"Formal education will make you a living.
Self-education will make you a fortune."
Jim Rohn
- NATIVE LANGUAGES: Ukrainian, Russian
- FOREIGN LANGUAGES: ENGLISH(upperintermediate level), FRENCH (basic level)
- AN EXPERIANCE IN THE SUCH PROGRAMMS AS Statistica, Kompas 3D, HTML, Access, Photoshop, Delphi
Its really hard to write about yourself. You can easily discribe enother people or events, but not ur own life. I thought a lot about my biography and Ill try to tell my own story....
I was born on 27th of May 1986 in the city of Donetsk. My childhood wasn't much more different from the childhood of the other children. I visited kindergarden and I should say that I liked it very much.
The time that I spent in the kindergarden and my childhood in general had been really happy for me. With some friends from my childhood I communicate now. Some of them already have their own children.
At the age of 7 I entered the school. The first three years I attended the elementary school, which was in the same kindergarden. Of course as everybody I had my favourite first teacher…but I had not 1 first teacher…I had 2 of them: Galina Alekseevna and Svetlana Alekseevna. They are really good teachers and persons. I thank them very much for everything and try to visit them as often as possible.
In 1996 I entered the 5th form in the school 115 with profound studying of the foreign languages. Most of all I preferred math, Russian and all the subjects, which were connected with English. Also I was really lucking with my new class teacher Sagitova Elena Valerievna. She always organized different traveling and made parties for us.
When I was 12 , to our school came athletics trainer Valentina Vasilevna Borsukova . So I started to train. I took part in the different competition of the triple and long jump and have some diplomas from that time. The trainer gave me orders to train the most young members of our group and I really liked it, cause I was always attracted by the work of trainer.
The school I finished with only two marks 4. I have already decided to enter DonNTU in the beginning or the 11th form, but I didn't know what the profession I wanted to have. After a short period of time I decided to choose an FMF faculty, the profession "metallurgical science".I thought that it was rather interesting speciality with good job opportunities. During the first rate I had got 49 from 60 points.
So in may I knew that I was a fresh student.
To enter the university was much easier then to study. At the early beginning I had some problems with physics and the technical drawing. Fortunately I had no problems with the English. Inspite of all the difficulties there were a lot of fun and interesting thins in my students life. I took part in the physics conference and in the theoretics mechanics conference. During my study I abandoned to train but began to dance and I learned how to play billiard. With my dancing group we performed a lot and of cause at the days of different faculties of DonNTU. I continued to study English in the university. At the end of the 5th course I've got the certificate of the upperintermediate level. So four years passed…
I have got the diploma of bachelor and then entered the magistrates of the same profession. But my points of view didn't coincide with the poins of view of my scientific master. So I went away by my own desire. At the same time I entered another faculty, my second speciality «Finance». The whole year I worked in the bank. And in summer I have entered in the magistrates by the speciality «Quality management». I absolutely happy that now I'm studying here. This speciality seems to be much more interesting than the previous one. My new scientific master is Godyna Nataliya Fedorovna. The topic of my masters work is “Using the standarts of REFA for optimization of producting systems and
materials streams of the enterprises”
I dont like to tell about my future plans. I will say one general thing. I would like to be a good specialils, to be a good human, and to be lucky in marriage.
"The great Breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.
This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do."
Brian Tracy