Faculty: Mining and Geological Faculty
Department: Geoinformatic Systems and geodesy
Speciality: Geoinformatic Systems and Technologies
Master's thesis theme: Development of the information providing for implementation of real estate estimation
Scientific leader: Mitrofanova Helen is an associate professor, candidate of engineering sciences
Scientific leader: Mitrofanova Helen
Abstract of master's work: «Development of the information providing for implementation of real estate estimation»
Theme urgency. Changes, which have a place in Ukraine and connected with process of development of the market of ground and real estate, and also expansion of process of a privatization of grounds demand acceptance of urgent measures in a direction of perfection the ways of management of the data of the market of ground and real estate, and also their use with the purposes of estimation of cost of property. The given circumstances cause necessity in formation of the adequate information-methodical base allowing participants of the market in more of degree to use modern information technologies in the field of the market of the ground and real estate properties. One of effective mechanisms of the decision of this problem is introduction universal complex of information the maintenance based on application the Internet of decisions, databases, geoinformation technology and methods of the statistical analysis of data.
Such supply with information, will allow to provide sphere of an estimation of real estate necessary with the qualitative actual information, to receive is proved-settlement demonstrative result of an estimation and appreciably to raise quality of estimated works, having reduced to a minimum subjective assumptions the appraiser and also to accompany principles of objective data presentation of the market of the ground and real estate.
The considerable contribution to area of working out and application of methods of the statistical analysis of data, and also in a scope of methods of geoinformation technologies in sphere of estimation of cost it is domestic and foreign scientists have brought. Among them B.A.Semenenko [1], S.A.Sivets [2], J. K.Ekkert [3], S.V.Gribovsky [4], L.D.Bashirova [5], E.N.Ivanov, Д.С. Lvov, O.E.Medvedev [6], N.P.Barinov, I.N.Anisimov [7-10], I.A.Levykina [11], J.G.Garaev [12], M.G.Krivobokov [13], A.N.Osipov, T.V.Ganzenko, E.I.Mitrofanova [14], E.Stjazhkina [15], P.Gurin [16], L.Shirmanova [17], S.S.Zamaj, O.E.Jakubajlik [18], M.A.Fedotova, A.G.Grjaznova [19], J.M.Paleha, A.V.Svinarev [20], Ljashchenko A.A. [21], Balashov V[22], Ber-ljant A.M. [23], Alastair Adair, Mary Lou Downie, Stanley McGreal, Gerjan Vos [24] and etc.
Workings out of the Ukrainian and foreign experts, and also modern achievements in sphere of information, geoinformation technologies and methodical maintenance of an estimation of the real estate create all the preconditions for introduction of the universal complex supply with information intended to or performance of estimation of cost of the real estate and also to make following conclusions in essence investigated directions:
requirements to quality of an estimation constantly grow and in the given situation the mathematical apparatus is capable an to render the huge help to the appraiser in the proof of objectivity of results of the work [2]; for increase of accuracy and efficiency of procedure of an estimation market price objects of the city real estate, on the basis of the account of factors of the spatial environment of a city, a expedient is to use of geoinformation technologies since they allow to unite among themselves the various economic, statistical information and a geographical basis; now regular updating of the information does sources of a network the Internet especially actual. Their urgency is caused by the maintenance of exclusively fresh information.
Prompt development of a network the Internet has given access to the most actual sources of the information in real estate sphere. However insufficient level of automation the Internet of sites leaves is defined the marks on quality of the information. These are grammatical errors which are supposed in process entering information in information sources, and also the incomplete information on the subject, bringing the given information. All it does a source of the information and the information unreliable.
Being based on the aforesaid, it will be fair to make following conclusions:
there is an obvious necessity for the effective mechanism of gathering, storage and data presentation; the difficulties connected with absence of qualitative information sources and, accordingly, of reliability and qualitative information, impose certain restrictions on application of those or others estimation methods; the application question in daily practice of methods of the analysis of data of the market real estate is actual, allowing to reduce level of subjectivity of the appraiser and, accordingly.
Thus, the question of working out and improvement of a supply with information for performance real estate estimations is actual.
The purpose and research problems. The purpose of master's work is working out and improvement information maintenance for performance of an estimation of the real estate.
