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Galina Romanova
Faculty: Mechanical
Speciality: Metallurgical equipment
Theme of master's work:
Project of the rotate ladle gate with mechanical drive for cutting slag in process of tapping steel from oxygen convertor
Scientific adviser: Eronko Sergey
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The abstract on a theme of master's work
The purposes of work
The primary goal master’s works is disclosing the theme of cutting slag and research of the equipment for its realisation, working out the new constructive scheme of a the rotate ladle gate for cutting converter slag, research on physical analogue power and design data of the rotate ladle gate, an estimation economic efficiency of the offered design.
Constantly increasing demand for high-quality marks of a steel are the main call both for metallurgists, and for designers of the metallurgical equipment. One of the important problems, demanding the decision in the conditions of modern converter steel manufactures, is reduction of quantity of the final technological slag getting in a ladle during release of liquid metal from the melting unit.
Efficiency of applied ways of active influence on process of an overflowing slag in a ladle in a final stage of release of fusion in many respects is defined by technical possibilities of the mechanical systems intended for cutting slag [12].
Novelty and advantages of a new design
By working out of a new design of a rotary shutter the problem of creation of such device which would be free from the basic lacks inherent in known rotate ladle gate was put. On fig. 1 the scheme of the rotate ladle gate developed by DonNtU together with Enakievsky metal works is represented. The shutter contains a holder 2 in which the motionless fire-resistant plate 11 with an aperture, a mobile holder 8 with established in it a mobile fire-resistant plate 10 and a collector 9 is established. The basic device of a rotate ladle gate includes the case connected to a motionless holder by means of the hinge, a press bolt and a nut 1. Between a mobile holder 8 and the case the loose leaf 13, and the interfaced surfaces of a holder 8 is established and the loose leaf 13 are executed by the spherical. The loose leaf is established on the balls typed in a separator, and has a gear wreath 14, in gearing with a conic gear wheel 6. Rotation from the loose leaf 13 is transferred to a mobile holder 8 by means of a roller [10].

Fig. 1– Rotate ladle gate designed by DonNtU
Thanks to the spherical interfaced surfaces of the loose leaf and a mobile holder self-installation of a mobile plate at its rotation. The mechanism of self-installation of a mobile plate is clear from fig. 2

Рис.2 - Self-installation of a mobile plate at its rotation
Besides, in difference from existing schemes of rotary shutters, the tooth gearing is placed in the shutter case. It, first, provides exact gearing of teeths of conic gear and their good greasing; secondly protects teeths from hit on them of a dust and metal splashes.
The increase in firmness of fire-resistant plates is provided for increase in number of overlappings in comparison with slide gate in 2-3 times. It is reached at the expense of increase approximately in as much time it is useful for the used worker of a surface of the mobile plate blocking an aperture. The quantity of stops of the equipment for replacement of fire-resistant plates is reduced and equipment repair, productivity raises.

Fig.3 - Fire-resistant plates
а)slide gade;
b)ladle gate
Also the drive rotary ladle gate is taken out from an operative range of heats and connected to a design with the help a shaft (fig. 4). Thus the power unit of a drive will not be subject by the intensive thermal loadings negatively influencing its working capacity. Operation of such system demands smaller quantity of performance of the works connected with replacement of worn out fire-resistant products and repair of a drive. Calculation power parametres of system has been made, and also the ladle gate drive is designed.

Fig.4 - Ladle gate and drive arrangement on the converter
For check of correctness of technical decisions it is necessary to spend laboratory researches on model. In laboratory was developed and made the physical device of an industrial rotary ladle gate and the test bed (fig. 5), measuring means for carrying out the experiment are prepared.

Fig.5 - Physical model of a ladle gate

Fig.6 - The animated image of three-dimensional model of a rotary shutter (6 shots, pause 1c, endless cycle, 100 Kb, gif-animator)
In further, after research of functioning of model of a ladle gate and reception of results of bench tests systems, the estimation economic efficiency of the offered system will be made. Character of an estimation will include decrease in charcoal fumes of ferroalloys, reduction of losses of fire-resistant products for ladles, calculation expected economic benefit.
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