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   Presently humanity practically cannot treat without the electric power, it has found the application in all areas of human activity, and its necessity for the further development of a human society is obvious. Since origin of power the question of trouble-free serve of electricity of necessary quality was an integral part of the general concept of electrification.    It has not lost the actuality and for today. It gets a special actuality taking into account a situation of the Ukraine which has developed for today in power. In the conditions of permanent worsening technical condition of the basic power equipment which considerable part has developed the resource. It leads to increase in quantity of the damages which most part is made by short circuits (s.c.). In many cases the occurrence reason s.c. or the further development of failure deterioration of electric isolation of an electric equipment is. That why exposure and removal of isolation’s defects in good time will allow preventing the most part of damages thereby considerably having reduced expenses for repair or replacement of the equipment after damage. Increase of reliability of work of electric systems requires not only exposure of isolation’s defects in operating conditions, but also definitions of a place of occurrence of defect, i.e. findings of a concrete phase of joining with defect and distances from the joining beginning, for example a cable-engine, to a defect point.    Qualifying work of the master is executed during 2009-2010 according to the scientific directions of department «Power plant" of Donetsk national technical university.    The considerable stake of damages of joining a cable - the electric motor is connected with origin and development of local defects of isolation (on occasion to 90 % from total number of defects). For prevention of their development it is necessary to perform preventive works on restoration of dielectric properties of isolation in due time. It is possible to reach substantial reduction of time of carrying out of such works if we will provide revealing of the fact of appearance of local defect and a place of its occurrence on the working electric motor.
   For defining of distance to the place of shorting on the earth apply remote [1], local [2], frequency [3] and other methods. The basic failings of modern methods are, as a rule, the impossibility of their use in operating conditions or impossibility of revealing of a place of short circuit in the presence of transitive resistance in a short circuit place.    In this connection the task is put to develop concerning a simple method of revealing of defects of isolation in the working electric motor and a cable feeding it. Initial information should be parameters of operating condition.    Frequently quality of isolation is estimated only on size of its resistance that does not allow revealing the damages which are not accompanied by decrease of its resistance. However there are famous methods which allow to estimate more full quality of isolation thanks to the additional control of its capacity at giving of constant tension [4] or tension of various frequency [5]. Estimation of a technical condition of a winding of the electric car can be carried out on the transient arising up at a serve of a test signal on one of clips of a winding and the case [6]. But in system of own needs of power plants expediently specified methods to apply not separately for a cable and the engine, and simultaneously for all electric joining. There is also a device for the automatic control of isolation of electric system which works at increase of value of a current of loss anymore set [7]. But this device works at isolation deterioration in any point of a network and on any joining, that is the device cannot choose the damaged joining.
   Now in many organizations proceed works of perfection of relay defence , and new methods and diagnostics of working an electric equipment [1-3] are conducted. The special attention is given to search of a place of damage. For example, [5] the original method of definition of a place of single-phase short circuit on the earth is offered. It is focused on revealing of defects in lines. At the same time there are no the methods, allowing to reveal local defects of isolation in windings of electric motors and to define parameters of these defects (remoteness from the beginning of a winding and size of resistance of isolation in a defect place) in operating conditions.    The report on a work theme is presented at conference by "Day of a science-2010" to DonNTU of chair power plants. Donetsk, DonNTU-2010.
   Researches were spent on the physical model of joining executed on the basis of the electric motor by tension 0,22 кВ which is connected through a cable to the dividing transformer of 0,38/0,22 sq. phases In a winding And strator of electro- engine are executed soldering on in various points which are deduced on special terminalchart of substitution of physical model of joining is resulted on fig. 8.1
Figure 8.1 - chart of substitution of physical model of joining a cable-engine    Treatment parametres of mode (phase currents and tension of phases in relation to the earth) it was carried out by means of an information input equipment in the personal computer which basis is made by payment Е-154 (the maximum integrated nonlinearity of transformation of 0,06 %). In each channel modules of a galvanic outcome and rationing of signals are established. Accuracy of transformation in these modules makes 0,05 %. Table 8.1 - parametres of operating conditions of joining a cable-engine at resistance of defect of isolation 200 Ohm
   The note. The experiences marked with an asterisk, are spent at presence coil short circuits in the middle of a winding stator EM. Number of the become isolated coils of 6 %. The current in the become isolated coils has made 1,4IНОhm/p>    On fig. 8.2 and fig. 8.3 some results of physical modeling of defects of isolation in various points of the cable feeding electric motor are resulted.
Figure 8.2 - module of a current of zero sequence at change of a point of local defect
Figure 8.3 - Phase of a current of zero sequence in relation to a vector of tension UA at change of a point of local defect    Principal cause of nonlinearity of the received dependences is redistribution of capacities of ways of course of currents through sites of a cable which are from the different parties of local defect.    On fig. 8.4 the equivalent circuit of joining a cable-electric motor in the presence of Zdef on remoteness b from the joining beginning is resulted.
Figure 8.4 - Equivalent circuit of joining a cable-electric motor    On the basis of an equivalent circuit resulted on fig. 8.4, the system of the equations describing a current condition is made. As a result of the decision of this system algorithms of definition of remoteness b (fig. 8.5 and 8.6) are received.
Figure 8.5 - Algorithm of definition of remoteness b at known Zdef
Figure 8.6 - Algorithm of definition of remoteness b at not unknown person Zdef    In tab. 8.2 results of remoteness on the algorithm represented on fig. 8.5 are resulted. Table 8.2 - Error of definition of remoteness b to a point of local defect (Rdef=200 the Ohm) in a winding статора the electric motor, %
At writing of the given abstract a master’s work has not been finished yet. Date of the work’s final end is on December, 1st, 2010. Full text of work and materials on a theme can be received from the author or her supervisor after the named date.
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