Masters Portal of Donetsk National Technical University Tatyana Shakhova

Shakhova Tatyana

Faculty: Electrotechnical (ETF)

Department: Electrical Power Plants (EPP)

Speciality: “Electrical Power Plants”(EPP)

Theme of master's work:

“Mathematical design of electromechanics
transients in the own needs systems for modern
sectional aggregates by power 200 MW”

Scientific supervisor: Dr.Sc., Prof.dep. EPP Vitaliy Sivokobylenko

    Autobiography   Abstract     Report on a search    

Report on the search results on final work

A report is presented on a search allows to estimate an informative situation on the topic of master's degree work. He is basic documentary confirmation of depth and plenitude of informative search, and also serves for fixing of current situation in the probed area.

A search was conducted on three languages by the followings most popular searching systems:

Google, Yahoo, MSN, Altavista is the international searching systems

Yandex, Rambler is the Russian searching systems

Meta is the Ukrainian searching system.

Results are erected in a table. He is executed twice with an interval a month and his results is erected in tables after 16.03.2010 and 16.04.2010. In tables the results of search are presented for to the indicated queries in each of the searching systems. Numerical values are the number of the documents found on demand.

A report on a search to 16.03.2010

1. Mathematical design of electromechanics transients in the  own needs  systems for modern sectional aggregates by power 200 MW 0 24 000 0 4 740 0 1 0
2. Tatyana Shahova 1 659 331 87 100 195 143 197
3. Vitaliy Sivokobylenko 6 7 10 336 6 3 6
4. Mathematical design of electromechanics transients 5 2 058 40 20 600 1 270 1 020 2 470
5. The own needs systems   57 900 20 000 000 968 000 701 000 000 835 000 000 170 000 000 836 000 000
6. The sectional aggregates by power 200 MW 0 1 223 12 5 470 000 29 600 7 340 29 700
7. Electromechanical transients in own needs systems 6 30 000 48 303 000 108 000 8 400 108 000
8. Mathematical design 54 000 5 000 000 853 000 7 710 000 44 000 000 17 900 000 44 000 000
9. Modern sectional aggregates 55 46 000 82 3 290 000 76 000 33 000 76 000
10. Transients 10 300 3 000 000 410 000 2 250 000 5 450 000 652 0000 5 520 000
11. “Mathematical design of electromechanics transients in the  own needs  systems for modern sectional aggregates by power 200 MW” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. “Tatyana Shahova” 0 1 0 43 5 4 5
13. “Vitaliy Sivokobylenko” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. “Mathematical design of electromechanics transients” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. “The own needs system” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. “The sectional aggregates by power 200 MW” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. “Electromechanical transients in own needs systems” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18. “Mathematical design” 109 4 000 000 601 11 600 39 900 18 600 000 40 300
19. “Modern sectional aggregates” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. “Transients” 1 700 4 000 000 35 000 2 250 000 5 540 000 652 000 5 540 000

A report on a search to 16.03.2010

1. Mathematical design of electromechanics transients in the  own needs  systems for modern sectional aggregates by power 200 MW 0 24 000 0 5 160 0 1 0
2. Tatyana Shahova 61 572 335 17 700 194 188 252
3. Vitaliy Sivokobylenko 9 7 9 419 7 4 2
4. Mathematical design of electromechanics transients 6 2 066 40 22 000 1 340 1 160 2 590
5. The own needs systems   168 000 18 000 000 1 000 000 1 050 000 000 150 000 000 201 000 000 900 000 000
6. The sectional aggregates by power 200 MW 0 1 161 12 5 870 000 29 200 8 340 29 300
7. Electromechanical transients in own needs systems 5 30 000 54 208 000 99 100 10 200 99 100
8. Mathematical design 69 200 2 000 000 916 000 6 740 000 35 100 000 20 600 000 44 900 000
9. Modern sectional aggregates 47 114 000 92 4 340 000 119 000 40 600 78 300
10. Transients 10 100 3 000 000 451 000 2 220 000 5 640 000 770 000 5 640 000
11. “Mathematical design of electromechanics transients in the  own needs  systems for modern sectional aggregates by power 200 MW” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12. “Tatyana Shahova” 0 1 0 48 11 4 11
13. “Vitaliy Sivokobylenko” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
14. “Mathematical design of electromechanics transients” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
15. “The own needs system” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16. “The sectional aggregates by power 200 MW” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
17. “Electromechanical transients in own needs systems” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
18. “Mathematical design” 126 3 000 000 622 12 400 40 700 22 300 000 40 900
19. “Modern sectional aggregates” 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20. “Transients” 1 700 2 000 000 39 000 2 220 000 5 640 000 766 000 5 620 000

Analysis of search results

When searching for information, the greatest number of documents provide the system Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Altavista, MSN. The least be efficient were of Rambler and Meta. When searching for a full match well-defined articulated theme the results search found nothing.

The most important queries for the keyword theme - “Mathematical design” and “Transients”. The average number of documents found at the request of “Mathematical design” is 4 000 000 in the search engine Yandex, 18 600 000 in the search engine MSN in the first time and 3 000 000 in the search engine Yandex, 22 300 000 in the search engine MSN in the second time. The average number of documents found at the request of “Transients” is 4 000 000 in the search engine Yandex, 5 540 000 in the search engine Altavista, 5 540 000 in the search engine Yahoo, in the first time and 2 000 000 in the search engine Yandex, 5 620 000 in the search engine Altavista, 5 640 000 in the search engine Yahoo in the second time. We can see, that in the search engine Google the results decreased on 1.34%, in the search engine Yandex the results decreased on 50%, in the search engine Rambler the results increased on 11.43%, in the search engine Yahoo the results increased on 1.81%, in the search engine Meta the results have not changed, in the search engine MSN the results increased on 17.49%.

Increasing the number of search results can be explained by an increase of interest in the subject of the request, which led to the expansion of the knowledge base search system. The sharp decrease in the number of search results is likely to indicate that was reindexing information database search engine.

Search engines gave good results on key phrases final work, but if you set the exact number of requests issued by the pages was very small, that indicating on the novelty of the study.

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