Tatjana Ivchenko
Donetsk National technical university

Электронная библиотека

Source of information: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4-TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES ICAMAT 2005: Bucuresti / 3 - 4 noiembrie 2005 / ed.: Aurelian Vlase. Bucuresti: Editura Academiel Romane; 2005. – p. 507 - 512.

1 Introduction

      1.1 The substantiation urgency of the problem

      The thermal processes at cutting largely determine operation of technological systems of a machining, rendering essential influencing on function ability of a cutting tool and quality of processing of parts. The control of thermal processes at cutting is one of reserves of growth of efficiency of exploitation of a cutting tool, providing increase of its reliability, productivity and quality of processing.

      The application is lubricating - refrigerating of technological mediums is the most effective way of control of thermal phenomena ensuring a decrease of temperature of cutting, raising the productivity and qualities of a machining.

      The idealized vehicle for research of heat convection characterized by a heat-transfer coefficient is now detailed enough [1]. However guidelines at the choice of a heat-transfer coefficient for members of technological systems practically miss. The available items of information on legitimacies of its change depending on conditions of processing do not contain the information on influencing a heat-transfer coefficient on temperature of cutting, that does not allow to operating thermal processes at cutting [2].

      Now for cooling of the tool the cutting compounds will predominantly be used on the basis of aqueous solutions having thermal properties which close to properties of water. At a machining the most widespread way of refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone is the watering by a freely dropping fluid jet [3]. The practical concern introduces research of influencing of conditions of refrigerating liquid submission on a heat-transfer coefficient and substantiation of capabilities of its directional change in given range.

      The purpose of the present activity is the complex research of interconnection of temperature of cutting with conditions of refrigerating liquid submission and heat-transfer coefficient and also mining on this base of fundamental theory of control of thermal processes at cutting.

      1.2 The formulation of the research tasks

      The idealized basis of control of cutting temperature in introduced activity is the analytical description of a thermal condition of the modular cutting tool with mechanical fastening of the cemented carbide alloy plates of depending on parameters of process of cutting and conditions of heat convection with environment.

      The theoretical investigations of the cutting tool thermal processes are used for decision of the following tasks:

  • analytical definition of a temperature field of a tool cutting edge and cutting temperature;

  • research of influencing of conditions of refrigerating liquid submission on a heat-transfer coefficient and substantiation of capabilities of its directional change in given range;

  • definition of nature and degree of influencing of a heat-transfer coefficient on cutting temperature.

    2 Theoretical researches

          2.1 Definition of a temperature field of a tool cutting edge and cutting temperature

          The temperature field of a cutting edge of the tool arising under operating of a rectangular source of a heat which is operational on a site of a contact of a chip with a forward surface, is described as follows [1]:

    where - dimensionless coordinates: = 0,5b/l - dimensionless width of a shear; l - length of bonding contact pad in a direction of departure of a chip; b - width of a shear; х, y, z – coordinate of points of a cutting edge; хи, zи – coordinate of a source; - thermal conductivity of a tool stuff; K - conversion factor from unlimited space to a unlimited wedge; Т(, , ) - dimensionless temperature field; P - dimension factor; q - density function of a heat flow.

          Dimensionless temperature field in the tool cutting edge is adduced in a fig. 1.

    Dimensionless temperature field in the tool cutting edge
    Figure 1 - Dimensionless temperature field in the tool cutting edge.

           Temperature of cutting is calculated as follows:

    where - dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface h: = h/l; ТР - dimensionless temperature of cutting.

          The graphs of a dimensionless temperature of cutting from dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface and dimensionless width of a shear are adduced in a fig.2.

    The graphs of a dimensionless temperature of cutting from dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface and dimensionless width of a shear
    Figure 2 - The graphs of a dimensionless temperature of cutting from dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface and dimensionless width of a shear .

           The graphs of a dimensionless temperature of cutting from dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface and dimensionless width of a shear in double logarithm scale are adduced in a fig.3.

