Matienko Evgeniya
MASTER'S WORK: "Using the standards of REFA for optimization of production systems and
materials streams of the enterprises"
Научный руководитель: доц., к.х.н. Годына Н.Ф.
The company Infor AG conducted a research among 400 enterprises of Germany and
other European countries, which revealed weaknesses in the management of production,
including lack of control over expenditures and delays in production processes.
According to research, production of medium-sized sector of the market have
large reserves of power not used in the production process: almost two -
thirds of companies are using less than 85% of capacity. Moreover, for each
third of the company, this figure is even lower. Only 17% of companies believe that their production
processes can be optimized slightly.
According to the companies, the main
drawbacks are lack of control over
costs (71% of respondents) and delays in production
processes (69%). In addition, there is a significant lack of
integration of production and business processes (64%) are found
weaknesses in the management of resources. At the same time, the degree of managerial flexibility
production does not meet the actual needs (59%). High level
production errors (54%) and inadequate planning led to the exact
lower productivity in more than half the cases (51%). That is why
optimization of production processes are among the problems with "high" or
"very high" priority in the business plans of 53% of the companies.
The days when it was enough to make a certain number of
products are gone. In the current market conditions, when the tough competition makes all
new requirements for companies, their presence and success of
the market may provide only having a certain competitive advantage.
The traditional competitive advantages are:
product quality;
manufacturing technology (know-how);
the time to manufacture and supply products to customers.
Simultaneous possession of all of these benefits will require substantial
financial costs that can not afford to each company. But even if we
have the resources to innovate in order to reduce time and improve the quality, we will
have problems with maintaining a competitive price.
Reducing the time is the most effective
possibility of obtaining a competitive advantage.
Time is money, but if the financial opportunities of all are different, the time
is equal to everybody. Everyone have 24 hours in the day . And the company depends how
effectively they will be used.
On the efficient organization of the company depends not only speed but also
number of material and human resources. Organization of work
is a prerequisite for the success of a company. Moreover, attention
should be given to all levels, both at the level of top management, as well as the
level of each individual job.
The recurrent problem is the acute shortage of skilled workers for
challenges of working systems and processes, analysis and data management
processes of normalization and the establishment of a flexible system of payment of labor, etc. During last ten years in the training of the stuff, that had knowledge of modern tools and
skills to solve the above problems at all levels of the company, was
a vacuum. Unfortunately, in enterprises, the techniques of the
scientific organization of labor were lost. The data from the books about the process
production management does not provide the real tools
for production that meets the needs of today's market.
In this situation, is of interest the experience of the other countries. Germany has traditionally
considered one of the leaders in the organization, planning and development of production. German
Union REFA established in 1924 with the aim of improving the efficiency of German enterprises
machine-building industry. REFA operates in more than 50 countries, including Ukraine, and in recent years and in Russia and BelorussiiSegodnya REFA - an alliance of labor organizations, organizations and
enterprise development, which is one of Europe's largest organizations in the area
education, training and coaching (coaching) of companies, regardless of their scope of
During its existence the Union REFA become a kind of center in Germany,
developed jointly with the German trade union methods and tools
organizational and operational management, which were used not only in
Germany, but also far beyond. Among the well-known German companies working with
methods REFA there are major concerns such as DaimlerChrysler,
BMW, Siemens, BASF and many others.
The basis of the methodology REFA is a process-oriented organization of labor. Her
concept is to organize and manage the production chain through
description, analysis, assessment and management processes and working systems. Ie people
structure of the enterprise is responsible for a specific process (s), which is
part of a process aimed at meeting the requirements of the client. Process
focus allows the company to respond flexibly to market requirements and timely
implement the necessary changes. Many familiar with the situation when
company performing «burning» order to accelerate new product, designer
gave incomplete documentation, engineer fail to develop technological
processes, as a result of production errors, an additional
clarify, there is
«Blind» time, the marriage date.
REFA helps:
- identify the process
- painlessly reduce the time
or the whole process. In this case, the quality remains stable.
As already noted, the effective organization of work is needed at all levels
company. In this case, each organizational level of the company can provide in
a working (production) system for the entire company and for
a separate work area, the model has a working system is universal.
After presenting the structural elements of the company in the form of working systems, and describing the existing
processes, we get a holistic picture of the company. Then, analyzing
working system at every organizational level, it is possible to identify
weak «narrow» places that most affect the work. The main
baseline data for the analysis of operational systems and processes are the time of the
order and the cost of the process. Moreover, the value of the cost of the process depends directly on the run-time.
The goal is-
enhance competitiveness and increase company productivity by:
Optimization of production systems and business processes,
reduce costs and production costs,
reduce the time spent on production,
development of professional and methodological level of the professionals and managers.
1. Flexibility
Thanks to the universality of the methodology REFA is possible
its application on a large production plant, and
service businesses, as well as trading companies and banks,
Such versatility is possible because
what REFA conducting their research in collaboration with
professional associations of employers in Germany. This approach helps
to achieve the best adaptation of the techniques to the practical
the needs of manufacturing and service businesses.
2. Focus on the process
Process orientation allows a flexible response to market demands.
Process approach was first proposed by adherents of the school administration,
who tried to describe the function of the manager. However, these authors were inclined to consider such
kind of function as independent from each other. Process approach, in contrast,
considers the functions of management as interrelated. Management is seen as a process.
Figure 1- Process approach (Animation, volume 127KB, repeat 3 times, 15 pictures)
3. Continuous process of the improvement
Continuous process of the improvement - it is one of the principles that laid to the foundation of the enterprise. If you use this solution, which is proposed Union REFA and is accompanied by the appropriate tools, the work of the enterprise may be organized in such a way that the enterprise will be a well regulated system that is capable to identify weaknesses and correct them.
- Materials Requirement Planning Add-in,
- Оптимизация производственных процессов,
- Новиков М.В., Оптимизация бизнес-процессов: маркетинг или логистика,
- Гаджинский А.М., Взаимосвязь логистики и маркетинга,
- Ельдештейн Ю.М., Логистика. Электронный учебно-методический комплекс,
- Про REFA / REFA (Управління виробництвом),
- Организация и методы управления производственными системами и процессами: Базовый курс REFA,
- REFA «Организация и управление процессами» Модуль 2. Оптимизация производственных систем и материальных потоков,
- Уникальность REFA / Международные квалификации,
- Штёрмер О., Базовый элемент развития,
- REFA Methodenlehre,
- Центр REFA-Россия,