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Medical Computer Technology

Computers and information technology has long been an integral part of many different walks of life and medicine is not an exception. Doctors advise patients on-line, imaging apparatus equipped with powerful processors, conferences and conferences held over the Internet. Today, medical information technology are becoming increasingly important, and software for medicine is becoming more in demand.

medical software
The proposed software for the medical way, you can easily keep a full record of all services rendered, delivered tests, prescription of recipes. Also in the automation of medical institutions are filled e: out-patient card and medical history, records compiled and maintained by medical statistics.

Modern computer methods of diagnostics in medicine

Medical methods of diagnostics represent set of the researches directed on an establishment of an exact cause of illness, and also changes of the internal environment of the organism, accompanying themes or to other diseases. Diagnostics methods develop in parallel with medicine development. Use the latest technology of medical diagnostics detect disease in preclinical stages, and in time to help the patient.
Such methods include:

    •X-ray computed tomography
    •Ultrasound (USG)
    •And many others

X-ray computed tomography

Magnetic resonance imaging and X-ray computed tomography - this means the study of various organs by computerized reconstruction of images in the form of slices or three-dimensional images. Currently, the most accurate methods of diagnostics of structural violations of bones, joints, brain, vessels, internal organs, soft tissues.

The modern computer tomography represents a software technical complex. Mechanical knots and details are executed with the highest accuracy. To register through the environment using supersensitive X-ray detectors, design and materials used in the manufacture of which is constantly being improved. In the manufacture of CT tomographs present the most stringent requirements for X-ray emitters. An integral part of the device is an extensive package of software to undertake the entire spectrum of computer-tomography studies (CT studies) with optimal parameters, carry out subsequent processing and analysis of CT images. Typically, a standard software package can be significantly expanded with the help of specialized programs that take into account the particular scope of each individual unit.

Modern computerized tomography of Siemens Medical Solutions

Ultrasound (ultrasonography)

Ultrasound - the study of the state organs and tissues using ultrasound waves. Passing through the tissue, or rather across the borders between different tissues, ultrasound is reflected. Special sensor captures these changes, which are the basis of the image.

Ultrasound is one of the most common methods of diagnostics. Ultrasound has received wide popularity due to its security. Ultrasound used in the apparatus does not cause damage.There are several types of ultrasound, among which the most commonly used in urology scan (what traditionally are known as ultrasound) as well as Dopplergraphy. Dopplergraphy based on the Doppler effect, which means a change in the wavelength reflected from moving objects. This effect allows you to examine blood flow and the potency of blood vessels.

Ultrasound scanner ANGIODIN - Sono 128
Ultrasound scanner ANGIODIN - Sono 128


Electrocardiography, or ECG, - it is one of the main methods of examination of cardiovascular system. Its meaning is that by using a special apparatus - electrocardiographs occurs registration of electrical potentials of heart while reducing the heart muscle - the myocardium.

During the registration process takes place to record, which explains and analyzes physician - cardiologist. Based on an analysis of the velocity and direction of wave polarization in the heart, can be assessed not only functional but also to identify pockets of damage in the myocardium. Electrocardiography - a simple and accessible method to assess the functioning of the heart. Even if there were no complaints of pain in the heart, electrocardiography is recommended to take place at least once a year to the men after 25 years, and women - after 30. This will help to identify irregularities in the work of the heart at a very early stage and help prevent serious complications


Spirometry (meaning the measuring of breath) is the most common of the Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs), measuring lung function, specifically the measurement of the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. Spirometry is an important tool used for generating pneumotachographs which are helpful in assessing conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and COPD.

The device that provides for the spirometry study, called a spirometer. Spirometry is used to diagnose diseases such as bronchial asthma, COPD, and to assess the condition of breathing apparatus for other diseases and in various medical activities.



