Specialty: Engineering geodesy
Theme master's : "Research of structure of these satellite supervisions and development of the system of their treatment and equalization."
Assistant professor : Petruhin Aleksandr
E-mail: spycina@spycina.com
Satellite radio navigating systems are characterized by coverage of all Globe and a near circumterraneous space and absence of restrictions on number of served consumers. SRNS provide exact three-dimensional definition of coordinates and a vector of speed of the mobile. Objects in real time without dependence from their geographical position, time and meteordogical conditions.
Now them is an intensive development and application SRNS GPS (USA) and Glonass (Russia) in various branches of a national economy. Such wide prospects of use SRNS lead to necessity of detailed studying of information parameters of systems of satellite navigation, including reliability of them functioning and noise immunity, especially at their operation in extreme conditions. Quality of functioning Glonass/GPS SRNS is limited with characteristics of the environment of distribution of radio-waves.
The volume of the information received as a result of thematic data processing of GPS – receivers. Constantly increases, therefore on the foreground there are problems of its analysis, optimization and structuriration. The existing software (both commercial and free) data processing of GPS – receivers is aimed at the decision of highly specialized problems.
It is required to solve interconnected a circle of problems from the organization of structure of experimental data to algorithms and methods of processing and the analysis of the received information. Adoption of existing decisions is comparable to working out of the software from zero.
The purpose of Scientific work is creation of complea system of the automated processing and the analysis of the given GPS – receivers for an estimation of accuracy, reliability and efficiency of functioning of systems GPS.
1.The complex system of the automated is offered, developed and realized processing and the analysis of the given GPS – receivers.
2.În the basis of the developed methods, algorithms and programmers are received detailed characteristics of spatial parsmetres.
Reliability of the received results proves to be true testing of algorithms and programmes, a physical methods, there check by computing experiments and representative statistics of supervision.
The results received in experiments are in the qualitative and guantative consent with data of independent researches.
Developed in magistrates work the concept, algorithms and methods and also programs – modules can be used by working out special mathematical and the software of systems of the analysis, optimization, management, decision – making and information processing GPS.
The basis results of scientific worc are original and are received personally by the author. The author possesses working out of the concept of complex system, carrying out of the analysis of a subject domain, construction of model of a program complex, designing of designing of structure of a DB, definition of requirements to a program complex and working out of technical decisions for their realization, including a substantiation and a choice of a hard-ware-soft-ware platform. Comparison of results of processing of complex systems with the results received by other software.
Application of means of space navigation for management in difficult technical systems demands much of a hardware software complex of equipment of the consumer. The given work is executed within the limits of the researches directed on studying of possibility of application of means of space navigation for management KA. The algorithm of definition of a vector of a condition of the consumer and specification of time of registration of a signal on pseudo range and preudo-speed measurements is offered. Statistical characteristics of definition of parameters on the monthly are received on the interval of every second measurements.
Space segment GPS nominally consists of 24 companions addressing round the barth in six orbital planes. The form of orbits is close to circular, with freight over a surface of the barth of an order 20 000 of km and cycle time nearby 12 h. An inclination of an orbit concerning equator 550. Such quantity and an arrangement of companions provides in any point of a surface of the barth reception of radio navigating signals from 4 to 11 artificial satellites.
On the basis of the analysis of available approaches and software for processing and the analysis of the given GPS – it is established, that existing decisions don’t provide efficient control information streams and are highly specialized.
The complex system of the automated processing and the analysis the effective is offered, developed and realized and is the tool for the analysis of work of system GPS (Glonass).
The offered complex system of the automated processing and the analysis of given GPS – receivers. The offered principles of diagnostics of the channel of transfer of the navigating information through an ionosphere – troposphere allow to solve the important practical problems of high – precision radio navigation and a radio geodesy in interests of various consumers. They raise level of understanding in various covers of the barth (lithosphere, atmosphere, ionosphere). The further researches are expedient for focusing aside deeper theoretical analysis of direct and return problems diagnostics both a technical complex, and a circumstaneous space, accumulation of a statistical material about more detailed characteristics domestic and foreign intakes SRNS.