) and a lot of others.
In 2008 I got the bachelor degree (with only 2 good marks) and decided to continue studies to get the master’s degree. The theme of my master’s degree work is “Development of automatic system monitoring air pollution”. My supervisor is professor, D.T.S. Averin Gennadiy Victorovich.
In the nearest future I am going to defend my master’s degree work and to assemble experimental model of gas-analyzer. After that I am planning to design an unmanned aircraft which will carry meteo-sensors, video cameras, means of air analysis, navigation satellite system, which will monitor air pollution. I also want to complete aviation courses and to get the pilot license.
After that I want to fly to the space and to contribute into research of time-space problem.
But the most important is to create a good family and to bring up my children so that they are even better than me!