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A few words about myself...
Average mark during the study is 4, 92. Have a red diploma of bachelor on specialty "Telecommunications systems and networks". Freely i can communicate in Russian and Ukrainian languages. My English level is sufficient for reading and translating literature. In period of studying from 2004 to 2009 I learned to work on such programs as MatLab, System View, NetCracker, Algorithm Builder, Packet Tracer, MS Visio and other.
I think, all of us love Christmas, when there is tasty smell of food and many-many guests, sitting around the festive table, when gifts are giving to children. I love this holiday twice, because January 7th is also my birthday. I was born in a cold winter morning on January 7 1987 in native town Torez. I was the second long-awaited child in family. My dad, Onishchenko Leonid Borisovich, shocked hearing that another daughter had born for him; in fact all the diagnostics and doctors said that on 80%, it will be a boy. On what my mother, Onishchenko Valentina Nikiforovna, said: "What a happiness — to have two daughters, two helpers!"
My parents were specialists at that moment, and taken place already, each in a different sphere. Mother is master-technologist of workshop factory, a dad is a driver. My senior sister then was 2.5 years old and she became an excellent mother helper in my education.
In my childhood failing in attention I did not feel: grand-dads, grandmothers, aunts, uncles — everybody loved and cared. Still remember when every morning me and my sister, toke each other’s hands and went to kinder garden. And when she went to school, and I remained in kinder garden, I also wanted to be such "adult", as she.
In the first of September 1994 I went to school along with enormous white bow, in a school form and with a happy smile. So for me school ¹11 became the second house on next ten years. I very much liked to study and in it, probably, the big merit of teachers . At school I studied fine, and when got four, I understood that it is deservedly: somewhere has taught less, somewhere did not read enough. But schools are not continuous studies, in fact we and hikes of senior pupils in Glukhovskiy forest, and journey to Kiev, and frequent journeys to Donetsk (planetarium, botanical garden, theater, circus). Achievement is for the years of schools: places of prizes are on city competitions on physics, history, Ukrainian language and literature, English, 2 second place on the All Ukrainian competition the name of P.Yatsika
Remember a school issue: handing the gilded youth, mothers are tear-stained from happiness and pride girls I remember in beautiful evening dresses and the guys who have fairly matured in strict suits with ties. The native school has left in my memory only the warmest memoirs. And here already throughout five years after release we meet the schoolmates every year on the first Saturday of February, and everyone is glad to see each other and to everyone is what to tell.
The choice of high school has been made by me intelligently. Though many graduates of our HIGH SCHOOL also warned about difficulties in training, but nobody dissuaded, after all everyone knew about prestigiousness of such , as Donetsk national technical university (DonNTU), about its level to preparation of profile experts. I entered in DonNTU, having handed over the first rating on the mathematician. Then my pleasure there were no borders, after all I knew that is enrolled in the spring when the majority of my schoolmates only started planning the choice of University and to be afraid concerning entrance examinations.
I remember summer working off in a hostel, and then settlement in a room. Our room of little girls was very amicable and hospitable.
Thus I became the student of group TKS-04b, and shortly after that also the head of it. Well and then all has twirled, started turning: study, student councils, Days of the Student, Days of Faculty, offsets, examinations and again study. In general, I can tell that time free was a little, but on all time and forces sufficed.
The high mean score and the five on graduation examination have given the chance to me to continue the studying in the magistracy. The theme choice "Research of characteristics and working out of a technique of modernization of corporate networks on a basis IP-platforms" has been made in view of an urgency and perceptivity of development of technologies of a packet transmission of the data. My supervisor of studies — PhD the senior lecturer of chair AT Chervinsky Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Plans for future
Nearest plans on the future are, certainly, successfully finishing the university, find deserving job, create strong family. Simply — to be happy, to value every spent day and believe in the best.
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