- Introduction
- Object and purposes of the project
- Survey of research and developments
- Received and planned results
- Conclusion
- Literature
The business efficiency increasing is quite relevant subject nowadays. If there are stable economic circumstances, the achievement of the revenues growth, typically, arise from increasing of investments in production and purchasing additional resources. But in consideration of the current economic crisis, when additional funds are not available, or the product even without additional investment is not competitive due to its high cost. An improvement steps for the efficiency of the enterprise activity which do not require the large materials inputs is really necessary.
The objective of the research is to provide the optimization of the planning’s subsystem at the expense of marketing research and by using of a mathematical modeling.
The research purposes are:
- To make a review of enterprise production planning system
- To study the process of activity of the object (dressing plant) and to define a problem
- To prepare the optimization model in the form of one objective function, set of equations and inequalities that connect constants, variables, restrictions, alternatives and their numerical parameters to manage the resources and production.
- To compile and document various statistical data
- To realize the model and to find the solutions of the system using software packages (Excel, Math CAD, Math Lab)
- To analyze the expedience of model conducting a comparative analysis using “before-after” method
- To test the quality of the model
The discipline devoted to the search of optimal or near optimal solutions to the complex decision – making problems using advanced analytical methods such as mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and mathematical optimization called operations research.
The greatest contribution to formation and development of this science was made by L.V.Kantorovich, R.Akoff, R.Bellman, G.Dantsig, G.Kun, T.Saati, R.Chermen (USA), B.V.Gnedenko, M.P.Buslenko, A.Kofman, R.Ford, V.S.Mihalevich, M.M.Moiseyev, J.M.Ermolaev, N.Z.Shor, etc. [11]
The bases of mathematical programming theory, the essence of the optimization methods; the economic statement and the mathematical modeling of general problems and applied problems of the long- and short-term planning are considered in P.N.Korobov's book «Mathematical Programming and Modeling of the Economic Processes». [6]
There is also a set of the automated systems for management and production planning, for example APS (abbr. from English Advanced Planning and Scheduling - advanced planning), ERP (English Enterprise Resource Planning System - System of planning of resources of the enterprise), MRP (Material Requirement Planning - Planning of material requirements), MRP II(Manufacturing Resource Planning - Planning of industrial resources) etc. [11].
There are several students of DonNTU, who are interested in planning and optimization, for example: Kolesnikova, Sergienko, Senchik etc.
The partial verbal interpretation of the problem is presented below.
The object of automation is the activity of the dressing plant.
Dressing plant activity is an ordinary coal preparation with the purpose of producing the main result product concentrate. Concentrate is the coal which has been made stronger by removing most of water and waste from it. There are also side products received such as the transitional product and/or energy residue. The transitional product and the energy residue are also concentrates, but with poorer characteristics of quality than concentrate and they can be sold by the lower prices.
Some dressing plants aimed to materials economy use the special technologies which allow providing the secondary concentration of received transitional product. The products of secondary concentration are the new high quality concentrate, the new transitional product and the new concentrate.
There are several production requirements, which set up the restrictions:
- To maintain the production in the case of supply interruption there is a requirement for the presence of additional stock of raw materials at the end of the month;
- The volume of production, which is processed, could not exceed the maximum production capacity of the plant and could not be below the minimum production capacity of the plant;
- The volume of proceed materials should not exceed the production capacity;
- An amount of the raw materials is limited;
- Given that the entire finished product should be sold. Requirements of the buyer may be satisfied fully or just partially;
- The value of the production, the use of raw materials and the value of purchases – are non-negative.
The objective is to make an optimal plan for purchase of raw materials, manufacturing and contracts with customers to maximize the profit.
The mathematical, economical interpretations and the results of research are presented in the master's dissertation.
Scientific novelty. The original optimization model of the dressing plant activity planning was proposed and developed.
Practical novelty. The developed model allows managers to take into account all possible production constraints, to get the optimal plan of the dressing plant activity and to increase profits.
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