TThe analysis of development of electric power systems allows to note recurrence of process and non-uniformity of a cycle. In a some works it is noticed, that duration of a cycle of development makes approximately 50-60 years, and practical use electrical engineers concerns the beginning of the last century. Signs of end of the next cycle of development of electric technical branch is the following:
- Physical and an obsolescence of the equipment of electric power objects, devices of control systems, the control and protection;
- A discrepancy between the potential, realized in the systems management methods, models and features of increasingly complex technological problems;
- Changes of conditions of functioning of electric power objects;
- Occurrences of the new technologies providing creation of more effective electrotechnical equipment, perfection of structure and controllability of electric power systems.
The introduction of the energy market and the restructuring of energy, economic reforms, which are implemented in the domestic electrical power, influence the development and management modes of electrical systems pose a number of new scientific and technical problems.
The backlog of technological development of the economic transformation was one of the reasons most of the systemic failures that have occurred in recent years in light-electricity.
Ensuring the necessary level of reliability of electrical power systems associated with new technologies, which provide an innovative breakthrough in the development of electric power.
In the works of local and foreign scholars noted that the current stage of development of electric power systems are the most important achievements of modern information technology, power electronics and microprocessor technology, high-temperature superconductivity, nanotechnology.
Based on the noted technologies implemented these directions of development of electric power systems of 21 century, as a control, increasing the capacity of transmission lines, construction of compact electric power facilities and a separate equipment, the creation of integrated management systems, improving reliability and quality of electricity supply in the new conditions of operation.
One part of the integrated management system of electric power utilities is the subsystem support decision-making personnel. The effectiveness of the subsystem is determined by solving the problem of monitoring transient inevitably arise in electrical systems. Currently, a system of monitoring SMPR, received abroad title Wide Area Measurement Systems - WAMS. WAMS used to improve information management and quality control regimes interconnection.
Feature WAMS, unlike existing systems, telemetry, is time synchronization measurements of the digital audio recorders using satellite signals transmitted from the exact time, the high discreteness of registration parameters, which defines a wide range of application.
The greatest effect WAMS give the analysis of the causes and consequences of technological breakdowns and system crashes, the verification of dynamic models of EES, when evaluating modes of EES, rendering the current state of treatment and problem-solving information for dispatch.
The ultimate goal is the realization WAMS mode control of electrical systems in the regime of on-line.
When writing this abstract master work is not finished. Final completion: December 2010.Full text of the work and materials on the topic can be obtained from the author and his manager after that date.
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