    The graphs of a dimensionless cutting temperature from dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface and dimensionless width of a shear in double logarithm scale
    Figure 3 - The graphs of a dimensionless cutting temperature from dimensionless expression of wearing on a flank surface and dimensionless width of a shear in double logarithm scale.

           For practical usage the simplified model of calculation of dimensionless temperature of cutting is offered:

           The description of a temperature field Т(, , ) and temperature of cutting ТР in a dimensionless kind allows to establish of general regularity of a temperature variation, which one for concrete version of processing are corrected by a dimension factor , taking into account properties of the tool and condition of its operation.

           The distribution of temperatures on a forward surface of an edge of the tool in a plane perpendicular to main cutting list (x, 0, 0) from various tool materials is adduced in a fig.4.

    Distribution of temperatures on a forward surface of an edge of cutters with various cemented carbide alloy plates
    Figure 4 - Distribution of temperatures on a forward surface of an edge of cutters with various cemented carbide alloy plates.

           The accounts of temperatures for cutters equipped with of the cemented carbide alloy plates (Т14К8 - = 33,9Vt/m С, Т15К6 - = 27,2Vt/m С, Т30К4 - = 23,9Vt/m С, ТТ7К12 - = 20,9Vt/m С) are executed for the following conditions: a processable material - steel 45, = 750МPа, modes of cutting - depth of cutting t = 2mm, submission s = 0,4mm/about, speed of cutting v = 120 m/mines., deterioration on a back surface of an edge h = 0,9mm. Geometrical parameters of cutters: corners in the plan = 1 = 45°, forward corner = -5°, back corner = 5°. For this conditions: l = 0,45mm, q = 2,3710Vт /m.
           The results of accounts of temperatures on a forward surface of an edge for cutters from various tool materials testify to significant distinction of temperatures depending on properties of a tool material and cutting conditions.

           Maximal temperature takes place at meanings = 0,5; = 0 and is calculated as follows:

           Maximal temperature determines necessity of usage is lubricating - refrigerating technological mediums.

          2.2 Research of influencing of conditions of refrigerating liquid submission on a heat-transfer coefficient

          The second stage is the research of influencing of conditions of refrigerating liquid submission on a heat-transfer coefficient for the most widespread ways of its submission in a cutting zone - the free watering, pressure head spray and sputtering.

          At refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone the free watering for definition of a heat-transfer coefficient a will use a criteria equation [1]:

    where - dimensionless yardsticks Nusselt, Reynolds and Prandtl accordingly; l - reference size; 0 - thermal conductivity of a liquid; w - flow velocity; - cinematic coefficient of viscosity of medium; - thermal diffusivity.

          The heat-transfer coefficient instituted from this equation for the refrigerating liquid on the basis of aqueous solutions (3 % - 5 % of pap) looks like:

    where l = BH/2(B+H) - instituted under condition of cross-sectional flow around a body by a liquid; B, Н - sizes of the tool.

           With allowance for that the flow velocity of a liquid w = 4103R/60d2 is determined by its consumption R and diameter of a nozzle d she follows from which one the heat-transfer coefficient is peer:

           At refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone the pressure head spray for definition of a heat-transfer coefficient a will use a criteria equation:

           The heat-transfer coefficient instituted from this equation looks like:

    where reference size l = Н.

           With allowance at the flow velocity of a liquid the heat-transfer coefficient is peer:

           At refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone sputtering the heat-transfer coefficient is peer:

    where K – concentration liquid in diphase air - liquid medium, m = 6, a - the heat-transfer coefficient in air:

          2.3 Definition of nature and degree of influencing of a heat-transfer coefficient on temperature of cutting

          Following stage is the definition of nature and degree of influencing of a heat-transfer coefficient on temperature of cutting.