According to an object in view the primary goals of research are:
the review and the analysis: а) existing methods of estimation of cost of the real estate in the GIS and the European countries for the purpose of a choice from them the most effective, allowing for fulfill the requirements shown to area of mathematical processing of market data; б) spheres of a supply with information of an estimation of the real estate about the actual directions which are investigated in given area of a science, demanding completion and improvement; в) the supply with information which tools will allow for fulfill the requirements shown to the project; designing and realization: а) databases of objects of the market of the real estate (ground areas); б) the site Internet; в) supply with information for performance of an estimation of the real estate. improvement of a supply with information for performance of an estimation of the real estate.
Object of research – an expert estimation of the real estate.
Subject of research – information and methodical maintenance of an expert estimation of the real estate.
Research methods – for object in view achievement in work have been used methods of the system analysis (studying of a subject domain of research and revealing of actual problems in sphere of information and methodical maintenance of an expert estimation of the real estate) and methods of an estimation of the real estate, adapted to real conditions of transitive economy of a city (a method of the statistical analysis of data applied within the limits of the comparative approach); methods of designing of databases; methods cartographical to a modeling with use of GIS-TECHNOLOGIES; methods of mathematical statistics, algebra, calculus mathematics, mathematical programming, www-programming.
Scientific novelty of the received results. Scientific novelty of work is presented by the result received during research - the supply with information representing result complex application of chosen methods of an estimation of the real estate, geoinformation technologies, databases and the Internet of technologies as the interconnected elements.
Practical value of the received results. Not state structures rendering professional services in the market of the earth and the real estate can be potential consumers of such systems both state, and. Results of work are directed on the decision of the problems connected with information maintenance of sphere of an estimation of the real estate and can be applied in daily practice by the corresponding enterprises and the organizations on purpose:
performance of the operations connected with estimation of cost of property; operating by the information on the real estate market; an establishment of estimated base for the real estate taxation.
Publications of results of researches. On materials of researches article in the collection of proceedings is prepared for publication.
The maintenance
The first section of work is devoted research of spheres of information technologies and methodical maintenance of an expert estimation of the earth and real estate, and also information and the software for realisation of projected information system.
Objective of this research is definition of pressing questions and a choice of the directions demanding corresponding completion and improvement. Formation of base information and the software for realisation of projected information system is supposed.
As information sources have been used:
books; periodicals (newspapers and magazines); information sources of a network the Internet
In conclusion of the given section conclusions on the substance of the investigated directions become, and also unification of requirements to quantity and quality of the information necessary for creation and functionings of information system is carried out. The choice information and the software for realisation projected information system is carried out.
As a result of the executed review and the analysis of sphere of information technologies and methodical maintenance of an expert estimation of the earth and real estate, for carrying out of the further researches following directions have been chosen:
geoinformation technologies; the technology Internet; methods of the statistical analysis of data.
As information and the software for realisation of system projected an information the following complex of software is offered:
Language «HTML» (HyperText Markup Language). Universal language of scripts «PHP» (Personal Home Page или Hypertext Preprocessor) (fig. 1). Figure 1 - Process of interaction of the WWW-client with a database by means of universal language scratch РНР (11 Shots, 8 cycles of repetitions, an interval between repetitions - 100 ms, Volume - 29.7 Кb) «MySQL» – one of widespread control systems of databases on the basis of inquiries language "SQL" (Structed Query Language). WWW-server Apache. Program complex AppServ (Application Server) 2.5.9. Programming language Delphi 7.0.
In the second section designing of organizational structure of a database and it physical realisation is carried out (fig. 2).
Figure 2 - Structure of a database of objects of real estate
The third section is devoted designing and creation of a supply with information for performance of an estimation of the real estate.