Gastroscopy is a modern method of diagnostics by which a doctor gastroenterologist can obtain reliable information on the status of the esophageal mucosa, the cavity of stomach and duodenum.
Gastroscopy is used for detailed study of the mucous membrane of esophagus, stomach and duodenum suspected tumor, or bleeding of the organs, stomach ulcer and / or the duodenum, with gastritis, duodenum, esophagi . Gastroscopy designate the same as an additional investigation to clarify the diagnosis with other diseases (allergies, anxiety neurosis).

Medical Software

In computers, medical software is a significant branch of software engineering. Many medical devices that monitor or control patients are predominantly controlled by software.

1)  " Monitors sarswati: heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, use software to interpret the sensor information and display it in a meaningful way on a monitor.
2)  " Medication pumps: These devices are programmed to pump a certain amount of plasma, blood, saline solution, or other medication into a patient at a certain rate. The software provides the ability to control many aspects of treatment procedures.
3)  Анализ: " Expert Systems: A variety of expert systems have been created to indicate what should be done. These are less used than the other things just mentioned.
4)  " Expert Systems: A variety of expert systems have been created to indicate what should be done. These are less used than the other things just mentioned.
5)  " Medical informatics: Software for the business and informational aspect of medicine.
6)  " Therapy delivery: The software in implantable pacemakers and defibrillators provides fault-tolerant, real-time, mission-critical monitoring of cardiac rhythms and associated therapy delivery.
7)  " Medical and healthcare educational software: Software used as an educational or study tool for healthcare professionals.
8)  " EMR/EHR Software: Electronic Medical and engineering/Health Record softwares are automated practice management systems, designed for healthcare providers to perform their routine clinical, financial and administrative functions much efficiently and in a paperless environment

Examples of new medical programs

New TRINITY Q9 MEDICAL SOFTWARE: The imaging workstation includes a comprehensive set of software features for image capture, processing, viewing, retrieval and storage. It is fully DICOM 3.0 compliant for smooth integration with your PACS or HIS/RIS system.
EB Medical is committed to offering the best possible value in Digital Imaging Systems, without compromising on image quality or performance.
- 6 second image acquisition time.
- DICOM storage SCU, Modality Worklist SCU, Print SCU.
Viewing functions include:
and much much more


ClinicGate: ClinicGate is a Multi-User Medical Office Billing Software, Electronic Medical Record Software and FREE Medical Software for Small-Large Clinic that contain all the Billing, Clinical, and operational elements for a successful running Medical Practice. ClinicGate offers an easy to use Windows interface For Single and Multiple Practice to Manage Electronic Medical Record, Prescriptions Writer, Appointment S cheduling, Insurance Billing Claims, Invoicing, Expenses, Receivable, Tax and Pharmacy Purchase Order with Drug Dispense all integrated in one application that generates 650+ customized Reports and Graphic Reports with Option to Export reports to Excel, PDF and Word. We Offer 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Only Appointment Scheduling & Patient File Modules are Actice in Basic Version.


New Software Allows Clear View of the Heart with Ultrasound: A new software for ultrasound systems is expanding the diagnostic resources of cardiac specialists. With the VVI technology (Velocity Vector Imaging) from Siemens, cardiologists now get more data from ultrasound pictures of the heart. The software uses signals previously recorded by a doctor during patient testing to form an exact representation of the heart movement. This visualization with vectors allows a cardiologist to study the mechanics of the contractions in the heart more quickly and easily. It's even possible to perform a quantitative analysis of the direction and speed at which individual segments of the heart are moving. In other methods, cardiologists have to calculate data such as blood flows or stress values by hand. VVI does this at the push of a button.

New software with ultrasound
New software with ultrasound

Medical Analyzer Software: Medical analyzer, based on the PC software developed for the study of physiological variables has a unique feature that gives the variability of heart rate, cardiac output variability, variability of stroke volume / flow variability in the peripheral blood from a single collection session from the patient. Data collection is controlled by computer, seriynosvyazannyh with the acquisition unit. Variability analysis and data transfer is done on your computer using convenient software.

Medical Analyzer Software
Medical Analyzer Software


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