Brief Resume
Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4,15
Languages: russian, ukrainian, english.
Professional skills:
- in the field of programming languages and СSD: Object Pascal, Delphi, MS Access, Html;
- in the field of geoinformatic Systems and Technologies: AutoCad, ArcView, ArcGis, InventGrad, Digitals;
- work with operational systems: Windows 98, Windows Millennium, Windows XP, Windows Vista;
- other: MathCad, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, FrontPage), PhotoShop, Internet.
The personal data: date of birth - January 17, 1987; the marital status - is single.
Enthusiasmes: football, easy athletics, aquariums.
Personal information: the responsibility, skill to communicate, stress stability, fast training, purposefulness, creative approach to work, skill to adjust contact to the people.
I was born 17th January in 1987 in the city of Brjanka, which is located in Lugansk area.
My mother Kulichenko Svetlana was born 10th May in 1965, she have education on a speciality of surveyor, my father Kulichenko Valery was born 16th June in 1964, he have education in sphere of «Underground development of coal deposits».
First nine years of my life are connected to a small settlement which is taking place at territory of Brjanka. There I also have gone to the first class!
When we have moved to a new residence in Donetsk area, I have gone to 3 class of school № 8 of a Rodinskoe town. In this city there have passed my best school days and there were the best school memoirs! Here I have received secondary education, having crossed one more step in a direction of the formation as persons.
Coming back in the childhood it is necessary to recollect the most favorite toy which was the designer «Lego». Behind it time as though stopped!
However, than more we grow that the biggest toys to us are necessary…
In the childhood it was the designer, then a bicycle, then a mobile phone, and behind it a motorcycle etc.
The brightest memoirs are connects with sports and achievements in sport. For school time I was engaged in such kinds of sports as dzju-do, the kickboxing, volleyball, visited a group of scouts, however preference, eventually, has given to football. Having bent for to constant movement, this kind of sports was to me to liking. Taking a great interest in that or other kind of activity, always it would be desirable to make something that then it was possible to look at it "something" and to recollect pleasant instants of a life when, being completely given to this or that kind of activity, I always received exclusively positive results! So during training at school not few awards, reading and writing and thanks have collected.
In 8th class I has received the diploma for excellent delivery of the state tests on physical training. 9th class I has ended with distinction. In 10 class I has occupied 3 place in competition on the Ukrainian language and the literature of Peter Jatsyka. The competitors of this competition were children’s from all Ukrainian.
From the earliest childhood I has more questions connected with understanding of human psychology interested. So I have independently come to such direction in a science, as psychology.
As to a choice of my future trade, I wish to tell, that this choice has been made absolutely casually. Such here to itself coincidence of circumstances! Wished to be the surgeon or the employee of law enforcement bodies, and became on a way «Geoinformatic Systems and Technologies». Though already to 3 course has started to realize importance and perspectives of the given direction, both for itself, and for a society as a whole!
From subjects which I studied, the greatest interest has caused a subject «a real estate estimation». This subject has affected a choice of the further kind of my industrial activity. Having found set of the interesting and positive moments for myself in this direction of a science, and having tested the knowledge in practice, gradually I have come to conclusion that else much should be made to modern Ukraine to put sphere of an estimation of the real estate on a firm and effectively functioning basis. First of all here there is a speech about understanding of necessity and importance of a supply with information for the given field of activity, working out of the software which on the basis of used methods of objective judgement about market cost of this or that object of the real estate would allow to receive qualitative and objective results, being based on data of the market of the real estate.
Having heightened interest to sphere of an estimation of the real estate, it was not necessary to do my choice about subject to prefer for a writing future master's degree work and what to choose the teacher for realization of the ideas.
A leader of research and master's degree work Mitrofanova Helen is an associate professor, candidate of engineering sciences. Theme of master's degree work - «Development of the informative providing for implementation of the real estate estimation».
In the plans for the nearest future I include:
- writing and protection master's degree work;
- realization of the ideas and plans in professional sphere;
- to build the house, to plant a tree and to bring up the son.
01.05.2009 To read the abstract of thesis on the topic of master's degree work
Faculty: Mining and Geological Faculty
Department: Geoinformatic Systems and geodesy
Speciality: Geoinformatic Systems and Technologies
Master's thesis theme: Development of the information providing for implementation of real estate estimation
Scientific leader: Mitrofanova Helen is an associate professor, candidate of engineering sciences