The circuit of interaction elements of projected information maintenance is submitted in figure 3. Figure 3 - Circuit of interaction of information maintenance elements At a writing of the given author's abstract master's work is not finished yet. Definitive end - December, 2009 . Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received at author or its head after the named date. REFERENCES Семененко Б.А. Теоретические и практические вопросы экспертной оценки. - Суммы: Инициатива, 1998. - 112 с. Сивец С.А. Обзор возможности применения статистических методов в оценке недвижимости и бизнеса [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://statplus.net.ua/ru/lib/statinbus_ru.php. Эккерт Дж.К. Организация оценки и налогообложения недвижимости. В 2 т. - М.: Дело, 1997. - Т. 1. 384 с. Грибовский С. В. Оценка доходной недвижимости. - СПб.: Питер, 2001. - 336 с. Сивец С.А, Баширова Л.Д. Применение статистических методов в экспертной оценке [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://binfo.zp.ua/articles/12.shtml. Грибовский С.В., Иванова Е.Н., Львов Д.С., Медведева О.Е. Оценка стоимости недвижимости - М.; Интерреклама, 2003. - 704 с. Грибовский С.В., Баринов Н.П., Анисимова И.Н. О повышении достоверности оценки рыночной стоимости методом сравнительного анализа // Вопросы оценки. – 2002. - №1. - с.2-10. Анисимова И.Н., Баринов Н.П., Грибовский С.В. О требованиях к количеству сопоставимых объектов при оценке недвижимости сравнительным подходом // Вопросы оценки. – 2003. - №1. - с.2-7. Анисимова И.Н., Баринов Н.П. Статистические модели задач индивидуальной оценки недвижимости при сравнительном подходе [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://appraiser.ru/UserFiles/File/Conference/injec 250304/anisimova_barinov.doc. Анисимова И.Н. Применение регрессионных методов в задачах индивидуальной оценки объектов недвижимости при сравнительном подходе. Отчет по НИР. – СПб: СПбГИЭУ, 2003. – 133 с. Грибовский С.В., Сивец С.А., Левыкина И.А. Новые возможности сравнительного подхода при решении старых проблем // Вопросы оценки. -2002. - №4. – с. 22-29. Гараев Я.Г. Сравнительная оценка объектов недвижимости с применением экспертно-математических методов // Информационно-аналитический бюлле-тень «RWAY». – 2008. - № 157, Апрель. с. 174-180. Кривобоков М. Г. Формализация оценочного зонирования городских земель с применением ГИС-модели. Аннотация. [electronic resource]; Рукопись; метод доступа: http://gis.donntu.ru/newsiteversion/ru/staff/krivobokov/annotation_russian.pdf. Митрофанова Е.И., Ганзенко Т.В., Осипов А.Н. Разработка информационного обеспечения для оценки земли и недвижимого имущества [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://gis.donntu.ru/ru/staff/mitrofanova/publ/publ2.pdf. Стяжкина Е. Применение ГИС-технологий на рынке торговой недвижимости // ArcReview. - 2005. - № 4 (35). [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://dataplus.ru/ Arcrev/Number_35/6_renta.htm. Гурин П. Использование специализированного программного обеспечения в агентствах недвижимости // информационный портал «www.crm.com.ua»; [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://crm.com.ua/index.php?lang_id=1&content_id=335. Ширманова Л. Использование ГИС для оценки стоимости недвижимости [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://www2.fep.tsure.ru/russian/asni/public/Shirmakova.doc. Замай С.С., Якубайлик О.Э. Программное обеспечение и технологии геоин-формационных систем. - Красноярск: КГУ, 1998. 110 с. Федотова М.А., Грязнова А.Г. Оценка недвижимости. – М: Интерреклама, 2002. – 486 с. Палеха Ю.М., Свінарьов А.В. Використання ГІС при грошовій оцінці земель населених пунктів (досвід інституту “Діпромісту”) // Збірник наукових праць до міжнародної науково-практичної конференції “Геоінформаційні системи і муніципальне управління” – Миколаїв: МФ НаУКМА. - 2000. – С. 48 –53. Ляшенко А.А. Шляхи та засоби формування інфраструктури геопросторових даних кадастрових систем // Будівництво України, - 2004. - №5. – с. 25-30. Балашов В. ГІС-технології: причини і наслідки [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://uamap.net/ua/page/causegistechno/f0a511d0.htm. Берлянт. А.М. Геозображення в Інтернетi [electronic resource]; метод доступа: http://uamap.net/ua/page/mapdata/f0a511d0.htm. Alastair Adair, Mary Lou Downie, Stanley McGreal, Gerjan Vos. European Valuation Practice: Theory and technichue. – London: E&FN SPON. – 337.