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Магистр ДонНТУ Чуганский Даниил Борисович 

Chuganskyi Daniil Borisovich

Faculty: Mountain - geological

Speciality: Land management and cadastre



Theme of master's work:

Economical stimulation of rational land use and protection of the earths

Scientific adviser: Krenida Yurii Fedorovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Mean score in training at university - 4.86. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. I have an operational experience in the state and private enterprises. I take a great interest in sports, economy.

Short biography:



I was born in the city of Donetsk on May, 20th, 1987. Lived at Illich avenue. Since 4 years my mum Chuganskaya Elena Jurevna has taken away me in a garden "Fur-tree" nearby to the house, where I stayed till 7 years, till got into school № 12 (at 1994). I was an active child, fidget, always searched adventures and basically them found. Once, being on  attic of 9 floor houses, I have found something like  an antiquarian gun, and was very glad. Has carried it home, wished to brag to mum, however it has appeared that it is "sawn-off shotgun" which yet has not lost a gunpowder smell. Times were uneasy and the relatives were frightened a little, and long thought what to do with my extraction. Eventually, have handed over it in corresponding bodies. This case was for me a science, after which I have started to consider strenuously what to carry home.



Orlova Larissa Antonovna was the first my teacher. It has imparted to me thirst of knowledge and interest to sciences. Participated in the Olympic Games on mathematic,  physic, chemistry, history, SAC, competitions of conducters, KVN. Sidelnikova Irina Jurevna was the class teacher. These years were in own way interesting and cheerful: the first love, friends, quarrels, errors, achievements, in general - unforgettable life experience. Has left school with a silver medal in 2004.



Same year has arrived in Donetsk National Technical University on mountain-geological faculty a speciality «Land management and a cadastre». In 2006 has started to study on the second speciality: «Organisation management» at faculty "Retraining of personnel". In 2008 has received the bachelor's degree with distinction. I believe that five years of university will play a special role in my life because the labour future will be based on the received knowledge, and consequently also well-being in general. In end of the student's career I wish to notice that the Donetsk national technical university - is serious High School, with strong traditions, wise and thoughtful teachers, perspective students.


Plans for the future

After the university termination it would be desirable to find as more as possible paid and perspective work, however I will be issued in the heat of an economic crisis, hence, most likely, I will prefer work on the first speciality - «Land management and a cadastre».


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