          As a result of researches for the most widespread ways refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone justifies following interconnection of a factor of a decrease of temperature of cutting КQ with a heat-transfer coefficient:

  • the sputtering

  • the pressure head spray

  • the free watering

          At refrigerating liquid submission the free watering with allowance (7) factors of a decrease of temperature of cutting КQw is peer:

           The obtained expression allows forecasting a level of a decrease of temperature of cutting depending on conditions of refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone.

           The graphs of a factor of a decrease of temperature of cutting КQw (by the way of level lines, on which one in digits are indicated its values) from the consumption R of a liquid and diameter of a nozzle d for ВхН = 20х25mm2 are adduced in a fig. 5.

    The graphs of a factor of a decrease of cutting temperature КQw from the consumption R of a liquid and diameter of a nozzle d
    Figure 5 - The graphs of a factor of a decrease of cutting temperature КQw from the consumption R of a liquid and diameter of a nozzle d.

           It is ground of the introduced schedules for a set value of this factor КQw the conditions of refrigerating liquid submission ensuring demanded temperature at cutting are established.

    3 Experimental researches

          The experimental investigations of the cutting temperatures are used for the substantiation adequation theoretical models.

           The experimental researches and accounts of temperatures for cutters from other tool materials are executed for the following conditions: a processable material - steel 45, modes of cutting - depth of cutting t = 1мм, submission s = 0,1мм/about, speed of cutting v = 120 м/mines., deterioration on a back surface of an edge h = 0,4мм.

          The modular cutting tool with mechanical fastening of the cemented carbide alloy plates T15K6 had geometrical parameters of cutters: corners in the plan = 1 = 45°, forward corner = -5°, back corner = 5°.

    The theoretical and experimental graphs of a temperature of cutting from speed of cutting v – a) and submission s – b)
    Figure 6 - The theoretical and experimental graphs of a temperature of cutting from speed of cutting v – a) and submission s – b).

           The experimental parameters (graphs 2) well enough coincide with idealized theoretical (graphs 1). Parameters for theoretical modes distinguished from experimental here are submitted on 10 % what are corroborated adequation theoretical models.

    4 Conclusions

          The developed technique of the analytical definition of a temperature field of a tool cutting edge and cutting temperature are permitting to regulate a given level of temperature at the expense of selection of rational conditions of processing and to determine necessity of usage is lubricating - refrigerating technological mediums.

          The developed technique is applicable for definition of temperature fields of various tools. Established on an example of the cutters the laws of influence of geometrical parameters on distribution of temperatures on a forward surface of an edge can be distributed on any tools. The features of various kinds of processing are taken at account of density of a thermal flow and length of contact of a shaving with a forward surface of an edge. On the basis of the received results the recommendations at the choice of a tool material and rational parameters of the tool are developed.

          For the most widespread ways of submission of the refrigerating liquid in a cutting zone - the free watering, pressure head spray and sputtering regulates main conditions of refrigerating liquid submission - consumption and speed ensuring any given heat-transfer coefficient.

          As a result of researches the interconnection of a factor of a decrease of cutting temperature with a heat-transfer coefficient is justified at different ways of refrigerating liquid submission in a cutting zone, that allows to supply any given level of temperature of cutting at the expense of selection of the conforming heat-transfer coefficient and conditions of refrigerating liquid submission.

          The designed technique utilized for the analysis of temperature of cutting at fair and thin turning processing by chisels equipped hard alloys. With allowance for of established temperature limitations, the method of a linear programming determines optimum regimes of fair and thin turning processing ensuring maximum productivity. Is justified that a decrease of temperature of cutting and removal of temperature limitation for the score the application of the refrigerating liquid with the regulated conditions of its submission in a cutting zone provides a raising the productivity of processing in 1,5 - 3 times.

          Thus as a result of the conducted complex researches the interconnection of cutting temperature with conditions of refrigerating liquid submission and heat-transfer coefficient are established on the basis of which one the fundamental theory of control of thermal processes are designed at cutting.


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