Zaytsev Ivan Mihaylovich

Faculty: Computers and Information Science
Department: Applied Mathematics and Information Science
Speciality: Software engineering
Master's theme: Models of collective behavior of intelligent agents in modeling of the multi-agent system and enterprise management
Scientific advisor: Fedyaev Oleg Ivanovich
Other contact information can be found on my personal site.
Curriculum vitae
Average mark during the period of studing: 4,75
Technology knowledges:
- Java (J2SE)
- PHP, Zend Framework
- HTML 4.01, CSS 2.1, Javascript, AJAX, JQuery
- MS Visual C++
- Delphi
- SQL, DB server administration (MySQL, SQLite, Interbase, MSSQL, MS Access)
Other attainments:
- Classical algorithms of discrete mathematics
- OOP, templates, design patterns, methodology of developing
- Valid crossbrowser HTML
- OS administration (MS Windows, Unix)
- Russian (native)
- Ukrainian (free)
- English (free)
I was born on the 9th of October,1987 at 17.00 in Mariupol, Donetsk region. I was an inquisitive child who never gave rest to adults. I didn’t like to visit a kindergarten. A year before entering school I started learning playing violin/ In the pre-school years was fond of all kinds of art – I was painting, writing stories, making inventions, creating imaginary universes and worlds. The meccano – Lego - was my favorite toy.
School years
When I reached 7 years I entered the public school number 69. I badly remember that years, only some friends and school corridors recur to my memory. In the elementary school English language was not taught, and my mom worked with me on a very popular in those years the book by Valentina Skulte. After the second form my parents transferred me to special school number 115 with in-depth study of foreign languages. I managed to find the first real friends and the memories of thet period era more clear. My brother Nikolaj has a great influence on me (and has always had). He is four years younger, but at that time we communicated as equals. His upbringing , in many ways, is my merit.
The desire to improve my knowledge of English and mathematics pushed me to transfer to another class. This was not an easy job: I had to introduce myself to my new classmates, a new teacher.
When I was in the 8th form I took a great interest in programming. The stimulus was the program, made by my class mate in QBasic which was drawing an cheburashka on the screen. After examining it I was shocked how easy it was to program such a thing and wrote my own interactive screensaver. Then I started learning this programming language more detailed, made a lot of experiments. The results of those experiments were rather primitive, but cute and interesting games, in which we played together with my brother.
In the 9th form I took part in the Regional Informatics Olimpiade for the first time. Many thanks to my school teacher Larisa Ivanovna Kryachek, whose initiative it was to sent me there. Surprisingly I won the second prize. It was the beginning of my taking part indifferent Olimpiades. In the 10th form I joined the group of the beginners in the Donetsk Palace of Youth Creativity. This classes gave me a lot in terms of training and taking part in regional programming contests. I learned the programming langusge Pascal and gained a lot of knowledge about algorithms and discrete mathematics. I am very grateful to my teacher Tatiana Goncharova.
Participation in the competition of research works in the SAS(МАН) with one of my gaming programs, winning the Programming Contest on the district and regional level have led me to the programming team in Donetsk region. In the 11th form I took part in the All-Ukrainian Programming Contest and won the II degree diploma (the eighth place in the ranking). After that participated in a gathering before the International Programming Contest. At the same time I was preparing for exams in Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU). I am grateful for the consultations and help to Sergey Gladkij and Sergei Teplinskij. According to the results of the first exam I was on the first place among the students entering the specialty. This allowed me not to participate in follow-up exams.
I have chosen this university in the 10th form already and the specialty – in the 11th. I joined the budget form of studying on the basis of my entering exam results. The most pleasant year of my life were the years of studying at University. Not without reason people say, that the years of studying at University are the best. I have found real friends here, felt the real freedom, have found the feeling of real adult life. But the enormous variability of opportunities for entertainment hasn’t prevented me from gaining knowledge throughout the period of study. It should be noticed that not all the subjects were equally useful and interesting for me, but those, which were, have compensated for all. In ma first year I took part in the Olympic group of DonNTU. Being the part of it I visited All-Ukrainian Student Olimpiade in Vinnitsa, Odessa (Ucrainiang Programming Cup) and the International Olympiad in Romania. I would like to thank the graduate of DonNTU Andrei Sereda, a good friend and teacher, with whom I participated in many competitions.
During the study I participated in many professional conferences in Donetsk. One of my works was among the best in the All-Ukrainian contest of students' scientific works on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences, represented at the National Pedagogical University in Kiev named by M.P.Dragomanov. I have never resigned from individual works given by teachers. I have graduated after the 4-year studying with honours and entered the magistracy.
I thank my parents for their love and support.
Being in the 4th year of studying I became interested in multiagent systems under the leadership of Fedyaev Oleg. One of the reasons why I have chosen this area was the one that it is promising a very active development in the west, and has almost no development in the CIS. The second reason was that the nultiagent systems provide extensive and inaccessible for the classical approach possibilities of designing software systems.
The future
In the near future I plan to complete the master's. Then, to improve and learn new skills in the field of web development. In the meantime I think as a goal for me to reach the position of a project manager or organizer of a small company dedicated to web development.