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Vasilenko Anton

Faculty of Computer Science and Technolgies


System Programming

Theme of master's work:

Development of student progress monitoring web-service

Scientific advisor: Anoprienko Alexandr


Middle mark during period of study - 4.83. Russian and Ukrainian level - fluently, English level - reading and writing documentation.

I have a work experience at C#, C++ and Cbuilder languages. Enjoy footbal and swimming.

Short biography:


I was born in September 4, 1987 in Donetsk and live in it till now. My father Vasilenko Juriy Nikoaevich was born in 1961. He now works as the master mechanic in a building firm. My mother Vasilenko Natalya Vladimirovna was born in 1961. She now works as the head of general department of Voroshilovsky branch of retirement fund of Ukraine in Donetsk.

When I was three years old my parents gave me to a kindergarten in which I have successfully finished average, senior and preparatory groups. Period of presence in preparatory group was especially productive - then I have learned to write and read. Also I have reached the certain successes in drawing to what the huge album of works collected by nurses for my years in kindergarten testifies.

School years

After the termination of kindergarten with yellow round cardboard on the strip, called "the medal", I has been directed to nearby school №115 which turned out general educational, with the profound learning of foreign languages. In primary grades I didn't reach some special successes and achievements, and even on the contrary (to my mind because of the difference between kindergarten skills and school requirements). But then something has changed, and I "have been transferred in the sixth grade and awarded with the creditable letter". Having decided not to stop on achieved, I have finished other classes with perfect marks, and as well as in kindergarten, I have handed yellow, round, but already metal medal. I've overlooked to note, that during school time I attended various circles starting from handy-craft and drawing over to chess. Also I was going to swimming pool for some years.


During eleventh grade I was deciding where to receive the further education. It was desirable to have useful, pleasant to me and claimed speciality in the present and the future. As at school from all subjects I had great interest with mathematics and computer science my choice has stopped at faculty of Computer Technique and Computer Science at Donetsk National Technical University. Realizing, that school skills was not enough to me for entering the university, I've entered on preparatory courses. There I was finally defined with a discipline - System programming. In the eleventh grade I've taken part in rating tests on mathematics and computer science and due to it results I have been successfully assumed on first rate of DonNTU.

To the moment of writing of this biography I continue studying on the fifth course on a System Programming.

The most useful and interresting for me was te following disciplines and lecturers:

  • Shevchenko Olga Georgievna (System Programming);
  • Tpelinsky Sergey Vasilevich (Programming in OS Windows, an assembler Course);
  • Nazarenko Victor Ivanovich (a programming Course on Pascal).


At fourth course I have had to choose the vector of future scientific research, so I've chosen Anoprienko Alexander Yakovlevitch as a scientific supervisor. Then we've also defined with the theme of next exploration "Development of student progress web-service".

From the previous experience of working with Internet-technologies i can point out studying of Web-technologies on the third course and development of the site of science conferrence at DonNTU during my summer practice after third course.

As to process of training it would be desirable to note, that I represented it completely in other way. After an easy first course, difficult special subjects which practically take away all free time have begun. Now it seems to me, that many hours are spending on subjects not very interesting to me, in spite of using it to really good, useful and up-to-date disciplines.

In spite of that, I think, that the course of the system programmer is very wide and will be claimed in future. In fact we live in an epoch of calculating technique and computers. It's already difficult to present effective job in any branch without them. And certainly experts who are learned by our faculty are necessary for their correct and rational adjustment and subsequent using!

I see myself in future as the professional in investigated area. I want to receive the second higher education because at present employers appreciated not only knowledge of computers, but also skill of professional introducing them into certain area of manufacturing.